Thursday, January 13, 2011

1-13-11 Recap of events/postings

Note: Thank you all for visiting my blog!  When I first started this morning, there were about 60 visits to my site.  At present, there are over 2,000 visits!  Wow!  Thanks again for visiting, and please let me know if there is anything that you'd like to see or see done differently to make it easier for you to get the most important information about this investment.

  1. Jordan bank’s stock is nearing a 1 year high.  Significant increase from 1/3.  Coincidence?
  2. After much delay, Maliki finally appoints someone to the Security position.  Biden in town and was sent to move this along.
  3. Security position to be voted on next week.
  4. Parliament conducts first reading of budget.
  5. Reducing 3 presidencies salaries is required prior to budget being passed.
  6. Formation of the parliamentary committees must be formed by Thursday.
  7. Maliki and Kuwait PM meet to address outstanding issues.
  8. Iraq will be listed on E-trade’s roster when their markets and currency are fully international.

  1. Rates between $3.22 and $5.27.  See this link too
  2. Confirmations of Doha bank information
  3. Frank26 confirms Doha bank information
  4. Frank26 believes Jordan bank will leave the $3.22 rate up for a couple of days and talks about 2 other Syrian countries that may RV
  5. PD says Jordanian contact said Jordan bank is exchanging for USD.  Source provides information on 2 exchange scenarios and requirements.
  6. PD says bank professionals explained that Iraq would RV the way they are (Kuwait, Jordan, followed by others around them first and then moving outward)
  7. Poster says it really hasn’t RVd yet
  8. Okie Oil Man says we’re days awayOkie talks about slow rollout.
  9. Nighthk11 says cannot RV without the Security position
  10. Bank rumors
  11. RV rumored days: Friday and Monday
Where Are We At?
 1. Believe we are closer to seeing the Kuwait issues "agreed" to by both parties.  It may be the case that the US picks up the compensation issue on Iraq's behalf in order to resolve this issue.  Biden is driving closure on this.
2. Iraq will finally close out the open Security position next week.  It is said Biden is there to ensure the security issue is resolved.  It is rumored that this position must be filled prior to seeing the RV.
3. Parliament conducted the first reading of the budget.
4. There have been many confirmation of the Doha bank information.  Yet, there are still some who say don't believe it.
5. There was one confirmation of the Jordan RV, but there were some posters who said they are not seeing this.

What's Left (does not mean these are all holding up the RV)? 
1. Reading of the budget for the second time.
2. Closure on Security positions (5 in total)
3. Formal announcement of government
4. Announcement of agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues
5. Lifting of Chapter 7
6. RV/RI

What's It All Mean?
1. Things are progressing as it relates to lifting Iraq from Chapter 7.  We see this in the work that is being done to address the Kuwait issues.
2. Things are progressing in bringing closure to the government formation.
3. If you believe in the Kuwait and Jordan bank information, then we are witnessing a slow RV/RI.  If you do not, we haven't yet RVd/RId.  We're still waiting either way as the rates haven't changed for us here..

1-13-11 Bank rumor

My best friend (who used to give me a hard time about investing in the IQD) just texted asking if the dinar hit because he was talking to his brother-inlaw who works higer up the pole for Wells Fargo and they just got out of a meeting. and one of the Big Wigs was talking about how he is excited that after the next few days he wont ever have to work again. ----------- Do not call the banks -----------

1-13-11 Possible explanation for Kuwait and Jordan RVing first

1. The author of this posting is suggesting that Kuwait might have gone first because of reparations
2. Jordan may be next because of a balance owed to them by Iraq based on the inoperative bilateral payments agreement

Click on the title to get the details of the posting (requires PD membership)

1-13-11 Al-Hassani: Maliki will display to be appointed National Security Advisor (ýçáí alkiad) to the Parliament for vote

1. The National Security nominee will go for vote next week in Parliament

Related article

Click on the title above to see the details of the article

1-13-11 Chat about E-trade rumor

1. When Iraq's currency and markets are fully international, Iraq will be listed on E-Trade's roster.  They've never been listed before.  This supports the rumor that it would be added on the 14th.


