- Jordan bank’s stock is nearing a 1 year high. Significant increase from 1/3. Coincidence?
- After much delay, Maliki finally appoints someone to the Security position. Biden in town and was sent to move this along.
- Security position to be voted on next week.
- Parliament conducts first reading of budget.
- Reducing 3 presidencies salaries is required prior to budget being passed.
- Formation of the parliamentary committees must be formed by Thursday.
- Maliki and Kuwait PM meet to address outstanding issues.
- Iraq will be listed on E-trade’s roster when their markets and currency are fully international.
- Rates between $3.22 and $5.27. See this link too
- Confirmations of Doha bank information
- Frank26 confirms Doha bank information
- Frank26 believes Jordan bank will leave the $3.22 rate up for a couple of days and talks about 2 other Syrian countries that may RV
- PD says Jordanian contact said Jordan bank is exchanging for USD. Source provides information on 2 exchange scenarios and requirements.
- PD says bank professionals explained that Iraq would RV the way they are (Kuwait, Jordan, followed by others around them first and then moving outward)
- Poster says it really hasn’t RVd yet
- Okie Oil Man says we’re days away. Okie talks about slow rollout.
- Nighthk11 says cannot RV without the Security position
- Bank rumors
- RV rumored days: Friday and Monday
1. Believe we are closer to seeing the Kuwait issues "agreed" to by both parties. It may be the case that the US picks up the compensation issue on Iraq's behalf in order to resolve this issue. Biden is driving closure on this.
2. Iraq will finally close out the open Security position next week. It is said Biden is there to ensure the security issue is resolved. It is rumored that this position must be filled prior to seeing the RV.
3. Parliament conducted the first reading of the budget.
4. There have been many confirmation of the Doha bank information. Yet, there are still some who say don't believe it.
5. There was one confirmation of the Jordan RV, but there were some posters who said they are not seeing this.
What's Left (does not mean these are all holding up the RV)?
1. Reading of the budget for the second time.
2. Closure on Security positions (5 in total)
3. Formal announcement of government
4. Announcement of agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues
5. Lifting of Chapter 7
6. RV/RI
What's It All Mean?
1. Things are progressing as it relates to lifting Iraq from Chapter 7. We see this in the work that is being done to address the Kuwait issues.
2. Things are progressing in bringing closure to the government formation.
3. If you believe in the Kuwait and Jordan bank information, then we are witnessing a slow RV/RI. If you do not, we haven't yet RVd/RId. We're still waiting either way as the rates haven't changed for us here..