Hi everyone,
I apologize in advance for not being able to post tomorrow. I will be away from my computer all day and well into the evening tomorrow. So, I will be unable to post anything. Hope you all enjoy your day tomorrow, and I hope tomorrow brings us good news!
Take care!
This blog is all about the rumored revaluation of the Iraqi dinar, or the rumored reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. If you have interesting intel, rumors, or news that you want to share, please feel free. I welcome all views.
I get information from news sites, dinar chat sites, and directly from friends in Skype and Yahoo IMs. I intend to only post important things--not everything. I'll do my best to post unique tidbits you may not find in other sites. Enjoy and follow me!!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
2-22-11 Recap of the day's events/postings
1. CBI auctions
12. Commission for Public Integrity: We have the names of the corrupt leaders of the teams and brigades
Of Interest (rumors that I find of particular interest either because of who said it or because of how I think it relates to what is happening right now):
The Rest (doesn’t mean these are not happening):
1. None
Where Are We At?
1. In government formation news, the National Alliance said there is no linkage between the National Council and the candidates for the security positions. In other words, they said the security positions do not need to be settled prior to the law of the National Council being formalized and aprpoved. Also, the leader of the colation of state law said that Chalabi, a candidate for the Interior posting, will be scrutinized along with other candidates (the List was reported as supporting Chalabi for the Interior posting). He also said Maliki will likely choose figures outside the political agreements to fill the security ministries. He added that al-Hassani, a member of the rule of law, will be chosen by Maliki to fill the Defense portfolio. In related news, a member of the Kurdish bloc reported that Parliament will likely be voting on the 3 security ministries next week
2. Nujaifi announced the formation of 2 commissions of inquiry to find out the fate of the 40 billion dollars withdrawn from the DFI. He also asked the Council of Ministers of the CBI to open accounts immediately for the transfer of funds from the DFI before the first of May. In related news, a deputy from the Kurdish bloc said that Nujaifi ordered the formation of a special committee to investigate the Finance Ministry’s expenditures from the DFI. The article mentions that $34 mil is not accounted for, and the $34 mil was spent by the Finance Ministry with Maliki’s consent. Also, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee and a member of the List said that the leaders of the teams and brigades from the Interior and Defense ministries are accused of corruption. He said that they have the names of the people who stole money and will take legal action against them. He further stated that the names of the people have great influence in the political parties
3. In other news, Parliament approved the draft law on salaries and allowances of the President of the Republic and his deputies, the PM and his deputies, and the ministers and deputy ministers. They also authorized the general secretariate to prepare a draft law that would suspend the custom tariff law until further notice
4. Regarding the demonstrations, the organizers of the upcoming demonstration on the 25th said it will be a peaceful demonstration. They also warned those who might try to incite violence or chaos. They said they will have special committees to carry out delicate inspections to make sure that demonstrators do not carry weapons and that they avoid clashes with Armed Forces. Finally, they reiterated that they do not aim to force the downfall of the regime or target certain political personalities, but they aim to reform the system. In related news, it was reported that many of the deputies who represent the different political blocs traveled out of the country or to their home provinces. The source witnessed many officials and their families at the airport in the last two days. Those who went to their home provinces were supposed to talk with people before the protests on the 25th. Also, it was reported that the airport suspended the granting of visa to enter Iraq effective tomorrow. There was no reason given, and there is no date for when they will resume granting of visas
5. In budget news, a member of the Iraqi Greens said he was surprised that funds were not allocated from the budget for the Law of the National Council for Higher Strategic policy, and he noted that this didn’t fit with the Arbil agreements. He said that the non-allocation of funds is due to lack of satisfying some of the parties involved in the political process of this legislation on the grounds that he would oppose the powers of Maliki. He said they must adhere to the promises they made to the Iraqi people and that they need to stop procrastinating on forming the National Council
6. Regarding rumors, someone posted something about the RV this week or never. The person explains that Iraqi politicians have watched the events unfolding in the surrounding countries and have had plenty of time to complete all necessary details for the RV announcement, but they haven’t. He/she states that if there was ever a reason to believe they are facing an emergency situation, this is it and that the RV might be able to save the government. He/she goes on to say that we are looking at an RV for this week or never. Night thinks that Maliki is out of power and was told that the ball is totally in Shabibi’s hands. He says that no matter what happens in the demonstration of the 25th, the RV will go through this time. He also reiterated that if Maliki is removed from his PM post, Allawi will step in and form a government within 48 hours. Night’s sources are even more sure the RV will be in the $3 range since Shabibi is in control and has stated that the will adjust the exchange rate to stay in line with the budget. Frank also commented on what Shabibi said, but he added a little more color to it by saying that Shabibi is saying that the rate is late and that Shabibi will have to make the RV compatible with the budget. Frank also suggests that Shabibi hints that he wants to give the rate over the weekend. Frank is also of the belief that Maliki already turned over the 3 names for the security ministry, and he noted an article where it mentioned the Interior and Defense ministers were working on security for the demonstrations on the 25th. He also said that Maliki is the cause of all the delays and that the “powers that be” are sending him a message. Delta received a call from someone close to the CBI. He was told that Friday may be a day of celebration
What’s left?