[11:23 AM [*******] by the way *******: I called E-Trade last night (since I am an acct holder wit them) and asked about currency trading (i.e. FOREX) and they told me that while they do not do Forex trading, that they do do global online trading and that our rumor of iraq being added to E-Trade's roster on Friday the 14th may very well be referring to their global online trading program--which he verified would only happen if Iraqi currency became Internationally traded
11:23 AM [*******] so there you go..a correlation that makes sense
11:25 AM [*******] so did the person say it was added? or just that it was possible?
11:27 AM [*******] ******* isnt global online trading mean that you can trade foreign markets with them? Not sure how the IQD fits into that catergory
11:32 AM [*******] *******: just that Iraq has never before been on E-Trade's tote board for global trading and that, in order for that to happen, iraq's currency and markets would have to be fully INTERNATIONAL
11:32 AM [*******] it may mean that they will accept dinar accounts
11:33 AM [*******] from Iraqi's
11:33 AM [*******] the rumor was that someone who works at E-trade was told by his supervisor that iraq would need to be added to the global trading line-up on Friday the 14th
11:34 AM [*******] in that context: the rumor totally makes sense
11:34 AM [*******] ******* so it isnt about forex trading - it is about Iraq be added to some roster
11:34 AM [*******] i sure hope so cosi..........i'm totally ready!!!
11:34 AM [*******] and Friday the 14th is also the day the sdr's will be announced worldwide
11:35 AM [*******] or avaialble..I can't recall exactly what was said about the sdr's but the 14th is a BIG DAY
11:37 AM [*******] E-Trade is big on stock trading worldwide: and they have not made trading on the iraqi stock market available so far---the 14th may be the day the ISX should be included but the E-Trade guy told me it would not be included until Iraq's currency and markets were fully open for International trade
11:38 AM [*******] thanks for the info cosi
11:38 AM [*******] so now we wait---again
11:38 AM [*******] if the rumor holds true: then the 14th is THE DAY the iraqi dinar goes global and Iraq wil fully be open for Internatilonal trade
11:39 AM [*******] I hope and I pray this is true!!
11:40 AM [*******] toniht is gonna be like New Year's eve I have a feeling
11:40 AM [*******] everyone waiting up for Forex to change
11:41 AM [*******] and we may hear of the rate being announced by CBI before that
11:41 AM [*******] today is gonna be a barn burner

1-13-11 Adam Montana chat

1. Adam's CBI contact says it's not happening. 
2. Someone confirmed the Doha bank information
3. Mr Pratt owns a new Dinar site and is trying to scare people into selling their dinar
4. Adam says if the Doha bank information isn't a mistake, then we're 8 hours away from an RV

On point 4, the Doha news has been out for more than a couple of days.  One could argue that Adam is off on 4, but if the Jordan information is true, he may have been correct. 

