Monday, January 31, 2011

1-31-11 Recap of the day's events/postings


Of Interest (rumors that I find of particular interest either because of who said it or because of how I think it relates to what is happening right now):

The Rest (doesn’t mean these are not happening):

Where Are We At?
1.     They CBI auctions returned to normal…drats!

2.     On the government formation front, there really isn’t any change even though there were meetings yesterday.  We still have Maliki standing firm and supporting the Federal Court ruling, and we still have blocs speaking out against the ruling.  Further, Maliki and his bloc are still not in agreement with what to do with the National Council and Allawi.  Maliki’s bloc doesn’t want Allawi to preside over Maliki, and they do not want the vote on the National Council to be held in Parliement.  Allawi’s party, of course, wants just the opposite.  In fact, yesterday we saw Allawi saying he would retreat from all political agreements if the vote on the National Council isn’t held in Parliament.  With regard to CBI and the Federal Court ruling, we’re still seeing push back from the CBI.  There was an article where a legal advisor to the government said the move would not affect the economic policy of the country.  So, we’re still seeing both sides dig in.  However, Melkert, from the UN, is asking the GOI to respect the Federal Court decision and focus on the next stage, which is economic recovery.  Lastly, there was an article that said that Maliki signed a document with Allawi and Barzani on the formation of the Council.  It also said that the issue of the National Council would not be resolved without naming the security ministries, which hasn’t been completed.  The same article said the security ministries would be named within 2 weeks.

3.     News of the budget wasn’t too much of a surprise for me given the news of some parties having oppositin to it as well as the fact that they haven’t reviewed the prior year’s financials.  Today’s news on the budget spoke of Parliament deciding at the last minute not to read the budget for a 2nd time.  Also, there was a proposal to redraft the budget and allow the House 15 days to review the draft, read it (3 times), and then vote on it. 

4.     On the rumor front, the banking rumors here in the US still seem to be consistent.  No change.  Just more rumors coming in from people who are talking with their own banks.  There is a rumor out there that suggests that Iraq must RV/RI prior to the oil flowing in the Kurdistan region, which was rumored to be on 2/2.  However, there was an article today that said that the oil will not resume flowing this week.

5.     An MP from the List today said that the Arab summit should be postponed due to the events in Egypt.  

What’s left?
1.    Reading of the budget for the first time (due to redraft proposal).
2.    Closure on Security positions (5 in total) and the remaining unfilled positions (4)
3.    Formal announcement of government
4.    Agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues
5.    Lifting of remaining Chapter 7 sanctions (Kuwait related)
6.    RV/RI
7.    HCL

What’s It All Mean?
1.     A smart person told me never to confuse motion with productivity.  Nowhere is this more evident than in Iraq right?!  I love how we keep seeing everyday that Maliki and Allawi will be meeting in 24 hours.  Joking aside, and on a more serious note, I’m focused on what is happening with the disagreements regarding Allawi’s new position.  If Allawi’s position is marginalized, it doesn’t achieve what it was supposed to do to begin with, which was place a check and balance over Maliki’s Prime Minister position.  Maliki and the National Alliance came out today clearly showing that they do not want Allawi having oversight over Maliki.  If Maliki gets his way, it could cause Allawi to pull out of the government.  On the other hand, Night says this exact scenario may force an RV/RI sooner rather than later.  If Allaw pulls out, Maliki’s government will crumble because he will not have enough support with Allawi leaving.  This will force a situation where Maliki will have to be removed as he cannot form a government without Allawi.  Perhaps a vote of no confidence would be issued thereby removing Maliki and placing Allawi in his spot.  If this were to happen, Allawi has said he could form his government within 3 days.  He has also made the RV a priority.  So it is reasonable to expect we would see the RV/RI rather immediately. 

It was interesting to me to see the UN’s response to the Federal Court’s decision.  They asked the GOI to respect the Court’s decision thereby throwing their support behind Maliki.  I believe Frank has been saying that the US/UN haven’t really spoken out against Maliki, even though you would expect them to do this.  Are they (UN/US) supporting Maliki?  If so, this would run counter to Night’s thinking that the UN/US/”Powers that be” want Maliki out as he is the cause of this problem.  I haven’t seen much push back from the US.  It will be interesting to see how this play out from the perspective of whether it goes as Night suggests, or whether it plays out as Frank thinks it might.  Recall that Frank thinks that Maliki took control of the CBI because he wants the RV done right away, but the GOI has been a roadblock.  Maliki, in a sense and according to Frank, is actually the good guy.  I’m going to get a big bag of popcorn and watch!