1. Vote on the budget – Done!
2. Closure on Security positions (3 in total)
3. Formal announcement of government
4. Agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues (I believe this is done)
5. Lifting of remaining Chapter 7 sanctions (Kuwait related)
6. RV/RI
7. HCL
Important Dates
1. February 17 – GCC Meeting (no news of this yet)
2. February 20 – Vote on the budget – Done!
3. February (sometime after the budget is voted on) – Parliament votes on the National Council of Supreme policies
4. February 25 -- Large demonstration
5. February 28 – Constitutional deadline to form government
6. March 1 – Foreign Exchange Commission says sales of dinar must cease
7. March 29-30 – Arab Summit
8. May 1 – CBI must have transfer DFI monies
9. May 22 – Presidential order 13303 expires
10. June 30 – DFI expires
What’s It All Mean?
1. Today seemed like witch hunt day! Nujaifi set off a fire storm, and I doubt that even Maliki will be able to stop it. If there is one thing that Nujaifi has shown me, it is that he means business and he means what he says. He is behind the investigations that will turn up all those responsible for stealing from the government. He gave orders and a timeline, and I have no doubt he will execute on that plan. If I were a bad guy, I think I’d pack my bags, leave the country, and never return. Night said they would begin to release news of corruption and those responsible. We’re definitely beginning to see this
2. Regarding government formation news, without Parliament meeting this week, we can’t expect them to fill the 3 security positions and get them voted on. If the security positions are done as some are saying, then of course, we only need to see an announcement of the GOI followed by the RV. There is also Allawi’s position that needs to be settled. Today’s news still shows there is disagreement between Allawi and Maliki on the National Council. Until these two either come to an agreement, or are forced to come to agreement, the bickering and deal breaking will continue as it has for so long now. In either case, if it is true they need a full government to RV and they must RV by 3/1, they both don’t have many days left. So let’s hope we see ground breaking progress on this within the next few days
3. On the demonstrations, I agree with what the person said regarding the demonstration on the 25th. It doesn’t matter what their best intents are, if the demonstrators show up in anywhere near the numbers estimated, there is no way they will be able to control the chaos and violence that will break out. It will only take one bad apple, and we know there are many there, to spark off a huge flame in that environment. Those politicians that left the country with their families were smart. Could this turn into a celebration instead due to an RV announcement? Maybe, but that would require that the government is truly finished, and it would require them to announce the government prior to the demonstration. If they were smart, they won’t wait until the day of the demonstration to do this
4. Regarding rumors, I think the reality of our situation is somewhere in between what the person wrote about the RV this week or never and Night’s information. We’re seeing a lot of negative news these days, and most of it is focused around what may happen should the demonstrations go south in a bad way. It’s easy to see why one would think that if they don’t RV this week, they will never RV. However, there are good things going on that is being overshadowed by the news of the upcoming demonstration. Look at all the work the US Treasury Department is doing to help them grow their banking and finance sector, their economy, and to help them move towards a market economy. They’ve been there for days and Night says they aren’t leaving until they RV. He said they are there to ensure it happens. If the US really believed this country offered no promise whatsoever, they wouldn’t invest their money, resources, and time to help it rejoin the world community in a capacity that allows them to freely trade globally. The RV will happen despite what happens with the demonstration on the 25th, just as Night suggests. Often, we look at what is given to us in the news as well as from rumors and set artificial deadlines for them to finish the RV. Someone knows the date, but it clearly isn’t any one of us. That said, and given all that is going on, it doesn’t seem that we’re in a situation where it will never happen if it doesn’t happen by this Friday. That, of course, is just my opinion.
2-22-11 Najaf Airport suspends visa’s beginning tomorrow; Likely due to demonstrations
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1. An airline source said they are suspending the granting of visas to enter Iraq, effective tomorrow with no date on when they would resume
2. Security did not give reasons for the suspension
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. An airline source said they are suspending the granting of visas to enter Iraq, effective tomorrow with no date on when they would resume
2. Security did not give reasons for the suspension
2-22-11 Commission for Public Integrity: We have the names of the corrupt leaders of the teams and brigades
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee and a member of the List said that the leaders of the teams and brigades from the Interior and Defense are accused of corruption
2. The Integrity Commission confirmed that there will be a proposal to parliament that provides cancellation of paragraph (b) of the Code of criminal courts, which prevents the arrest of the Accounting Officer without the consent of the administrator