[MrRich] Adam Montana we're all driving to Cheyenne, Wyoming first thing tomorrow
[Adam Montana] family is good, thank you for asking [shabibiRV] It is rving in the ME
[Adam Montana] shabibiRV I hope so, but I doubt it
[Adam Montana] I just received an email from my CBI contact
[Adam Montana] said it's not happening
[Adam Montana] so... I'm not sure who started that
[Adam Montana] but it's not true
[Adam Montana] digital11 I mean it's not happening NOW
[Adam Montana]
[Adam Montana] sorry didn't mean to freak anyone out [digital11] i didn't see anything you said before that, i just got here
[Riley] Adam Montana I called the Kuwait bank night before last.... and this is what I shared in the chat that night
[Riley] i called doha bank in kuwait and here is what rehedi just told me - 1 million iraqi dinar is equal to kwd 100,000 . Or 1 million iraqi dinar is equal to $352,982 us dollars - no joke and i have his number for those that want to call him - so maybe just maybe jsut maybe the phone number is 011 965 229 17222
[Telabiz] Adam Montana How about Kuwait rumor , Plausible ? They are in agreement
[Riley] Adam Montana just wondering you take on this
[Adam Montana] Riley if that's true then it's about 8 hours early intel!
[Adam Montana] I hope so
[Adam Montana] ok
[Adam Montana] here's my take
[Adam Montana] I'll take the floor for a few minutes
[larrylopiccolo] are we closing in on an rv adam
[wshflthnkn] Riley that was two days ago
[Adam Montana] I want to clear the air on a few things
[Adam Montana] Three topics : 1 Mr Pratt, 2 Dinars on Reserve, 3 Current RV situation
[Adam Montana] First Mr Pratt
[Adam Montana] he's using a lot of news releases, press release services, paying for a ton of advertising, etc
[Adam Montana] you all should know why he's doing that
[Adam Montana] to make money
[Adam Montana] he's telling people it will be illegal to hold Iraqi Dinar outside of Iraq
[Adam Montana] quite simply : NOT TRUE
[Adam Montana] the guy can't speak a single straight sentance, so anyone reading his emails
[Adam Montana] don't worry about it
[Adam Montana] the catch he is using
[Adam Montana] is that Iraq will not allow any other bank to honor the RV until it is globally traded
[Adam Montana] they said so themselves, Mr Issa and several others have said the same thing
[Adam Montana] Mr Pratt owns a new dinar site
[Adam Montana] and he's trying to scare people into selling cash dinar
[Adam Montana] and investing with him
[Weapon X] Adam Montana is that the guy selling electronic dinar with "base" in San Diego???
[Adam Montana] the catch is he keeps 20% of the profit!!!
[Adam Montana] next Dinars on Reserve
[Adam Montana] people, friends, and Family
[Adam Montana] PLEASE do not do Dinars on Reserve unless you can afford to pay the balance without an RV in 30 days
[Adam Montana] you LOSE the money
[Adam Montana] if you only have $100 to spend
[Adam Montana] buy $100,000 dinar
[Adam Montana] don't be greedy
[Adam Montana] Dinars on Reserve is a foolish gamble
[Adam Montana] Iraq - this RV - has been in progress for 7 years now!
[Lakeway] word
[Adam Montana] you really think throwing money at a 30 day gamble is smart?
[Adam Montana] it's not
[Adam Montana] next
[Adam Montana] where we are
[Adam Montana] what Riley said is very possible
[Adam Montana] if that isn't a mistake then we are simply 8 hours away from an RV
[Adam Montana] it may start out as an In-Country RV at first, but it will spread worldwide shortly
[Adam Montana] so if that happens, just be patient
[Lakeway] Adam this happened 2 days ago....
[wshflthnkn] Adam Montana i believe Riley made that call 2 days ago
[Adam Montana] obviously all of the clowns that kep predicting an RV every day
[Adam Montana] the same ones who said it HAD to happen before 2010 ended
[Adam Montana] they are always wrong, but once is all it takes... so I guess it's good entertainment to listen to them
[Adam Montana] wshflthnkn either way, 2 days ago or today
[larrylopiccolo] its not fun anymore
[Adam Montana] my next point takes that into consideration
[Adam Montana] a massive RV is going to affect a LOT of people
[Adam Montana] there WILL be leaks, and most of those leaks will be to bank employees etc
[Adam Montana] obviously they need to know how to handle the cash in rush
[Adam Montana] how to handle conversions etc
[Adam Montana] so that's one thing that needs to happen
[Adam Montana] the next thing that needs to happen is the people of Iraq need to be EDUCATED on how to exchange their dinar
[Adam Montana] this is going to be a country wide campaign
[Adam Montana] flyers, tv ads, radio, everything
[Adam Montana] that's it, open floor 

1-13-11 Okie Oil Man snippet

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] if you would drop a pebble in a lake and watch the ripples go out further and further--that appears the analogy to what is happening with the r/v--select countries--select timing--rate seems to be increasing by a few pennies with each country. timing of reaching the usa is unknown but appears to be extremely close--the usa was the only country in the world that was permitted to buy-sell or anything else with the iraqi dinar--more as i remember seems to be an incremental r/v--i didn't know anything like that was possible--there are no historical presidence in which to gauge this with if they keep increasing value a few cents day to day--who knows what it could be when it finally reaches the usa. it does appear that 3.22 is the base rate though. 2 sources still contend we will see it in the usa mon--yes i know its a holiday--just post what i know and has been confirmed--emphisize--confirm--- did you get that confirmed comment?--- there are a large difference between rumor and confirmation