2.     Regarding the budget, there were a couple of articles that suggested the budget wouldn’t be completed until the end of the month.  Not much we can do on this one but watch the related news.

3.     Night’s information pretty remains the same.  He is waiting for something to happen to Maliki.  Whatever that may be, it should set the stage for a more immediate RV/RI.  Also, Night believes that escalating unrest in the streets will speed up the RV/RI—especially if it causes a vote of no confidence in Maliki and his government.  The rumors of the US bank remain consistent.  It's encouraging.  Consistency is good, but they have been wrong many times before.  Let’s hope they get it right this time.

4.     Regarding the RV/RI, besides the government formation being a trigger or driver, the Arab summit was thought to be a driver for the RV/RI in that Iraq would need to RV/RI prior to the summit.  If it gets pushed out, and if it is true they must RV/RI prior to the summit, the delay could give Iraq more time.  Unfortunately, we know what they do when they have more time.  They take all of it and add more time.  If Iraq was supposed to RV/RI prior to the oil exports resuming in the Kurdistan region, they now have more time since it was reported that the oil exports in that region will not resume this week.

1-31-11 Maliki says he is committed to what was agreed on the law of the Policy Board

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1. Maliki's will agree to what is in the draft law of the Supreme Council policy, provided "this is not the government again"
2. Maliki wants Allawi's proposed new branch of government to be an advisory group--he does not want it to make decisions, unless a recommendation is made and has 80% approval from the members of the Council
3. He noted the draft went back to the starting point because of its power privileges

This will cause problems for Allawi as he is adamant about having powers/oversight above the PM position.

1-31-11 Oil exports from Iraqi Kurdistan won't resume Feb 1

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1. Oil exports from the Kurdish region are not expected to resume on 2/1 as previously agreed
2. 3 sources close to the matter said it won't resume on 2/1
3. 2 of the sources said there was still a lack of clarity between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government
4. Another source said he expected it to resume next week
5. An official at North Oil company said that company did not receive notification from the Kurdish authorities regarding the resumption of oil exports

1-31-11 Finance Committee begin its work after the parliamentary election of a President to discuss budget items

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of the article on TCN

1. The Finance Committee held a meeting with the Minister of Finance to discuss the budget
2. They discussed the amendments made by the Iraqi government to change the price of oil from $73 to $76 per barrel
3. They also discussed $900 million budget for the first down payment to purchase F16's
4. It was agreed to re-draft the budget to the government
5. It was also agreed to give the House about 15 days to review the draft budget, read it, and then vote on it

1-31-11 Nujaifi warns of explosion of the Iraqi street, unless the government promises to services

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1. Osama Al-Najafi warned the Speaker of explosions in the streets if the deterioration of services continues and if there are failures to provide the minimums promised as announced by officials in their campaigns
2. He said that the popular movement that has ravaged countries in the region underlines the fact denying people of aspirations, ignoring the crisis, and only paying attention to people during campaigning will cause dire consequences

1-31-11 Nighthk11 chat from yesterday

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1. Maliki has not lived up to his agreements signed in Erbil is the cause of this mess
2. The UN and UNSC have the power to order him to step down, or be removed by force if necessary
3. 3 possible ways to end this quickly: 1) Remove his power through dismissal of Bremer's Court; 2) Direct mandate to adhere to the Barzani initiative; 3) Use diplomatic support to Parliament with the implied use of American Force to vote "no confidence" to his government
4. Allawi is threatening to withdraw from the process
5. Maliki's government will collapse if Allawi withdraws and the UN will be left with no choice
6. Maliki has destroyed the arrangements with the US with his failure to comply with the promised agreements (regarding US troop pull out)
7. Night believes that the regional situation requires immediate response because the Iraqi's are not relenting in their quest for change
8. Allawi will be backed 100% should he withdraw
9. The RV will be sped up for activation if Allawi leaves because it will be used as a tool to calm the populace
10. Allawi is next in line if Maliki steps down and he'll form within 48 hours followed by an RV
11. If all this happens, they may have Nujafi, the POP move into a higher position as he has proved his compassion for the country
12. If Allawi becomes PM, they will still proceed forward with the strategic Council
13. Night believes the changes will come this month along with the RV
14. If there is violence associated with Maliki's demise, it will be hidden and curtailed from the media
15. He may announce he is stepping down to save face
16. One way or the other the SFC will be severely limited
17. Maliki's son introduced into his government should tell you that he doesn't trust anyone
18. Maliki made another mistake by asking his people to demonstrate in the streets