3. He said that the Integrity Committee will be neutral and not inclined toward a particular party
4. He also said it will not decline the right of the Iraqi citizen and will open a number of corrupt files
5. He said they have many names of those who stole money and would take legal action against them
6. He revealed that these names have great influence in political parties, including the leaders of the teams and brigades in the defense and interior ministries, and they are responsible for a large amount of theft
7. The Chairman of the Committee spoke of the protests and demonstration, which are mostly due to financial and administrative corruption
8. He said their committee must play a big role and that most of the state is accused of corruption
9. Araji revealed that the 3 presidencies, members of parliament, the government, and provinces were asked to submit their documents within a period not exceeding 4 weeks
10. If they are late, they will be punished
11. The Commission will announce within 2 months a full report of corruption along with the names of the corrupt after its investigation, and they will provide evidence of the corruption of both former and current officials
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee and a member of the List said that the leaders of the teams and brigades from the Interior and Defense are accused of corruption
2. The Integrity Commission confirmed that there will be a proposal to parliament that provides cancellation of paragraph (b) of the Code of criminal courts, which prevents the arrest of the Accounting Officer without the consent of the administrator
3. He said that the Integrity Committee will be neutral and not inclined toward a particular party
4. He also said it will not decline the right of the Iraqi citizen and will open a number of corrupt files
5. He said they have many names of those who stole money and would take legal action against them
6. He revealed that these names have great influence in political parties, including the leaders of the teams and brigades in the defense and interior ministries, and they are responsible for a large amount of theft
7. The Chairman of the Committee spoke of the protests and demonstration, which are mostly due to financial and administrative corruption
8. He said their committee must play a big role and that most of the state is accused of corruption
9. Araji revealed that the 3 presidencies, members of parliament, the government, and provinces were asked to submit their documents within a period not exceeding 4 weeks
10. If they are late, they will be punished
11. The Commission will announce within 2 months a full report of corruption along with the names of the corrupt after its investigation, and they will provide evidence of the corruption of both former and current officials
2-22-11 Amid Iraq demonstrations; 25 ministers and deputies flee while other return to their hometowns
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A political source said many of the deputies who represent the different political blocs traveled yesterday after the parliamentary session
2. Also, a number of ministers plan to leave today after a cabinet meeting
3. They are either traveling out of the country, or to their home provinces to talk to the people before the protests on the 25th
4. The source witnessed many officials and their families at the airport in the past 2 days
5. Much of the remainder of this article focused on news already reported
6. Yesterday saw the first fall of the first fatality in Tahrir Square
7. Observers warned of an escalation of this event and said the Iraqi people could cause the collapse of the entire political process if there is bloodshed in abundance in Baghdad
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A political source said many of the deputies who represent the different political blocs traveled yesterday after the parliamentary session
2. Also, a number of ministers plan to leave today after a cabinet meeting
3. They are either traveling out of the country, or to their home provinces to talk to the people before the protests on the 25th
4. The source witnessed many officials and their families at the airport in the past 2 days
5. Much of the remainder of this article focused on news already reported
6. Yesterday saw the first fall of the first fatality in Tahrir Square
7. Observers warned of an escalation of this event and said the Iraqi people could cause the collapse of the entire political process if there is bloodshed in abundance in Baghdad
2-22-11 Jal-Jaff: DFI Missing Funds spent by Finance Ministry with Maliki’s consent
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on TCN
1. A Kurdistan Bloc Coalition deputy said today that Nujaifi has ordered the formation of a special committee to investigate the Finance Ministry's expenditure from the DFI in 2010
2. $34 mil taken from the DFI has not been accounted for
3. The $34 mil was spent by the Finance Ministry with the consent of Maliki
Night mentioned that news such as this pointing the finger at Maliki would begin to surface. I've seen a few now.
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on TCN
1. A Kurdistan Bloc Coalition deputy said today that Nujaifi has ordered the formation of a special committee to investigate the Finance Ministry's expenditure from the DFI in 2010
2. $34 mil taken from the DFI has not been accounted for
3. The $34 mil was spent by the Finance Ministry with the consent of Maliki
Night mentioned that news such as this pointing the finger at Maliki would begin to surface. I've seen a few now.
