Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2-1-11 Recap of the day's events/postings

1.       CBI auction results

Of Interest (rumors that I find of particular interest either because of who said it or because of how I think it relates to what is happening right now):
3.       Nighthk11 chat

The Rest (doesn’t mean these are not happening):
1.       PD rumor - update
2.       Okie Oil Man chat
3.       Steve update from PD
4.       Med chat

Where Are We At?
1.       They CBI auctions

2.       Today’s government formation news centered mostly on the Parliament meetings.  Parliament met to discuss the Federal Court’s decision.  Maliki is still defending the Court ruling and told the members of Parliament that the ruling is final.  The opposition to the ruling from blocs still exists.  In fact, the Kurds are opposed to the ruling, which could cause another political crisis.  More importantly, the List is demanding that Parliament dissolve the Federal Court.  An economic advisor to Maliki said that the CBI’s assets are not venerable.  However, Shabibi continues to make the argument that the assets are venerable.   In other related news, the Security Defense Committee elected two people into the Chairman and deputy roles. 

3.       In budget news, the big news of the day is that they completed the 2nd reading.  Also, there was news that Parliament would read the budget for the 3rd time and ratify it by the end of the week.  This is all surprising news given that the Kurds have expressed opposition to the budget. 

4.       News reported today that the oil will begin flowing in the Kurdistan region beginning today.

5.       An MP said that the upcoming Arab summit will be held on schedule and will not be affected by the events in Egypt.

6.       An article was published showing the Council resolutions. One of the resolutions was related to the CBI and the DFI.  It stated that the CBI immediately process the opening of accounts and transferring money for the DFI, and it stated it must do this by 5/1/11.

7.       Parliament’s next meeting is scheduled for Thursday

8.       On the rumor front, Delta reported that Maliki said that he could walk into Parliament, if there are no more nominations for the ministries, and be done.  He said we should look for more GOI news by the end of this week.  Steve from PD is hearing things may be delayed a bit longer, and Night is still looking for something concrete to happen this week as it relates to Maliki.  Med is also watching what is happing with Allawi and Maliki this week.  Lastly, we’re still seeing rumors regarding banks preparing in the US, or bankers confirming there will be an RV of the IQD. 

What’s left?
1.    Reading of the budget for the third time
2.    Closure on Security positions (5 in total) and the remaining unfilled positions (4)
3.    Formal announcement of government
4.    Agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues
5.    Lifting of remaining Chapter 7 sanctions (Kuwait related)
6.    RV/RI
7.    HCL

What’s It All Mean?
1.       The CBI auctions went back down again.  Combine this with the news of the oil flowing in the Kurdistan region today or tomorrow, PD’s intel from last Friday saying there may be and RV anytime between last Friday and tomorrow, Maliki’s news that he can easily fill the ministries this week, and the pressure the List is putting on Parliament to dissolve the Federal Court, and maybe we’ll see serious action regarding the completion of the government.  Or, better yet, maybe the RV?!

2.       With regards to the government formation, the List’s demand on Parliament to dissolve the Federal Court will be something to watch.  They can say as much as they want, but without action, everything will remain the same.  On the other hand, if Parliament takes the request seriously and begins to take the necessary steps to dissolve the government, we could see Night’s scenario play out.  More specifically, we might see Parliament initiate a vote of no confidence for Maliki, dissolve the Federal Court, and replace the judges with new people.  This, of course, would mean that someone would step into the PM role.  Nigh also suggests that this entire scenario would likely speed up the RV.

3.       In regards to the budget, it’s great that it made it through the second reading despite opposition from the Kurds, or the reported opposition from the Kurds.  This suggests that the issues are not large and that the Kurds really are ok with the budget.  If this is the case, we should see the 3rd reading go smoothly.  Barring any major issues, this budget looks like its going to be finalized, and it may possibly be finalized by the end of the week according to news.

4.       The news of the CBI preparing for the end of the DFI by 5/1 is encouraging.  This could mean that the RV will happen prior to 5/1, since Iraq would not want to find themselves in a situation where the DFI expired and their currency has little to no value.  Remember, if this happens, creditors would be forced to go after their assets.  This is not in the best interest of the CBI or the government, of course.  Somewhat related to this is the upcoming Arab summit.  Remember, it would be in the best interest of Iraq to form their government and RV prior to the summit in order to prove to the Arab countries that they are a viable trading partner….with a globally traded currency that has value.  So, we have to outside dates of 3/23 and 5/1.