1-31-11 PD Bank rumor from an Mod/Admin


1. Admin from PD received a call from bank (corporate)
2. The lady told her that the reason why you have to send in your dinars is because they feel the investment is an unstable one...very risky
3. She said they are offering to assist their customers by collecting their dinar
4. They will then determine the rate and let their customers know
5. Admin essentially declined that offer
6. Admin told her what they are doing is unethical and reminded her of the 3% spread
7. Admin asked why they would need to charge that spread if the dinar had no value
8. The banker did not respond to the Admin's question

If it is true that banks are trying to collect your dinar to determine a value, I would strongly recommend that you not let them have it. In fact, I would recommend that you not let the Dinar leave your site while cashing in. Not every person working at a bank is honest. Just something to think about.

[******] I also got a call from the bank we know of Aspire!

[******] He called me a few minutes ago Mango and said he would buzz us when he was back from town.
[******] OK...this is too weird Aspire.
[******] Received a call from corporate.

[******] The lady tells me that she understood from coworkers that I was trying to get information about the cash in process.
[******] I told her "yes", but I was told by several employees that no rate could be given and that my dinar would have to be mailed in to corporate.
[******] So, she says to me.....well, we feel the investment is an unstable one....very risky!
[******] So....
[******] We are offering to assist our customers by collecting the dinar.
[******] We will determine the rate and let you know.
[******] I started laughing out loud!
[******] I said....well, there may be someone on the planet that would believe that line
[******] but, not this gal!
[******] I said....well, there may be someone on the planet that would believe that line
[******] but, not this gal!
[******] I then unloaded on her!
[******] I told her that was the most unethical thing I had ever heard in my life....and if that is how they plan to cheat their customers they should be ashamed.
[******] I then reminded her that I had been told about the 3% spread
[******] I asked her why thay would need to charge such a spread if the dinar had no value?
[******] She could not even respond...
[******] So, bottom line is that someone from corporate took time out of their busy day to attempt to scam me out of my dinar!
[******] I wondered if I had made bad choices in the stock market if they would step in on my behalf?
[******] So, she got an ear full and I told her that they were basically a bunch of crumb bags.
[******] Oh! I almost forgot!
[******] She told me as they collected the dinar they would be sent to New York to be destroyed.

1-31-11 Member financial Paradise: al-Issawi and promised to reach a satisfactory outcome on the budget

Click on the title of this posting to get to the details of this posting o 1 Dinar (membership required)

1. A member of the parliamentary Finance Committee said that the Finance Committee and the Minister of Finance regarding the budget
2. An MP for the State Law said the House will meet on Tuesday for the second reading of the budget to debate it and vote on it
3. The leader of the Kurdish Islamic Union said they have objections to the budget

See related article on Kurdistan and the budget

1-31-11 Iraq's Form a Committee to Negotiate the Implementation of Agreements Resulted from Initiative Barzani

Click on the title of this posting to get to the details of this article

1. The List announced the formation of a sub-committee to negotiate with other political blocs for the implementation of the political agreements associated with Barzani's initiatives to form the government
2. Al Mulla said the sub-committee consists of Rasim al-Awadi, Adnan al-Janabi, Falah Zaidan, and Salman Jumaili
3. The commissions task is to communicate with the National Alliance and the Kurds regarding the implementation of all agreements concluded within the Barazani initiative
4. Mullah said that Parliament is the only institution that can grant legitimacy to the establishment of any new institutions to be established within the Iraqi state
5. He noted that the List has insisted on the enactment of the Council and its composition be voted on within Parliament
6. Mullah denied the existence of any controversial points
7. A number of the deputies in the National Alliance and members of the State Law are opposed to the bill of the National Council for the strategic policy because it puts Allawi's Executive powers over Maliki
8. The National Alliance would rather have it in an advisory role without Executive powers

1-31-11 Rumor from Buckeye


1. Major work has been done in getting the global settlements and prosperity program paid this week and also have the RV happen ASAP
2. Hearing no later than Wednesday or Thursday
3. Buckeye received a call from his source (high placed government official) who told him that Allawi, Maliki, and Talabani had a meeting yesterday
4. Maliki and Allawi settled their differences
5. They signed off on the RV yesterday
6. Shabibi was ordered to a Parliament meeting today
7. We are 48 hours from the oil production (referring to the Kurd's oil flowing on 2/2)
8. RV must happen before the oil from the Kurds starts flowing