2-22-11 KTF Missions Conference Call Notes 2/21/11
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DD
1. The budget was completed before Sunday
2. Maliki handed over the 3 ministers and the GOI was complete, but no articles said this
3. Frank says do not pay attention to the articles
4. They have Iraqia TV, which is the voice of the GOI
5. An article came out saying that the Minister of the Interior and Defense were helping in the security ministries
6. It says they are busy working in the GOI and areas for Friday the 25th
7. They are playing games to not show who has the actual seats
8. Why are they hiding this? Because they would have to say there is a complete GOI
9. The rate of 1170 can't remain at this level and has to be changed to balance the budget
10. Shabibi is saying the rate is late
11. He is saying he will make the RV compatible with the budget
12. He is hinting now that over the weekend he wants to give the rate
13. Maliki did turn over the 3 names and they are working now to prepare for the defence of the 25th protests
14. What is happening this Friday was planned long ago....a year ago
15. The situation in the ME was caused by someone, but who?
16. They could have started this a long time ago
17. The powers that be had enough and the situation in the ME started happening
18. Maliki got scared and said get it down now
19. He asked do something to protect us on Friday 25th
20. The GOI this Friday will be slapped by the Iraqi people and those in charge
21. The North East tell us they have handed over everything and its done
22. The whole ME is looking at Iraq and they need to be slapped this Friday
23. They will be severely taken care of this Friday
24. Since January this has been going on and the people are telling the GOI each day "you promised this to us" and they are asking about their dinars
25. Frank points out that Maliki is the main reason for all the delays in the plan and the authors are trying to send him a stern message
26. Obama is not part of the plan, nor is the author of the plan
27. The HCL and Article 140 are not needed for the RI/RV per Frank
28. There is nothing left to do but release the rate, and Shabibi said yesterday that he does want to do this
29. Delta said that Condi Rice said that soon the people will thank Bush for what he did in Iraq
30. Delta said he is from the ME and that people do not have the guts to do what is going on right now in the ME. So, something powerful is pushing what is going on
31. In December, a friend told him this kind of thing could go on, and he didn't believe him
32. Shabibi's statement of adjusting the exchange rate to follow the budget is the first time he has said that in 6 years
33. Part of the budget deals with investments that are tied to contracts, which means they must have a tradable currency or they cannot implement that part of the investment
34. To activate the investments, they must have a tradable currency
35. TV said all the ministries must start hiring now
36. They must use dinar for the budget, and they need money to activate part of the new budget
37. The US government paid for everything in the past, and Iraq paid for nothing to rebuild their country as they never had money
38. This year the MOF said to the CBI they need 25 bil dinar to hire new people and the money supply is only about 25 tril
39. It took 6 years to collect 85% of that and if Shabibi sells the 3 denominations to pay for that, it would be suicide for Iraq...inflation will go sky high
40. Shabibi has to adjust the rate--it's a fact that he has to do this--or there will be big problems
41. Parliament met last night and the article said the the President said he is expecting Maliki within 2 days to bring the rest of the ministers to Parliament
42. But fighting broke out in Parliament
43. Delta feels it was planned and the meeting was postponed until next Monday
44. Maliki said demonstrations have to have permits from the GOI and he ordered all the ministers to go to their cities and see what is going on and what the problems are
45. Delta got a call yesterday from someone very close to the CBI
46. They said its possible that the demonstrations might turn to celebration on Friday
47. Maliki said 3 weeks ago that he would bring the 3 ministries to parliament and that he was just following orders, and that he would not do it until he was given the green light
48. In Delta's opinion, they have 24-48 hours from Monday to RV
49. Frank says a message has to be sent to 2 countries: Iran and Iraq
50. February 25th is independence day for Kuwait
51. Delta said they were happy on TV about the budget and that the CBI said it is ok for parliament to borrow money from the CBI
52. Delta says the GOI is done but not official yet
53. He said they need to get a green light and get a background check on 2 of the security ministers before they put them in
54. They have to RV no later than March 1
55. Delta said that the news of Maliki running to Kuwait is misinformation. He is implying that someone doesn't want to see Iraq succeed. So, they are the ones responsible for those articles
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DD
1. The budget was completed before Sunday
2. Maliki handed over the 3 ministers and the GOI was complete, but no articles said this
3. Frank says do not pay attention to the articles
4. They have Iraqia TV, which is the voice of the GOI
5. An article came out saying that the Minister of the Interior and Defense were helping in the security ministries
6. It says they are busy working in the GOI and areas for Friday the 25th
7. They are playing games to not show who has the actual seats
8. Why are they hiding this? Because they would have to say there is a complete GOI
9. The rate of 1170 can't remain at this level and has to be changed to balance the budget
10. Shabibi is saying the rate is late
11. He is saying he will make the RV compatible with the budget
12. He is hinting now that over the weekend he wants to give the rate
13. Maliki did turn over the 3 names and they are working now to prepare for the defence of the 25th protests
14. What is happening this Friday was planned long ago....a year ago
15. The situation in the ME was caused by someone, but who?
16. They could have started this a long time ago
17. The powers that be had enough and the situation in the ME started happening
18. Maliki got scared and said get it down now
19. He asked do something to protect us on Friday 25th
20. The GOI this Friday will be slapped by the Iraqi people and those in charge
21. The North East tell us they have handed over everything and its done
22. The whole ME is looking at Iraq and they need to be slapped this Friday
23. They will be severely taken care of this Friday
24. Since January this has been going on and the people are telling the GOI each day "you promised this to us" and they are asking about their dinars
25. Frank points out that Maliki is the main reason for all the delays in the plan and the authors are trying to send him a stern message
26. Obama is not part of the plan, nor is the author of the plan
27. The HCL and Article 140 are not needed for the RI/RV per Frank
28. There is nothing left to do but release the rate, and Shabibi said yesterday that he does want to do this
29. Delta said that Condi Rice said that soon the people will thank Bush for what he did in Iraq
30. Delta said he is from the ME and that people do not have the guts to do what is going on right now in the ME. So, something powerful is pushing what is going on
31. In December, a friend told him this kind of thing could go on, and he didn't believe him
