Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Iraq Proposes $80 Billion Budget For 2011 - Fin Min

This posting was from the 10th, but I've seen many ask where we stand with the budget.  As far as I can tell, it is right where it says it is at in bold below.....waiting for Parliament's approval.

Iraq Proposes $80 Billion Budget For 2011 - Fin Min

Jan 10, 2011


Iraq has proposed a 2011 budget of 94 trillion Iraqi dinars ($80 billion), compared with last year's budget of $71.3 billion, newly appointed Iraqi Finance Minister Rafie al-Esawi said Monday.

"The draft budget now is in front of the parliament for approval," Esawi told state-run Iraqia television.

About IQD28 trillion will be spent on investment, while IQD66 trillion will be operating expenditure, he said.

Lawmakers usually take days if not weeks before they approve the budget and they usually make changes to it.

Iraqi former finance minister Byan Jabor said last year that the budget would be based on an oil price of $73 a barrel and exports of 2.3 million barrels a day, from last year's target of 2 million barrels a day. Jabor then said that the proposed budget was around $86 billion.

Iraq announced Saturday that its crude oil production capacity has increased by 300,000 barrels a day, to 2.7 million barrels a day, a record high over the last two decades.

Esawi said the government has reduced the budget in order to decrease the deficit from an estimated IQD22 trillion to IQD14 trillion ($12 billion). He gave no explanation as to how the deficit would be reduced.

Last year's budget deficit was estimated at around $19 billion.

The Iraqi government, which is trying to rebuild Iraq after years of war and sanctions, is dependent on oil revenue to fund about 95% of its budget.

-By Hassan Hafidh; Dow Jones Newswires; +962 799 831 831;

Here is another article saying the same:

Cabinet approves the federal budget for 2011

01/12/2010 01/12/2010

وافق مجلس الوزراء بجلسته الاعتيادية 47 في 30/ 11/ 2010 على مشروع قانون الموازنة الاتحادية لجمهورية العراق للسنة المالية 2011 ،وتم إرسالها اليوم الموافق 1-12-2010 إلى مجلس النواب لإقرارها . Council of Ministers approved in its meeting standard 47 30/11/2010 on the draft federal budget law for the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2011, was sent today, 12/01/2010 to the House of Representatives for approval. إذ بلغ أجمالي الإيرادات المقدرة 87 تريليون دينار، بينما بلغت النفقات الكلية 92 تريليون دينار توزعت على النحو الأتي : 28 تريليون دينار للمشاريع الاستثمارية ، 13 تريليون دينار لنفقات الدفاع والأمن ، 12 تريليون دينار نفقات دعم الشرائح الاجتماعية و 7 تريليون دينار لنفقات التربية والتعليم ، 6 تريليون دينار نفقات التعويضات والديون ، 2 تريليون دينار لدعم الشركات العامة والهيئات الممولة ذاتيا ، 3 تريليون للصناعة والطاقة ، 2 تريليون لقطاع التشييد والإسكان والخدمات العامة ، و 494 مليار دينار لقطاع الزراعة ، و 234 مليار دينار لقطاع النقل والمواصلات و 14 تريليون دينار نفقات الوزارات والاداراة العامة والاتحادية والمحلية ، كمل تم تخصيص 2.6 تريليون لمشاريع أعمار المحافظات و الإقليم. With a total estimated income of 87 trillion dinars, while the total expenditures 92 trillion dinars were distributed as follows: 28 trillion dinars for investment projects, 13 trillion dinars for the Defense and security spending 0.12 trillion dinars for support to social sectors and 7 trillion dinars for the expenses of Education 0.6 trillion dinars compensation expenses and debt 0.2 trillion dinars to support public companies and bodies of self-funded 0.3 trillion for the industry and energy 0.2 trillion construction industry, housing and public services, and 494 billion dinars for the agriculture sector, and 234 billion dinars for the transportation sector and 14 trillion dinars expenses of ministries and Aladarap public and federal and local, supplemented 2.6 trillion has been allocated for reconstruction projects and provincial territory.
وتضمنت الموازنة أيضا التخصيصات المقدرة لحصة المحافظات المنتجة والمكررة للنفط والغاز بحدود 1.6 تريليون دينار إضافة إلى تدوير المبالغ المتحققة للمحافظات خلال سنة 2010. The budget also included assignments estimated share of the producing governorates and refined oil and gas up to 1.6 trillion dinars, in addition to recycling the amounts accruing to the provinces during the year 2010.
وقد اعتمد مبلغ 73 دولار كسعر متوقع لسعر البرميل من النفط العراقي المصدر وبمعدل 2.250 مليونين ومائتان وخمسون ألف برميل يوميا . Was adopted by the amount of $ 73 as the rate expected for the price of a barrel of Iraqi oil exported at a rate of 2.250 two and two hundred and fifty thousand barrels per day.
ومن جهة أخرى ، بلغت الدرجات الوظيفية المقترح استحداثها في ملاك الوزارات والدوائر الممولة ذاتيا حوالي 172 ألف درجة وظيفية معظمها لوزارة الداخلية والصحة والتربية والتعليم العالي. On the other hand, amounted to the proposed grades developed in the staffing of ministries and departments self-funded about 172 thousand degrees, and most functional of the Ministry of Interior, Health, Education and Higher Education.
كما تضمنت الموازنة الاستمرار بتخفيض رواتب المناصب العليا والدرجات الخاصة في الرئاسات الثلاث ومجلس القضاء الأعلى . It also included the budget to continue to reduce the salaries of senior and special grades in the three presidencies, the Supreme Judicial Council.

الأمين العام لمجلس الوزراء Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers
علي محسن إسماعيل Ali Mohsen Ismail

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