1-13-11 Nighthk11's latest

1. Night says cannot RV without the security position filled
2. Border and compensation issues will be resolved and budget will pass
3. Biden is not there to help celebrate. He is there to ensure budget passes and security position is filled. Biden is there to ensure this all gets wrapped up by end of month. RV should have been done 12/15.
4. 5 security positions to be filled, but only concerned with filling main security position
5. Small denoms were ordered to support Kurd demands
6. Rise of oil prices is to help Iraq and other ME countries stabilize their economies. No shortage of oil.
7. RV is important to world's economy

Nighthk11 says to (13:42:22):
Hello DS- Hope all are well- I see we have movement on the issues now
Biden is in Iraq to move the process- Cannot RV w/out security (IMF)- Issue over oil/Kurds is being resolved- Monies to big three will be resolved- so budget will pass
He is NOT there to "Help Iraq celebrate"
Iraq reaches a point- then lapses back into bickering- Biden is there to insure security is in place and budget is passed- RV is taking too long- should have been done-
There will be movement in the next few days- it has already started- Maliki will call a "Special Session" of Parliament to announce the new security minister for vote
The contentious and outrageous salaries of the prez n 2 vice pres's will be adjusted and those monies placed back in the budget for the provinces

indian 1 says to (13:48:57):
how many minister positions are left to fill, been out of the loop for a couple days

Nighthk11 says to (13:49:55):
Security plus four subministeries under security- We are only concerned with main one- National Defense- Interior-
Budget is NOT needed for RV- New denoms will be shipped to Kurdistan and approx. 20% will remain in Baghdad for dispersal in the other 17 provinces

ratpack says to (13:51:23):
so they can do this on saturday

Nighthk11 says to (13:52:20):
Rat- They could have done this on Dec 15th- Maliki- as long as he holds out still has control over the most important ministries
I said NOTHING about new small denoms being paid for just yet- They are NOT needed at this time for RV- They were ordered to support the Kurds demands
Biden's visit is to sew this matter up and close everything this month- they are now far behind the power curve
Their actions is a pattern with them and each time they reach a supposed impasse- Biden- Jeffries-Hillary- or some high ranking US official arrives to give them the boot
Currently- the importance of the dinar hitting world markets is highly important to the economic stability of many many countries at this point- that will be fully seen in a few months after the dinar has RV'd
We should now see a spurt of movement that culminates in the positions being filled and the budget getting done- The rise in oil prices by the IMF is to help iraq and other ME countries in their stabilization of economic affairs- There is NO shortage of OIL

TrainMan says to (14:00:37):
Night why are the Iraqis the way they are. They never seem to complete a task. Small word for a big issue but they never seem to complete what they start out to do.

Nighthk11 says to (14:01:13):
What has been done in the past is not important- What they do in the next few days is

dj51 says to (14:01:48):
good point nighthk11

TrainMan says to (14:02:41):
Didn't Maliki present a name of a candidate for Security?

Nighthk11 says to (14:03:07):
Train- It is NOT because they are afraid- They possess a Paradine ingrained in them over thousands of years- each issue is approached with "Emotion" and so what should have been an educated discussion becomes an argument
That is why they need a moderator to get them back on track and educate them on the behavior of seasoned world politics- they have made progress but lost the momentum in their bickering- loss of valuable time- Biden's arrival to moderate and put the process back on track
Everything has been in place for a long time- so now we need to finish the process-

GOP says to (14:07:17):
I hate to ask a rate question and risk being blasted, but I am curious what changed when for some time we have been hearing over a buck, to now .86 seems to be it. I am ok with that, just wondering what changed?