32. Shabibi's statement of adjusting the exchange rate to follow the budget is the first time he has said that in 6 years
33. Part of the budget deals with investments that are tied to contracts, which means they must have a tradable currency or they cannot implement that part of the investment
34. To activate the investments, they must have a tradable currency
35. TV said all the ministries must start hiring now
36. They must use dinar for the budget, and they need money to activate part of the new budget
37. The US government paid for everything in the past, and Iraq paid for nothing to rebuild their country as they never had money
38. This year the MOF said to the CBI they need 25 bil dinar to hire new people and the money supply is only about 25 tril
39. It took 6 years to collect 85% of that and if Shabibi sells the 3 denominations to pay for that, it would be suicide for Iraq...inflation will go sky high
40. Shabibi has to adjust the rate--it's a fact that he has to do this--or there will be big problems
41. Parliament met last night and the article said the the President said he is expecting Maliki within 2 days to bring the rest of the ministers to Parliament
42. But fighting broke out in Parliament
43. Delta feels it was planned and the meeting was postponed until next Monday
44. Maliki said demonstrations have to have permits from the GOI and he ordered all the ministers to go to their cities and see what is going on and what the problems are
45. Delta got a call yesterday from someone very close to the CBI
46. They said its possible that the demonstrations might turn to celebration on Friday
47. Maliki said 3 weeks ago that he would bring the 3 ministries to parliament and that he was just following orders, and that he would not do it until he was given the green light
48. In Delta's opinion, they have 24-48 hours from Monday to RV
49. Frank says a message has to be sent to 2 countries: Iran and Iraq
50. February 25th is independence day for Kuwait
51. Delta said they were happy on TV about the budget and that the CBI said it is ok for parliament to borrow money from the CBI
52. Delta says the GOI is done but not official yet
53. He said they need to get a green light and get a background check on 2 of the security ministers before they put them in
54. They have to RV no later than March 1
55. Delta said that the news of Maliki running to Kuwait is misinformation. He is implying that someone doesn't want to see Iraq succeed. So, they are the ones responsible for those articles
2-22-11 nighthk11 11:10pm ct 2/21/11 From another site
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on 1 Dinar (membership required)
1. Night thinks that Maliki is afraid and out of power
2. He was told that the ball is totally in Shabibi's court
3. Night hopes Tuesday in Iraq will be our day
4. He said no matter what happens with the demonstrations, the RV will go through this time
5. The 5 year plan that has been referenced in the news lately was designed to activate the private sector, and we are supposed to be at the end of the plan, which requires internationalization of the dinar
6. They must RV to complete the plan so that contracts for revitalization can be paid for
7. From what Night was told yesterday, we're just waiting on Shabibi and the activation should be forthcoming
8. Night was looking to hear something last night or early morning today about the "change"
9. Night does not know what Shabibi is waiting for, but mentioned it could be because Parliament went into their districts to inform people in person of the RV
10. If so, then they are trying to diffuse the situation they created
11. Maliki and his government caused a lot of issue that if enacted by the people will bring the country to a stand still
12. The train engineers are refusing to work along with tax drivers. Soon it will be other government workers
13. If they follow through in Kurdistan with stopping the oil, they are really in trouble
14. If Maliki is ousted, the plan that the "powers" approved is to have Allawi step in and a government formed within 48 hours
15. Maliki's request for safety in Kuwait should tell all that his power is just about gone and he is expecting to be blamed for the country's ills
16. It should also tell you he is either planning to step down or been told that at some point in the future this will be expected
17. Without the support of Obama/Biden/UNSC/Secretary General, he cannot remain and many in parliament (Allawi and the List) want him gone
18. Night was told a month ago that the powers have had their fill of Maliki
19. The RV will come this week
20. Night believes that Kuwait agreed to help Maliki because they know Allawi will take over and he has a large Sunni support base (the Emir of Kuwait supported him too)
21. Night thinks the news of Maliki plotting an escape was leaked by Allawi's guys after the ambassador from Kuwait informed him
22. Now that the news of his escape is out, he may as well just resign because any credibility he had is gone
23. None of Night's contacts have changed their minds regarding the RV and rate of 3+
24. They are even more sure now since Shabibi stated that he would have to "adjust the exchange rate" to stay in line with the budget
25. Night does not buy the $.30 rate Ali may have mentioned
26. $.30 will do nothing for Iraq; they have billions in contracts to pay for...it will not suffice
27. In addition to their wealth ($50 bil in reserves, of which they only need 15% to support the RV) aside from oil indicates they can support much more than $.30
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on 1 Dinar (membership required)
1. Night thinks that Maliki is afraid and out of power
2. He was told that the ball is totally in Shabibi's court
3. Night hopes Tuesday in Iraq will be our day
4. He said no matter what happens with the demonstrations, the RV will go through this time
5. The 5 year plan that has been referenced in the news lately was designed to activate the private sector, and we are supposed to be at the end of the plan, which requires internationalization of the dinar
6. They must RV to complete the plan so that contracts for revitalization can be paid for
7. From what Night was told yesterday, we're just waiting on Shabibi and the activation should be forthcoming
8. Night was looking to hear something last night or early morning today about the "change"
9. Night does not know what Shabibi is waiting for, but mentioned it could be because Parliament went into their districts to inform people in person of the RV
10. If so, then they are trying to diffuse the situation they created
11. Maliki and his government caused a lot of issue that if enacted by the people will bring the country to a stand still
12. The train engineers are refusing to work along with tax drivers. Soon it will be other government workers
13. If they follow through in Kurdistan with stopping the oil, they are really in trouble
14. If Maliki is ousted, the plan that the "powers" approved is to have Allawi step in and a government formed within 48 hours
15. Maliki's request for safety in Kuwait should tell all that his power is just about gone and he is expecting to be blamed for the country's ills
16. It should also tell you he is either planning to step down or been told that at some point in the future this will be expected
17. Without the support of Obama/Biden/UNSC/Secretary General, he cannot remain and many in parliament (Allawi and the List) want him gone
18. Night was told a month ago that the powers have had their fill of Maliki
19. The RV will come this week
20. Night believes that Kuwait agreed to help Maliki because they know Allawi will take over and he has a large Sunni support base (the Emir of Kuwait supported him too)