Chat from Buckeye...Major work has been done in getting GS and PP paid this week and also to have an RV happen ASAP. Hearing no later than Wed. or Thursday. [BUCKEYE] I just got off the phone an hour ago with my sorces (very accurate) call from a high placed gov't official
[BUCKEYE] explained that maliki ....allawi....telebanni...had a meeting together yesterday M and A have settled their differences
[BUCKEYE] signed off on RV yesterday Shabibi ordered to Parliment meetingf today we are 48 hrs. oil production goes into affect on Feb 2.. has to happen before then This source is very very good...but not bulletproof IMO with everything going on in middle east with Egypt

1-31-11 Obama's schedule

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Obama's departure for Saudi Arabia may have absolutely nothing to do with the RV, and probably has more to do with the unrest in the region, but it is interesting to note he'll be in the region.
9:30AM: President Obama receives the Economic Daily Briefing

10:10AM President Obama receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:30AM President Obama meets with senior advisers

2:30PM President Obama meets with Senate Democrats to discuss health care

3:45PM President Obama signs the Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission Act

4:15PM President Obama meets with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer

6:45PM President Obama departs The White House en route Dulles International Airport

7:05PM President Obama departs Dulles International Airport en route Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1-31-11 Iraqi List MP calls for Arab Summit to be postponed due to Egypt’s political unrest

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article on TCN

1. Vice Baerakp is expecting that the summit in Baghdad will be postponed due to the political unrest in the region
2. al-Khalidi, and MP from the List, said some Arab states have reservations about attending the Arab summit

1-31-11 Maliki defended the decision to the Federal Court to cause the independent government bodies .. And the country will collapse if the back of the decision

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1. Maliki said that the Federal Court's decision binding and that a reversal of the decision would destroy the country because its decisions covers all political bodies of Parliament and the Council of Ministers
2. He said that the decision is subject to appeal
3. Shabibi said that the CBI's independence has been and remains the only guarantee for non-submission of financial resources of the CBI out of Iraq for action, seizure and confiscation by international creditors
4. Shabibi also said it is not possible to know the size of Iraq's funds abroad
5. Some sources estimate Iraq's funds abroad is $60 billion

See related article regarding CBI asking for clarification o the ruling

1-31-11 Allawi as Secretary General?

Click on the title of this posting to get to the details of this article

1. al-Sarraj, a prominent figure in the National Alliance, said that the proposed position for Allawi doesn't exist in the Iraqi Constitution
2. They want to change his title to the Secretary-General
3. When questioned about Barzani's agreement in Erbil, he responded by saying there is no such position
4. The List demands that the vote on the Presidency of Allawi of the National Council of the policies be conducted in Parliament. But, Maliki's bloc is opposed to this in spite of the approval of Prince Kanani, head of the Liberals of the Sadrist movement

1-31-11 Bank investigation info from PD


This is related to the investigation the PD is currently conducting with banks they do business with.  They always encourage everyone not to run out and call banks.

1. Visited 5 banks. Two were from the same chain (5/3rd), and they said they would exchange at a rate of .0006673 (or $60 per 100k IQD)
2. The head teller said they were told to expect a change in the dinar soon and to check the rate daily
3. She asked if the person had Dinar and he said yes.  She seemed excited and it seemed she had knowledge of the Dinar
4. Another 5/3rd said they would buy Dinar back, but it would be less than the buy back at DT
5. They also said they are selling dinar and have the same sell rate as DT
6. Two small chains they went to never heard of the Dinar

[******] ok guys here is the results from visits to exchange dinar to local banks in Nashville TN per POPPY2 and our group. WE visited 5 banks two from same chain 5/3 stated they would exchange at a rate of 0006673 about 60 buck for 100,000.00 the head teller stated they had been told to expect dinar change soon and to check rate daily. She ask when i ask if they could open me a account and exchange my foriegn currency immediately she ask do you have IRAQ Dinar when I said yes she almost ran to the computer to check the screen. It was obvious she got excited and had knowlege of the dinar. NEXT post will be on BB&T BANK ******
[*****] OK I SEE phtrader has given the update on bb&t so I will tell you the report on the main branch of 5/3 in franklin THEY told ***** they would buy his dinar but it would be the same rate less their spread so less than the buy back at DT. However they also said they where still selling dinar and have the same buy rate as DT. that to me is good news. *****
[******] WE ALSO WENT TO TWO other smaller chain banks and LOL,LOL their bank officers didnt even know what a DINAR was one lady bank manager was so funny she looked me like do theyhave money in Iraq. she had this lost deer in the head lights look. Just goes to show these banks have some very in the dark workers even in management *******