Nighthk11 says to (14:09:55):
As I understand- the issues in the budget were the salaries of the prez n 2 vice prez's- They have issued no complaints that I am aware of to the reduction in their salaries- so if that is the main case- Budget should pass- Personnel for the remaining ministries have been selected- barring any more interruptions- Parliment should have this done so shabibi and saleh can do their thing
With the sensitivity of the issues at hand- they are NOT on a break- many many issues are being resolved behind the scenes- contrary to what many may think of Biden- He Is NO JOKE and the iraqi's know that

flowergirl says to (14:13:29):
Who cares what the rate is....I will be happy with whatever!

Nighthk11 says to (14:19:25):
The rate of the dinar at RV is NOT important at this point- Nominal rate of .86 cents will give you one dollar upon turn-in at a bank- what is important at this point to get there is emplacement of the full gov't- which I am sure is right around the corner
To give all some insight- Gethiner has stated at a conference that the US will attain parity with it's GDP and DEBT by March of 2011- This means that we owe the full balance of our economy for a year- They will use the new dinar to pay off some debt
So there is no wonder that biden is there to take direct charge of the "Security Files" because IMF demands security in place to RV

DRKHRSE says to (14:23:12):
Night - let me make sure I understand what you just said - the US GDP with Match it's debt?

Nighthk11 says to (14:23:53):
That is what Gethiner stated- so is RV important to world's largest economy?
If we fall economically- so does the world- EU has 26-27 countries consolidated to match economic might of US and still failed- we are still number 1

DRKHRSE says to (14:25:34):
Economists are saying the reason for saving Greece was that was the 1st Domino to fall to taking down the World Economy

Nighthk11 says to (14:25:53):
and will continue to be so- we did not go into this venture to Fail
The dinar will be backed by the wealth of resources in Iraq to which the major powers all have a stake- so when out of valuables- use some one else’s- today and in the near future- that is IRAQ

tmac096 says to (14:27:20):
yes DRK and then Ireland ,Spain, Portagual. Eurpoe is in a very precarious position,as they go so does the world financial markets. I feel the rv is imperative tostopping or at least slowing down the meltdown.

Nighthk11 says to
A new currency, backed by sustainable wealth that has a value and the whole world has a stake
I believe that all understand the RV is inevitable and at this point cannot be stopped if Iraq is to move forward- The iraqi's are ON Track but are taking too long- they don't have the luxury of time and neither does the world at this point- hence Biden to take direct approach and get things moving again- he will be followed by Hillary and Chris Hill(Former Ambassador to Iraq)
Well I hope my take on what is happening at this point has been helpful I like all of you want this RV so I can do other things- It will come- but while we wait- keep other encouraged uplift and support each other- all can see the prize and it is with-in reach- stay well and stay safe

1-13-11 Iraq seeks to cancel the debts incurred by companies, individuals and countries

1. Iraq is looking to cancel debt from individuals, companies, and nations
2. Iraq will be protected from claims until 6/30/11, when the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) extension ends

Iraq will likely continue to try to cancel all debt through 6/30.  This is good because it helps them retain their assets, which can be taken in a claim.  Removal of debt also helps to increase the value of their Dinar.

1-13-11 Bank rumor from PD

Well, not many days go by without a bank rumor right?!  In the least, I find them entertaining and they do lift my spirit even if they aren't true.

So I know none of you will believe me since this is my first post but I've been reading this site for a long time. Take it how you want it. Im just passing the info along. I went into my bank this afternoon to talk to them about how I would go about trading in different currency. When I brought up the Dinar the lady got quiet and had a big smile on her face. She told me that they know all about the Dinar and that they WILL exchage it at 12pm est tommorow at a 3.47 rate. She said not many people know about it here but they have all been told the situation at the bank and are prepared and ready to go. Theres no way a bank employee would sit right there and lie straight to my face. She garunteed the day and time because I looked so skeptical. Im going in bright and early to be ready. This is great news! By they way, I live in good ole Cheyenne, WY so maybe the smaller banks for some reason are going to exchange first? Idk but tommorow Im rich!

yes that was posted today and the text came to me about an hour ago LLc company lady who is also invested....she is not a good friend or anything I just paid intial fees to reserve name of LLC and start up paperwork-this is about the text i recieved

1-13-11 Skype chat rumor

1. If this truly is an RI, please bear in mind that those who were fortunate enough to be involved with the Kuwait RI DID NOT HAVE TO PAY TAXES.  Consult with a professional on this as tax laws may have changed. 