2-1-11 Med chat

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of the chat on DD

1. The 2nd reading was a surprise
2. Med read that Maliki said he is no longer concerned with the security and other issues
3. With the contradiction by the SFC from their 2006 decision and their current ruling, Parliament should have enough evidence to dissolve the current court and put a new one in
4. Maliki can't keep his promises and this is why the Kurds and the List have been so determined to make him comply with the agreements from Erbil
5. Next Parliament meeting is Thursday
6. They will discuss the budget and the SFC decision. So, the issue of Maliki being removed is not happening this week
7. There is no secret conspiracy out there. This group in Iraq is inept
8. Shabibi is waiting for some clarification from Parliament, or some action on their part
9. Shabibi has made it clear that the assets of Iraq that are now part of CBI are at risk
10. Those assets are part of the foreign currency reserves that are to cover an RV
11. The government is ratified already
12. Maliki used proxies for the unfilled ministry seats and they were dumb enough to accept it
13. Parliament bit on his promise and, as usual, he hasn't kept it
14. If Iraq leaves the DFI protection without a foreign exchange currency, it would be devastating for them
15. The creditors would have no choice but to raid the assets of Iraq
16. CW stated that they would ratify the budget this week in the news
17. The budget must first be read 3 times and then be published in the Gazette
18. Need to follow the budget
19. The SFC is also important
20. If they move on them to dissolve the SFC, this is a key to what will happen to Maliki
21. If they only give lip service, then Maliki is safe
23. Need to watch for Maliki and Allawi to meet. This could be a key to diverting serious trouble
24. Both could resolve things

2-1-11 We Will call today in parliament-DISSOLVE FEDERAL COURT

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. An MP for the List said they will call upon the Parliament to dissolve the Federal Court because their decision is illegal
2. Maliki and the Courts had no right to link the independent bodies to the Council of Ministers according to the MP

2-1-11 Steve update from PD


1. Ray is in direct contact with Iraqi sources
2. They are telling Ray this will drag out a bit longer
3. Nothing will happen until the GOI is seated
4. There are still issues over the security position
5. Steve will share more on the ration cards later
6. Steve thinks trouble is coming in a big way for Iraq
7. People there are not happy

I spoke to Ray yesterday several times and he has been in direct contact with his Iraqi sources. They are now saying this will drag out a bit longer. They are still telling Ray and I that nothing will happen until they get a government seated. They are still having issues over the Security position. I am truly not sure how much longer the people will go before some sort of demonstration will start to take place. I will share more later on the ration cards that we were told about regarding what you can and cannot purchase on them They (Iraqi people) are not happy at all. I see trouble coming in a big way. I am so thankful I live in the USA and wake up to a somewhat government every day that is at least authentic. Blessings, Steve

2-1-11 Election of Hasan al-Chairman of the Commission on Security and Defense Council of Representatives

Click on the title of this posting to get to the details of this article

1. A source in the Iraqi Council of Representatives said that the Security Defense Committee elected Sinead as Chairman, and Alexander as his deputy
2. The source said the name of the Commission's decision is not settled yet
3. The Committee is composed of security and defense
4. There are 17 deputies

2-1-11 Dabbagh announces Council resolutions, the Iraqi minister

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

This is related to the DFI. Note the 5/1 date and reference to the DFI (in bold below). This might be a date to watch for in regards to the RV.
Dabbagh announces Council resolutions, the Iraqi minister
1. المصادقة على جميع توصيات اللجنة المشكلة بموجب قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (25) لسنة / 2010 الخاصة بوضع آلية لضمان حماية اموال العراق وكما يأتي: Approved all the recommendations of the committee formed under the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (25) for the year / 2010 for setting up a mechanism to ensure the protection of Iraq's money, as follows:

أ. A. الطلب من مجلس النواب العراقي إقرار اتفاقية التعويضات المبرمة مع الولايات المتحدة الامريكية بخصوص مبلغ التعويضات البالغ (400) مليون دولار امريكي (اربعمائة مليون دولار امريكي). Demand of the Iraqi Council of Representatives approved the settlement agreement concluded with the United States of America regarding the amount of compensation (400) million U.S. dollars (four hundred million U.S. dollars).

ب. B. الطلب من وزارة الخارجية العراقية متابعة إصدار القرار الرئاسي التنفيذي لحماية اموال العراق في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية. Demand from the Iraqi Foreign Ministry follow-up to the issuance of the Presidential Executive for the protection of Iraq's money in the United States of America.

ج. C. تكليف لجنة من وزارتي المالية والخارجية وديوان الرقابة المالية والبنك المركزي العراقي لتحضير تقرير حكومة العراق الذي سيقدم الى مجلس الامن الدولي في 1/5/2011. A committee from the Ministries of Finance, Foreign Affairs, Office of Financial Supervision and the Central Bank of Iraq to prepare the report of the Government of Iraq, which will be submitted to the UN Security Council in 05.01.2011.

