Of Interest (rumors that I find of particular interest either because of who said it or because of how I think it relates to what is happening right now):
1. None
The Rest (doesn’t mean these are not happening):
Where Are We At?
1. It goes without saying that the big news of the day is the demonstrations. At last count, 11 were killed, 51 policemen were wounded, and 120 people were wounded. Also, buildings were burned, including the government building in Fallujah. As a result of the demonstrations, Maliki asked for officials in some provinces to step down, and the governor of Basra announced his resignation. Some officials received protestor’s demands at the end of the demonstration. In related news, Parliament said they will be making the decisions on which government officials should either be suspended or be asked to step down
2. In government formation news, it was reported that Maliki, Barzani, and Allawi will meet next week to discuss the security postions as well as the National Council
3. On the budget, it was reported that the deficit would be closed by unplanned revenues from either increased oil production or the price of oil
4. In miscellaneous news, Nujaifi said that Iraq is passing through a new phase which is developing plans for reform and pointed out that Parliament will take a new supreme authority in the country. Also, it was reported by the trade minister that the distribution of compensatory payments for the ration card items will go out next week
5. On the rumor front, Ray said that the TV said they will present the 3 security candidates in Parliament next week
What’s left?
1. Vote on the budget – Done!
2. Closure on Security positions (3 in total)
3. Formal announcement of government
4. Agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues (I believe this is done)
5. Lifting of remaining Chapter 7 sanctions (Kuwait related)
6. RV/RI
7. HCL
Important Dates
1. February 17 – GCC Meeting (no news of this yet)
2. February 20 – Vote on the budget – Done!
3. February (sometime after the budget is voted on) – Parliament votes on the National Council of Supreme policies
4. February 25 -- Large demonstration
5. February 28 – Constitutional deadline to form government
6. March 29-30 – Arab Summit
7. May 1 – CBI must have transfer DFI monies
8. May 22 – Presidential order 13303 expires
9. June 30 – DFI expires
What’s It All Mean?
1. I read something where someone said that the demonstrations today were peaceful as expected. Given the thousands that attended and the statistics above, I guess one could make that argument. But, the demonstrations seemed pretty violent to me. I watched some of it live and saw policement being pelted by all kinds of things. They were also wielding their batons trying to hit demonstrators, and the demonstrators were doing their fair share of violent acts. In any case, I think the demonstrations were effective in terms of getting the government to seriously focus on their demands. Nujaifi’s comment about Iraq passing through a new phase which is developing plans for reform is likely related directly to this idea
2. Regarding the government formation, the news and a rumor from Ray state that the security positions will be presented next week. Iraq’s week starts on Sunday. Also, if you look above, you’ll see there is a constitutional deadline of the 28th for Maliki to form the government. I’m not sure if that is truly the case, but it was stated in an article by a member of the state of law, which I have an entry for here. On the 9th of this month, he stated that the Constitution allows a commander to nominate the appropriate people to the post and resolve the security files by the end of the month. Let’s hope Maliki, Allawi, and Barzani have that meeting before the 28th
3. Going back to Nujaifi’s comment about parliament taking a new supreme authority in the country, I find that interesting. What does that mean? What’s that mean in relation to Maliki? Look what happened today when Maliki asked some officials to step down. Parliament said they’d review those decisions and make the decisions on who will or will not step down. That happened to Maliki? Is he truly losing his power as some are suggesting? Interesting. The members of parliament are getting braver by the moment!