1-31-11 Melkert calls for respect of Fed Court decision and parliaments right to discuss implications; Says next stage is to focus on economic recovery

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1. Melkert asked the GOI to respect the Federal Court's decision and the right of Parliament to discuss the implication of the decision
2. He stressed for definition of the independence of the bodies and finding a balance between the executive and legislative branches
3. Melkert said the next stage for Iraq requires a focus on the recovery of their economy

1-31-11 Linking ICB to govt won't affect economic policy, says govt advisor

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1. A legal adviser to the Iraqi government said that linking the CBI to the government won't affect the economic policy of the country
2. He also said itwon't impede the unblocking of Iraqi funds
3. Saleh said that the there is little immediate risk, but he also said he felt the consequences of the ruling are yet to be felt
4. Saleh said that the CBI has been able to provide a secure umbrella for the $50 bil, but the expiration of the DFI in June
5. The money is exposed after the DFI expiration and Saleh said they must think about protecting the assets under the CBI only (implying it should be under the government)
6. Once again, it was stated that the Federal Court's ruling is conclusive and cannot be changed
7. A number of blocs oppose the move and consider it an excessive move by the ruling National Coalition
8. Opponents of the ruling say that it contravenes both articles 103 and 104 of the Constitution Chapter IV, which clearly states that the bodies are independent and subject to the supervision of the House
9. Mullah challenged the constitutionality of the court by pointing out that it was formed by Bremer and not by parliament
10. He said it is time to activate Article 92, which demarcates the Federal Court, the nature of its work, and the terms of its reference

Related article about Shabibi's meeting with Talabani on the impact of the Federal Court ruling on the CBI

1-31-11 Deputy’s opinion: Adoption of the 2011 budget may be delayed more than a month because of differences

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. The second reading of the budget was postponed at the last minute yesterday
2. The new amendment to the budget bill will use a higher price for oil
3. An MP from the Iraqi Nahida Daini coalition said that the other problem impeding the adoption of the budget is the lack of final accounts from the previous year
4. He said that the Parliamentary blocs are determined to see the final accounts prior to voting on the budget
5. A member of the Finance Committee said that the issues between the Kurdistan and central government were resolved
6. The approval of the budget will likely be delayed to the end of this month (at the earliest)

1-31-11 Al-Awadi: Investment Law Passed By Parliament Did Not Contribute to Attracting Foreign Investment to the Iraqi Market

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1. Allawi said that the investment laws that were passed by the House did not contribute to attracting foreign investment to the Iraqi market
2. Allawi wants to see amendments to the law
3. Al-Awadi said that the political and security situation prevented the implementation of investment projects in Iraq

1-31-11 Council policies would be solved before the security bags .The row over the presidency of the Council of Allawi's policies

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1. An informed source said there may be a meeting between Barzani, Maliki, and Allawi
2. She stressed that the meeting will be crucial to resolving all outstanding issues
3. The List accused the members of the coalition of State Law of a coup against the Erbil agreements
4. They also accused them of deliberately delaying the establishment of the Council of senior policy
5. The adviser from the List said there is an organized attack to thwart the project of the National Council of Supreme policies, pointing to the existence of a clear intent to overthrow the agreements and the work of Barzani
6. The adviser said that it is only the work of State of Law and did not implicate the National Alliance
7. Maliki signed a document with Barzani and Allawi on the formation of the Council, but this was unknown to Ashour
8. A source familiar with the National Alliance said that the issue of the National Council will not be solved without naming the security ministries, and he expected they would be named within 2 weeks
9. An MP from the State of Law denied the OS Disclaimer roster agreement
10. He said that the State of Law committed frameworks of Assembly in the agreement, explaining that 3 points were agreed upon
11. (1) Formation of the National Council; (2) The Council has political consensus; (3) Its decisions will be binding if it gains the confidence of 80% of its members

Click here to read an article saying Barzani will visit Baghdad soon

1-31-11 Al-Maliki Confirmed That it Complies With the Agreement on the Policy Council Act

Click on the title of this posting to get to the details of this article on 1 Dinar (membership required)

1. The National Alliance agrees to the draft law overriding policy Council
2. Maliki said that the overriding policy Council gives recommendations and contributes to the development of policies, but it cannot force a resolution unless there the recommendation on approval of 80% of the Board members
3. He said his alliance is fully committed to the agreement on the draft Senate Bill