21. Night thinks the news of Maliki plotting an escape was leaked by Allawi's guys after the ambassador from Kuwait informed him
22. Now that the news of his escape is out, he may as well just resign because any credibility he had is gone
23. None of Night's contacts have changed their minds regarding the RV and rate of 3+
24. They are even more sure now since Shabibi stated that he would have to "adjust the exchange rate" to stay in line with the budget
25. Night does not buy the $.30 rate Ali may have mentioned
26. $.30 will do nothing for Iraq; they have billions in contracts to pay for...it will not suffice
27. In addition to their wealth ($50 bil in reserves, of which they only need 15% to support the RV) aside from oil indicates they can support much more than $.30
2-22-11 MP Mahdi: Surprised budget did not allocate funds for National Council for Strategic Policy
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1. A member of the Iraqi Greens was surprised that funds were not allocated from the budget for the Law of the National Council for Higher strategic policy, and he noted that this didn't fit with the agreement in Arbil
2. He said that the non-allocation of the funds is due to lack of satisfying some of the parties involved in the political process of this legislation on the grounds that he would oppose the powers of Maliki
3. He added that the time for the enactment of the National Council has taken too long and the masses want to get away from procrastination
4. He said they must adhere to the promises they made to the Iraqi people
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1. A member of the Iraqi Greens was surprised that funds were not allocated from the budget for the Law of the National Council for Higher strategic policy, and he noted that this didn't fit with the agreement in Arbil
2. He said that the non-allocation of the funds is due to lack of satisfying some of the parties involved in the political process of this legislation on the grounds that he would oppose the powers of Maliki
3. He added that the time for the enactment of the National Council has taken too long and the masses want to get away from procrastination
4. He said they must adhere to the promises they made to the Iraqi people
2-22-11 MP Sadoun: Important legislation (laws) in the coming days; Security ministries next week
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1. A member of the Kurdish coalition forces said there is a lot of important legislation that will be seen in the coming days because Parliament has reached a degree of success
2. He said that Parliament should vote on the 3 security ministry positions next week
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1. A member of the Kurdish coalition forces said there is a lot of important legislation that will be seen in the coming days because Parliament has reached a degree of success
2. He said that Parliament should vote on the 3 security ministry positions next week
2-22-11 Iraq List supports the NA’s nomination of Chalabi as Interior Minister
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1. The List announced today their support for the nomination of Chalabi for the Interior Minister, while confirming the right to choose for the Ministry of Defense
2. An MP from the List referred to the political agreement to ensure that the National Alliance was responsible for nominating a candidate for the Ministry of the Interior, and he indicated that Chalabi was well qualified
3. He said that the Lists' basis for the nomination of the National Alliance of Chalabi is the right to nominate any candidate selected for the Ministry of Defense
4. Leaks indicate that the state law, led by Maliki, strongly favors al-Asadi for the interior ministry, but Asadi faces rejection by the Sadrists and the List
5. The sources said Maliki will not accept any form of nomination for Chalabi for the Interior
6. Chalabi is also a candidate for the Ministry of Planning, which is still vacant
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1. The List announced today their support for the nomination of Chalabi for the Interior Minister, while confirming the right to choose for the Ministry of Defense
2. An MP from the List referred to the political agreement to ensure that the National Alliance was responsible for nominating a candidate for the Ministry of the Interior, and he indicated that Chalabi was well qualified
3. He said that the Lists' basis for the nomination of the National Alliance of Chalabi is the right to nominate any candidate selected for the Ministry of Defense
4. Leaks indicate that the state law, led by Maliki, strongly favors al-Asadi for the interior ministry, but Asadi faces rejection by the Sadrists and the List
5. The sources said Maliki will not accept any form of nomination for Chalabi for the Interior
6. Chalabi is also a candidate for the Ministry of Planning, which is still vacant
2-22-11 Feb. 25th demonstration will be of "peaceful nature," their organizers say:
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1. The organizers of the demonstrations scheduled on the 25th have reaffirmed their "peaceful nature" and warned against "sneakers" expected to join the demonstrators
2. In a statement addressed to the Iraqi Youth, the organizers called on them to participate in the demonstrations provided "they keep a peaceful and civilized nature" as well as "protect the public and private properties and prevent any type of corrupt acts"
3. They called for the formation of special committees to carry out delicate inspections to make sure that demonstrators do not carry weapons and that they avoid classes with Armed Forces
4. They warned from sneaking in the demonstrations by supporters of Iraq's former Baath regime, terrorists, hypocrats who trade in the name of religion and politics
5. They called for opening the doors for all national trends and individuals believing in freedom, justice, and genuine democracy
6. They warned against raising "strange and tucked slogans" such as "Death for Democracy" charging that those parties would exploirt the mischief of masses from distorted practices
7. A source close to the parties that called for the demonstrations said carrying slogans such as "Baghdad won't become Qandahar", or "Shall we keep silent", "without silence", and the "Blue Iraqi Revolution", have met under the motto "February Youth" to express the peaceful nature of the demonstrations
8. A statement, a copy of which was received by Aswat al-Iraq on Monday, warned from clains that "Young groups would break through the Green Zone and try to force the downfall of the current government"
9. It was reiterated that the demonstration does not aim to force the downfall of the regime or target certain political personalities, but aims to reform the current system
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1. The organizers of the demonstrations scheduled on the 25th have reaffirmed their "peaceful nature" and warned against "sneakers" expected to join the demonstrators
2. In a statement addressed to the Iraqi Youth, the organizers called on them to participate in the demonstrations provided "they keep a peaceful and civilized nature" as well as "protect the public and private properties and prevent any type of corrupt acts"
3. They called for the formation of special committees to carry out delicate inspections to make sure that demonstrators do not carry weapons and that they avoid classes with Armed Forces
4. They warned from sneaking in the demonstrations by supporters of Iraq's former Baath regime, terrorists, hypocrats who trade in the name of religion and politics