[2:17:57 PM] ****™: The RI has begun.  It has started in the Middle East, Kuwait, then Jordan, and now all of the Gulf Coast Countries.  The rate is an RI rate RE-INSTATE.  That rate is 3.22.

It should reach North America by Sunday when Forex opens.  The rate in Forex is fixed at 5.27 and that rate cannot be revoked, it is irrevocable. So we will have to wait and see exactly what happens over this weekend. THE BARE MINIMUM IS 3.22, so we should all be happy. Prepare to exchange on Tuesday as Monday is a Federal Holiday, Martin Luther King Day, banks are closed in USA.

Now, we are told that the rate in the Middle East will go up within 24 hrs.  If, however, the rate reaches our shores, those of you that want to can cash in a small amount of dinar to ease up on the financial distress that we are in, you should do so.  It might be a good idea to hold back and see what happens before rushing to cash-in.

Because this is initially an RI (re-instatement) and not an RV, we are told you should ask your TAX ATTORNEY & NOT YOUR CPA as it is suggested that the tax consequences will be less.  Have him check out Section 988 and Section 525 of the IRS Tax Code and Presidential Executive Order 13303.

1-13-11 Iraq civilian deaths lowest since invasion

This is a bit dated (12/30/2010), but thought it was important.

1. Number of civilian deaths fell to 4,000, the lowest since the 2003 invasion
2. Decline in number of deaths has slowed, possibly indicating there may be an impassible minimum
3. Predicting that there will be persistent low-level conflict for years to come
4. No reliable way to measure civilian deaths

Thanks to all of our soldiers, involved Americans, and all other soldiers involved.  We greatly appreciate your service and sacrifice.  I pray that the civilians in Iraq stay safe and live a prosperous life.

Click on the title of the article to view the details of the article

1-13-11 Rumor from PD

[*******] OOOH!!! You guys wanna hear something really good? My friend got a call this morning from her from her friend that used to work for the IMF (and is about to go back to work for them). He said tomorrow is RV day!!! Do what you like with that info. I'm feeling pretty good about it! How's that for good news, CarolyJean?

[******] I am, *****. Thanks. I got more good news, but I have to be careful how I share it. Not this person, oculaw. He's a friend of one of my oldest friends
[******] Lets just say that someone who has some of the world's best analysts is scrambling to buy their dinar by tomorrow
[******] I got this on a phone call personally. i can't say who it is because I have given my word not to tell anyone
[******] I will. Be happy - I REALLY think it's about to go down, y'all!

A friend of a friend rumor.  So, please do take it with a grain of salt.  But here's to hoping!!!

1-13-11 Okie Oil Man Chat : Days away not weeks

[****] OKIE_OIL_MAN are you still thinking this will be just days, not weeks or months correct
[18:36:25] [OKIE_OIL_MAN] ringbell-as per my source statement--yes

1-13-11 Chat snippet regarding KWD rate on BoA site

[******] ******: i was just looking in a diff site an saw this thought u might want it maybe nothing..........Something is happening, just checked BoA site and they have the Kuwait Dinar at $3.9365 and every place else still shows the $3.55 from Tuesdays 35 cent or .1 rumors. https://www6.bankofameri ··· x.action

Please note I wasn't able to pull up the BoA url myself.  But, that rate isn't in the normal range for KWD, and BoA, of course, is a verifiable site.  Someone just commented that the $3.55 rate is what it is selling for--not what they are buying it for.  That being the case, then all things should be normal.