1-31-11 Prime Minister Nouri Kamil al-Maliki Meets With Heads of Independent Agencies

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. Maliki met with all of the independent bodies
2. Maliki said the Constitution is clear and explicit and adopts a process of separation of powers, but there lacks a separation and this is causing conflict
3. Maliki said the independent bodies are independent of the laws which they operate from
4. He seeks to find a legal system coordinated and integrated, and build an institution not founded upon corruption, bribery, and illegal methods
5. Maliki does not want to influence the independent bodies as long as they are based on the law, and he wants the House legislation to support them in preserving the interest of the State
6. Maliki stressed that this meeting was to clarify the picture in front of everyone
7. He assured everyone that the independent bodies will work without changing the laws and that its independence will be protected and respected

See related article

1-31-11 CBI auction results

Currency Auctions

Announcement No. (1825)

The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 31-JAN-2011. The results were as follows:
Details Notes
Number of banks 15
Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1170
Auction price buying dinar / US$ -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$) 113,889,000
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) -----
Total offers for buying (US$) 113,889,000
Total offers for selling (US$) -----
Exchange rates

Dollar's exchange rates / in Baghdad markets

Sunday, January 30, 2011

1-30-11 Recap of the day's events/postings

This is a summary of the day’s events and postings.  You may notice that you do not see all articles and postings in my blog that you might find across all of the popular Dinar sites.  Instead, I do the work of looking for what is important and chucking what’s not relevant as well as eliminating the duplicate articles.  In the end, you should get news, information, and rumors that follow along the general trend line of what is being reported.  This page summarizes all the postings from the day into the major categories you see below.  Enjoy! 

1.      CBI auction results

Of Interest (rumors that I find of particular interest either because of who said it or because of how I think it relates to what is happening right now):

The Rest (doesn’t mean these are not happening):
1.      None

Where Are We At?
1.      There was much news on the government formation today.  Parliament did meet today, and the agenda was to include discussions on the security breaches, the 2nd reading of the budget, and the independent bodies.  Also, the National Alliance was scheduled to meet this evening to discuss the Federal Court’s ruling.  The meeting was said to include Malki and his cabinet.  Parliament is scheduled to meet on Tuesday regarding the Federal Court’s decision.  In more news about the Federal Court ruling, the House and the Federal Court were in a special meeting to discuss the issues of the independent bodies.  It was said that that many in government reject the ruling, and most are saying that the decision will negatively impact the independent bodies.  However, it was also reported that Maliki is defending the ruling.  In addition it was reported that there is division within the National Alliance regarding Maliki’s independent action regarding the Federal Court’s ruling.  In regards to the open positions, once again it is being reported that Maliki and Allawi will be meeting within 24 hours to discuss the open ministry positions and the powers of the National Council.  Also, Allawi is saying that he will renege from all political agreements if there is not a vote in Parliament on the National Council for the strategic policy.  That said, Allawi requested that Barzani mediate between him and Maliki in order that they can reach final agreement on the formation of the National Council of the policies.
2.      Another low auction day with the CBI! 
3.      In terms of Iraq’s economy, the Iraqi Planning Ministry is forecasting a rate of economic growth of 47% by 2014.  The projected annual growth rate is estimated to be 9.38%.
4.      On the Egypt front, it was said today that the current situation in Egypt and escalations in surrounding countries might impact the start of the Arab Summit to be held in Baghdad.  Also, the Iraqis are watching this situation closely and are calling on their government to take notice of what is happening there.
5.      Today, we saw news of the CBI building a new CBI that will take up to 3 years to build and will cost up to $500 million.  I recall someone saying that the new CBI building was already built, but I believe that was a rumor.
6.      In news related to the release of Chapter 7, it was reported that the diplomatic ties between Kuwait and Iraq failed to reduce the compensation provided to Kuwait.  Also in related news, France said they are working hard on getting Iraq out of the remaining sanctions in Chapter 7.
7.      On the rumor front, once again we see a domestic bank rumor supporting all the other rumors about US banking activity.  Also, in regards to Scooter’s chat, it appears that his line of thinking is matching up with what Nighthk11 has been saying about the powers that be that are controlling the events in Iraq.