5. They called for opening the doors for all national trends and individuals believing in freedom, justice, and genuine democracy
6. They warned against raising "strange and tucked slogans" such as "Death for Democracy" charging that those parties would exploirt the mischief of masses from distorted practices
7. A source close to the parties that called for the demonstrations said carrying slogans such as "Baghdad won't become Qandahar", or "Shall we keep silent", "without silence", and the "Blue Iraqi Revolution", have met under the motto "February Youth" to express the peaceful nature of the demonstrations
8. A statement, a copy of which was received by Aswat al-Iraq on Monday, warned from clains that "Young groups would break through the Green Zone and try to force the downfall of the current government"
9. It was reiterated that the demonstration does not aim to force the downfall of the regime or target certain political personalities, but aims to reform the current system
2-22-11 The Government agrees on the Law of the salaries and allowances of the President of the Republic and his deputies
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1. Iraqi's government announced in an extraordinary session held on Monday that they approved the draft law on salaries and allowances of the President of the Republic (Talabani) and his deputies, the PM and his deputies, and the ministers and deputy ministers
2. They also authorized the general secretariat of the Council of Ministers to prepare a draft law that would suspend the custom tariff law until further notice
Parliament approves laws. I guess they decided to work yesterday. I wonder if they'll continue meeting throughout the week despite Nujaifi's announcement they will not meet until the 28th?
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1. Iraqi's government announced in an extraordinary session held on Monday that they approved the draft law on salaries and allowances of the President of the Republic (Talabani) and his deputies, the PM and his deputies, and the ministers and deputy ministers
2. They also authorized the general secretariat of the Council of Ministers to prepare a draft law that would suspend the custom tariff law until further notice
Parliament approves laws. I guess they decided to work yesterday. I wonder if they'll continue meeting throughout the week despite Nujaifi's announcement they will not meet until the 28th?
2-22-11 Final Minister Position News Tuesday February 22nd
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1. The leader of the coalition of state law said the candidate's national ministry of the interior (Chalabi) will be subject to evaluation with other candidates to win the conviction of Maliki, who will likely at the same time be choosing figures outside the political agreements to fill the security ministries
2. Chalabi was officially nominated for the ministry of the interior by the National Alliance and the coalition of the Kurdish blocs
3. Aqeel Turaihi and Adnan al-Asadi are also candidates, but they both have not received Maliki's conviction and there is a reservation from some of the political blocs, most notably the List
4. It was pointed out that Chalabi has economic and administrative experience, but the position requires a military person to manage the interior ministry
5. The political blocs agreed under the Barzani initiatives and agreements that the National Alliance would receive the minister of interior posting in exchange for the List to fill the defense portfolio, but Maliki stressed that the person is an independent candidate
6. Most likely, al-Hassani, a member of the rule of law, will be chosen by Maliki to fill the defense portfolio
7. It was pointed out that Maliki is currently running all security ministries and that the factions have not yet reached agreement on the security positions: the interior, defense, and the director of intelligence
8. Another member of the state of law said that some of the reasons for the delays are related to the nominees not having the experience required and not being independent in their work
9. He explained that the problem of determining the security positions will not take long for Maliki, and said there are preparations for a meeting between council members and leaders to reach a decision on the positions
10. He said it is not permissible for anyone to deal in accordance with their wishes with the events because there is an agreement and constitutional norm that needs to be adhered to
As much as I don't want to believe the items in bold have truth to it, it is clear that Maliki's actions support what is being said. This is one of the causes of problems between Maliki and Allawi regarding the Defense Ministry. What's interesting is to see the state of law member say "there is an agreement" that needs to be adhered to. Yet, it is clear from what was said above that Maliki doesn't intend to stick with the agreements. It says it's likely he'll choose someone outside of the agreements.
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on 1 Dinar (membership required)
1. The leader of the coalition of state law said the candidate's national ministry of the interior (Chalabi) will be subject to evaluation with other candidates to win the conviction of Maliki, who will likely at the same time be choosing figures outside the political agreements to fill the security ministries
2. Chalabi was officially nominated for the ministry of the interior by the National Alliance and the coalition of the Kurdish blocs
3. Aqeel Turaihi and Adnan al-Asadi are also candidates, but they both have not received Maliki's conviction and there is a reservation from some of the political blocs, most notably the List
4. It was pointed out that Chalabi has economic and administrative experience, but the position requires a military person to manage the interior ministry
5. The political blocs agreed under the Barzani initiatives and agreements that the National Alliance would receive the minister of interior posting in exchange for the List to fill the defense portfolio, but Maliki stressed that the person is an independent candidate
6. Most likely, al-Hassani, a member of the rule of law, will be chosen by Maliki to fill the defense portfolio
7. It was pointed out that Maliki is currently running all security ministries and that the factions have not yet reached agreement on the security positions: the interior, defense, and the director of intelligence
8. Another member of the state of law said that some of the reasons for the delays are related to the nominees not having the experience required and not being independent in their work
9. He explained that the problem of determining the security positions will not take long for Maliki, and said there are preparations for a meeting between council members and leaders to reach a decision on the positions
10. He said it is not permissible for anyone to deal in accordance with their wishes with the events because there is an agreement and constitutional norm that needs to be adhered to
As much as I don't want to believe the items in bold have truth to it, it is clear that Maliki's actions support what is being said. This is one of the causes of problems between Maliki and Allawi regarding the Defense Ministry. What's interesting is to see the state of law member say "there is an agreement" that needs to be adhered to. Yet, it is clear from what was said above that Maliki doesn't intend to stick with the agreements. It says it's likely he'll choose someone outside of the agreements.