1-13-11 Skype chat: Hasn't RVd yet

[12:27:08 PM] [****] To be clear, the reval has not happened anywhere. A reval is a movement in value in the currency and is tradeable on the Forex. The Iraqi Dinar has not increased in value and is not tradeable on the Forex and has not showed up on the CBI. What is happening is that many Countries know the eventual rate and date of the pending RV and are offering to cash in the Dinar for their citizens only. This is not a revaluation. The banks are doing what Ali is doing....buying Dinar from their citizens at a low rate and when it revals, sell it back to the CBI at that rate. The banks will make billions off this "pulled in" Dinar off their citizens when they sell it back to the CBI at the RV rate. In a sense, the banks are ripping off their people, not letting them know that THIS IS NOT THE REVAL but a rate the banks are simply offering to their people. Yes, the reval was released on Jan 7th but will not get to us until it is time. When it revals, it will go on the CBI website as a rate
[****] PD Banks in Jordan are allowing only their citizens who have businesses to cash in at a rate of $3.10 USD per IQD. The banks there are paying $3.40 USD per IQD if they keep the funds in their Bank for at least 45 days. Do not call the banks.
[****] *****This is not to the people in Jordan, this is to the corporations with 10 million min, just to clarify

1-13-11 PD Con Call 12pm CST

·         * Will be a short call
·         * 2 Guest speakers today
·        *  Other boards are saying Kuwait situation is not true; N8V Girl confirmed by walking into bank
·         * Talked yesterday regarding the Jordan bank; people said that was false; it is not fake
·         * Guest: Jordanian who is in direct contact with JIB and doing business with them
o    Exchanges are only for Jordanian citizens
o    Please do not bombard the banks
o    Ivy will give info from contact
·         Ivy:
o    2 exciting scenarios brought to their attention this morning
§  Can make a min deposit of 10 m IQD; has to stay in for 45 days at $3.40 USD rate
§  Can convert USD at $3.10 and can cash out now
§  Must be Jordanian
§  Must own corporation
·         * If they are cashing out at $3.10 or $3.40, what does that mean the rate will be?  Higher?  Heard that it will be much higher than these rates.
·         Tony: Key thing is that Kuwait only allowed KWD to IQD; Jordan is allowing conversion to USD!; each country could have their own rates; It actually is an RV; Dan alluded to the fact that they have an entirely different rate they are hearing about; a lot of things that Pheonix said is coming true
·         JIB is not displaying the right rate; please do not call them
·         Viper: met with Chase, 5/3rd, and Huntington bank; tried to figure out what would happen; the bankers predicted what was in the “post”; they said to do it right, they would have to break it up and RV in the countries around Iraq and work out from there; duration would depend on how many banks participate world-wide; they can’t do this with the “big bang approach”; purpose and reason for doing this was to start rebuilding the Iraq economy;
·         Dan: How many countries outside of Iraq were able to sell?  None.  US only country has the right to sell outside of Iraq.  US won’t have the RI/RV situation until it is officially announced in Dan’s opinion; don’t believe we will have to wait weeks or months; release of all the embargos and all the things that are taking place with Chpt 7 are related to all the countries doing business with Iraq; yesterday Dan mispoke on the call yesterday….Scooter’s roast; Scooter puts out very good information; Scooter is not charging for that roast; Dan apologized for misspeaking on this
·         Tony: It may only start with one bank here in the US; more information they have that has not yet been verified; really really good information; may have another call this afternoon; they definitely know the process has started; may be other countries that start; Ron and others are working on things; know that what you’re seeing in Kuwait and Jordan is real
·         Ivy: Stay patient; info he has is really good, but be patient

This call was recorded and will be available via download on their site in a few seconds at
760-569-7699 pin 593952

Offering a balanced view.....Someone from CC chat said this:

[*****] ***** He just informed us that a friend of his is married to a girl who is from Jordan, who reads and wrights 7 different languages. She stated that the information that has been floating arround about the RV happening in Jordan is BOGUS.

Here is another person saying Jordan bank information is not true (from GET site):
[*******] My own information: My brother in law, who is a Jordanian business owner with more than 100 millon IQD has not find any bank in Jordan dealing with IQD at this time. He is also a candidate to a position in the Jordanian Parlament. He has more than one corporation and an account in JIB. Not trying to be conflictive. I am hoping tomorrow we will see this happen. Just the "rumor" about Jordan is not true