What’s left?
1.    Reading of the budget for the third time (this assumes the budget wasn’t approved and that the 2nd reading of the budget was successful).
2.    Closure on Security positions (5 in total) and the remaining unfilled positions (4)
3.    Formal announcement of government
4.    Agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues
5.    Lifting of remaining Chapter 7 sanctions (Kuwait related)
6.    RV/RI
7.    HCL

What’s It All Mean?
1.      The good news of the day is that Parliament met.  I have not yet seen the results of the 2nd reading of the budget, and I haven’t yet seen the results of the meetings to discuss the independent bodies.  So, at this time, the best I can say is that there were meetings that took place that reportedly had these items on the agenda.  Perhaps we’ll see definitive news on all meetings and outcomes tomorrow.  So far, it’s status quo.  We’re still not clear on whether the ministry positions were filled, there is no agreement between Maliki and Allawi on the National Council, the government officials are still speaking out against the Federal Court ruling, and the people of Iraq are carefully watching the events in Egypt unfold.
2.      A new CBI building that will cost nearly $500 million huh?  Now why in the world would the CBI need a new building, and one that cost $500 million or more?  Along the same lines, why would France focus on building stronger trade alliances with Iraq?  They are returning French companies to Iraq and have increased exports by 200%.  This is all positive news.  The CBI seems to want to be significant in a big way, and the news of increased trade activity between Iraq and France is just one example of what is happening regarding trade in Iraq.
3.      In regards to the Kuwait reparations and Chapter 7, we still haven’t yet seen the agreement needed to lift Iraq from the remaining sanctions in Chapter 7.  Today’s news was somewhat of a disappointment.  On a brighter note, however, it appears that the UN and France are involved in helping Iraq and Kuwait come to agreement on their outstanding issues.  Also, there is still the rumor out there that “all is done and there is nothing left to do except RV”.  I’ve heard this from a few that I trust.  I doubt I’ll ever know the truth, and I’m really not certain that I care.  An RV would make it great for everyone, and I’m positive I won’t be seeking the real truth afterward!

1-30-11 CBI auction results

Currency Auctions

Announcement No. (1824)

The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 30-JAN-2011. The results were as follows:
Details Notes
Number of banks 9
Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1170
Auction price buying dinar / US$ -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$) 66,450,000
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) -----
Total offers for buying (US$) 66,450,000
Total offers for selling (US$) -----
Exchange rates

Dollar's exchange rates / in Baghdad markets

1-30-11 Internationalist approach to resolve all outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait

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1. The French ambassador to Baghdad, Bwalun, said France is serious about re-integrating Iraq back into the International community
2. They are working to bring Iraq out of Chapter 7
3. He said that the UN is encouraged to resolve the outstanding issues between Kuwait and Iraq
4. Bwalun said the world needs a strong country in that region and Iraq can play a crucial role in balancing the region around it
5. Bwalun's work is focused on 3 major axes: 1) Strengthen the trust relationship between Iraq and France; 2) Strengthen the rule of law; 3) The return of French companies to Iraq
6. Exports between the two countries has increased 200% during the past 2 years
7. The volume of exports to Iraq in 2010 was $ 800 mil

1-30-11 Scooter Chat: Dinar Vets 1/30/11 11:45am

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1. Found a couple of facts that they were unaware of
2. 3/31 is very very important date as a US citizen; it is the date we run out of funds
2. Congress must make a decision to extend and grow the debt, which requires serious laws
3. After 3/31, our credit rating is on the line, which is not good
4. RV prior to the Arab summit would create "marketing splash"
5. Iraq needs massive capital inflows before 6/30, when the DFI expires
6. Many don't realize how important the credit rating is. It would only take one ignition point and all heck would break loose
7. The USD could spiral out of control with nothing to back it
8. Our intake of revenues is completely unstable
9. The good news, in Scooter's opinion, is that it is coming sooner rather than later...anytime
10. The two most powerful men in the world just met in DC 3 days--maybe a week later
11. Why do you think the Federal Court decision was taken? There is a big reason, but Scooter will let the person who found the reason tell later
12. Egypt and Tunisia brings an element of uncertainty to Iraq in a good way
13. If this little project (referring to democracy in Iraq) work in Iraq, and there's significant uprising in nearby countries....just made Scooter wonder if the uprising was caused by the US
14. Parliament has in fact been meeting
15. Look carefully at the notes and you'll see 2 things have been moved out of the way to get this to happen sooner rather than later
16. (1) Have you noticed that there hasn't been any outrage from the US or UN over Maliki's move?
17. Big money wants this done now
18. They are moving forward with more GE equipment purchases
19. (2) Maliki took over the Electoral Commission
20. Scooter thinks Shabibi had the guts to do it, but couldn't move the roadblock out of the way