2-22-11 RV THIS WEEK OR NEVER? 2-21-2011
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1. If the RV card ever existed, this is the ultimate time to play it
2. Maliki is fearful that his government may soon collapse
3. Only a fool would believe otherwise
4. Articles indicated he went to Kuwait to secure the safety of he and his family in the event that this week's protests turn violent
5. Logic would assume that if he were concerned, he would have made seating the 3 security ministers a priority at any cost
6. But, he did not and Parliament has adjourned for a week
7. These are hardly indications of an imminent RV
8. Although the intent for Friday's demonstration is to have peaceful demonstrations, the end result will likely be anything but peaceful
9. It is likely that terrorist or religious fanatics will infiltrate the event and insight chaos and violence
10. If that happens, the stability required for something as critical and complex as an RV will be a long time coming
11. If the RV were close, they would have found a way to make it happen BEFORE the protest situation gets out of hand
12. They've watched the events unfolding in neighboring countries for several weeks now, and have had plenty of time to complete all necessary details for the RV announcement
13. If there were a reason to believe that they are facing an emergency situation, this is it
14. If anything can save the GOI and lead to progress and a stable democracy, this is their best opportunity
15. We are looking at this week week, or never
16. The next few days should be very interesting
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on J4D (membership required)
1. If the RV card ever existed, this is the ultimate time to play it
2. Maliki is fearful that his government may soon collapse
3. Only a fool would believe otherwise
4. Articles indicated he went to Kuwait to secure the safety of he and his family in the event that this week's protests turn violent
5. Logic would assume that if he were concerned, he would have made seating the 3 security ministers a priority at any cost
6. But, he did not and Parliament has adjourned for a week
7. These are hardly indications of an imminent RV
8. Although the intent for Friday's demonstration is to have peaceful demonstrations, the end result will likely be anything but peaceful
9. It is likely that terrorist or religious fanatics will infiltrate the event and insight chaos and violence
10. If that happens, the stability required for something as critical and complex as an RV will be a long time coming
11. If the RV were close, they would have found a way to make it happen BEFORE the protest situation gets out of hand
12. They've watched the events unfolding in neighboring countries for several weeks now, and have had plenty of time to complete all necessary details for the RV announcement
13. If there were a reason to believe that they are facing an emergency situation, this is it
14. If anything can save the GOI and lead to progress and a stable democracy, this is their best opportunity
15. We are looking at this week week, or never
16. The next few days should be very interesting
2-22-11 House of Representatives investigating disappearance of $40 billion of DFI
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1. Nujaifi announced the formation of two commissions of inquiry to find out the fate of 40 billion dollars withdrawn from the DFI
2. He said the money is disbursed in a certain direction but does not appear in their accounts and the Council of Representatives will investigate the legal disbursement of funds
3. He asked the Council of Ministers of the CBI to open accounts immediately for the transfer of funds from the DFI before the first of May as well as the completion of the agreement on the mechanism that will withhold 5% of the compensation approved by the UN for Kuwait
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1. Nujaifi announced the formation of two commissions of inquiry to find out the fate of 40 billion dollars withdrawn from the DFI
2. He said the money is disbursed in a certain direction but does not appear in their accounts and the Council of Representatives will investigate the legal disbursement of funds
3. He asked the Council of Ministers of the CBI to open accounts immediately for the transfer of funds from the DFI before the first of May as well as the completion of the agreement on the mechanism that will withhold 5% of the compensation approved by the UN for Kuwait
2-22-11 NA Faleh: Adoption of the National Council candidates linked to the security ministries
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1. The National Alliance said there is no correlation between the law of the National Council and the candidates for the security ministries
2. The law of the National Council does not require the settlement of the security ministries
3. He added that the delay in approving the law of the National Council is caused by the signing of the decision of the number of people who are the leaders of the political parties
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1. The National Alliance said there is no correlation between the law of the National Council and the candidates for the security ministries
2. The law of the National Council does not require the settlement of the security ministries
3. He added that the delay in approving the law of the National Council is caused by the signing of the decision of the number of people who are the leaders of the political parties
2-22-11 CBI auction results
Currency Auctions
Announcement No. (1840)
The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 22-FEB-2011. The results were as follows:DETAILS | NOTES |
Number of banks | 20 |
Auction price selling dinar / US$ | 1170 |
Auction price buying dinar / US$ | ----- |
Amount sold at auction price (US$) | 165,534,000 |
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) | ----- |
Total offers for buying (US$) | 165,534,000 |
Total offers for selling (US$) | ----- |
Dollar's exchange rates / in Baghdad markets
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