1-30-11 The House of Representatives would require members of the Federal Court to discuss the subject of independent bodies

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1. A member of the List said the House and the Federal Court were in a special session to discuss the independent bodies
2. The Federal Court's ruling on the independent bodies sparked a wave of rejection among most forces and political figures
3. Salim said that everyone agrees on the need to speed up the nomination of ministers and the security ministries because it would positive for the political reality
4. The article said it is scheduled to nominate candidates for the vacant ministries in the coming period

On 4 above, no specific date was given. :(

1-30-11 News about the division of the National Alliance separately because of Maliki’s power and claim to link independent bodies of the Cabinet

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1. Almnzawi of the National Alliance said that there is division in the National Alliance because of Maliki's independent action regarding the Federal Court and the independent bodies
2. There is a meeting taking place at present between the policy and cadres of the National Alliance to discuss the latest developments in the Iraq political arena
3. A source who asked not to be identified said connecting the independent bodies to Maliki is a mistake and would be dangerous for the independent bodies
4. al-Sghir also said that the decision would be dangerous for the independent bodies

1-30-11 Allawi, Maliki to meet within 24 hours

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1. The List said that Allawi and Maliki will meet to discuss the security ministries to complete the cabinet reshuffle, and the powers of the National Council
2. Spokesman for the Iraqi Shaker book said that Allawi and Maliki would meet in the next 24 hours to reach consensus on a on a unified vision for the formation of the National Council for policy strategy
3. He said the meeting will be important for resolving issues awaiting resolution of the political blocs and voting in the House

1-30-11 AFP: Iraq PM defends controversial court ruling

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1. Maliki defended the Federal Court ruling saying it was impossible to reverse the ruling
2. He said the court study the case very well prior to the ruling

1-30-11 Bank Rumor: Dinar Vets 1/29/11

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1. Friend, who got this person in the investment 7 years ago, called to let him know his daughter was hired at Wells Fargo
2. She went through training on the De La Rue machine
3. She was hired specifically because WF is expecting a large influx of people coming in to exchange
4. WF would not have hired her if she owned Dinar
5. This was first hand information from the person writing this posting

1-30-11 Al-Mutlaq: The Political Struggles Behind the Lack of Resolution of the Vacant Ministries

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1. The Iraqi deputy al-Mutlaq said the ongoing conflicts between the political blocs is the main reason for the delay to complete the remainder of the vacant ministries, especially security.
2. He further stated that the most of the political blocs put their own personal interest first before the national interests regarding the ministerial vacancies.

1-30-11 Iraq threatens to renege on political agreements if the law does not prescribe policy board

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1. Allawi has threatened to remove himself from all political agreements in the formation of the government if the House of Representatives does not vote on the National Council for the strategic policy.

1-30-11 Iraq economic growth rate expected reach 47% by 2014

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1. The Iraqi Planning ministry stated that the rate of economic growth will reach to 47% by 2014.
2.  The spokesman of the ministry says that the annual economic growth rate to reach 9.38%, and the improvement will have a positive impact on the economic situation in the country and the level of general income of the Iraqi people. 
3.  The IMF stated earlier that the economic growth in Iraq was slower than expected during 2010 because the expected growth in oil production was not achieved.

1-30-11 Deputy: House begins the second reading of the current year’s federal budget

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1. After a 10 day holiday, Parliment is meeting today to for the second reading of the 2011 budget as well as discussing security related issues.
2. There is a need to review the security and regulatory work among military intelligence and security command due to administrative and financial corruption.

1-30-11 Conditions in Egypt will turn attention away from Baghdad summit MPs say

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1. Possibility that Egypt will not be able to attend the Arab Summit in Baghdad due to the current uprising in Egypt.
2. Current situation in Egypt and escalations in surrounding areas could influence the summit being held on time in March.

1-30-11 Kurdistan: Barzani, Allawi calls to mediate between him and al-Maliki

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1. Allawi requests Barzani to meet with Allawi and Maliki to reach a final agreement on the formation of the National Council of the policies.
2.  Parliment is scheduled to meet today to discuss security, counter terrorism, and decision regarding the independent bodies by the SFC.

1-30-11 Parliament: Independent government bodies linked to abuse of the Constitution

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1. MP from Iraqi List, Muhammad Al-Khalidi, states that the linking of the independent bodies is a violation of the Iraqi Constitution.
2. There is great pressure on the blocks to name the remaining ministries, especially security, and the completion of the vote on the draft  policy the Supreme Council.