د. D. قيام البنك المركزي العراقي فوراً بعملية فتح حسابات في مصارف اخرى ونقل اموال حساب صندوق العراق للتنمية (DFI) قبل 1/5/2011. The Central Bank of Iraq immediately the process of opening accounts in other banks and money transfer account for the Development Fund of Iraq (DFI) before 05/01/2011.

هـ. E. الاتفاق على آلية محددة وشفافة يتم بموجبها استقطاع نسبة التعويضات البالغة (5%). Agreement on the mechanism of specific and transparent, which is deducting a percentage of compensation of $ (5%).

2. 2. الموافقة على الاستثناءات المطلوبة في مذكرة دائرة الرقابة الداخلية/ الامانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء لتنفيذ الاعمال المعمارية لمبنى الزقورة. To approve exceptions required in the memorandum of Internal Oversight Service / General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers for the implementation of business architecture for building ziggurat.

3. 3. المصادقة على توصيات اجتماع معالجة النقص الحاصل من مادتي الرز والحنطة بشكل اساسي إضافة الى مادتي حليب الاطفال والسكر والدهن والتي من شأنها تسهيل تعجيل تأمين مفردات البطاقة التموينية الواردة في مذكرة دائرة الرقابة الداخلية 89 في 30/1/2011 مع منح الوزارة صلاحية الشراء المباشر من المنشأ وتشكيل لجنة مركزية للتفاوض حيثما كان ذلك ضرورياً للمواد المذكورة. Approval of the recommendations of the meeting to address the shortfall of the subjects of rice and wheat, mainly in addition to the subjects of baby milk, sugar and fat, which would facilitate the acceleration secure the ration card items contained in the memorandum by the Department of Internal Oversight 89 30.1.2011 issued by the ministry with the power of direct purchase of origin and the formation of a central committee to negotiate, where necessary, to the said Articles.

4. 4. المصادقة على التوصيات الواردة في التقرير المرافق طي كتاب هيئة المستشارين ذي العدد (ت/ 715) المؤرخ في 1/12/2010 بشأن موضوع نظام البحث والتطوير في العلوم والتكنولوجيا والابداع مع الاخذ بنظر الاعتبار رأي اللجنة القانونية في الامانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء Approval of the recommendations contained in the report accompanying the book herewith advisory board of a number (T / 715) of 12.01.2010 on the subject of research and development system in science, technology and innovation, taking into consideration the opinion of the Legal Committee at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers

5. 5.

أولاً: الموافقة على تعديل قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (1) لسنة / 2011 وكما يأتي: تمليك الفيلا المرقمة (W-5) الواقعة في ( مجمع دجلة الدبلوماسي ) داخل المنطقة الخضراء إلى ( سفارة جمهورية كوريا الجنوبية في بغداد ) مقابل التزام الحكومة الكورية بتحقيق الآتي: First: to approve the amendment to the Council of Ministers No. (1) for the year April 2011 and as follows: ownership of the villa numbered (W-5) located in the (complex Tigris diplomat) inside the Green Zone to (Embassy of the Republic of South Korea in Baghdad) compared to the commitment of the Korean government to achieve follows:

أ. A. تمليك قطعة ارض الى جمهورية العراق في موقع مناسب في العاصمة الكورية الجنوبية ( سيئول )؛ لغرض بناء سفارة جمهورية العراق بدلاً عن القطعة المخصصة لها سابقًا Ownership of a piece of land to the Republic of Iraq in a convenient location in the South Korean capital (Seoul); for the purpose of building the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq rather than the object previously allocated to them

ب. B. تنازل الحكومة الكورية الجنوبية عن قطعة الارض المملكة لها سابقًا بموجب الاتفاقية المبرمة بين البلدين لسنة / 1987 Waiver of the South Korean government for her piece of land formerly the Kingdom under the Convention concluded between the two countries for the year / 1987

ج. C. إدخال جمهورية العراق ضمن قائمة الدول المشمولة بالاعفاء الضريبي Enter the Republic of Iraq within the list of countries covered by the tax exemption

ثانيًا: تشكيل لجنة فنية تضم ممثلين عن البلدين لغرض تثمين سعر العقارين المُشار اليهما في البند (1) والفقرة الفرعية (أ) اعلاه على ان يدفع الطرف الذي تتحقق له زيادة في السعر إلى الطرف الاخر الفرق بين السعرين Second: the formation of a technical committee comprising representatives of the two countries for the purpose of valuation price drugs referred to in item (1) and subparagraph (a) above to be paid in the party that has achieved an increase in price to the other party the difference between the two rates

ثالثًا: تتولى ( وزارة المالية / دائرة عقارات الدولة ) تنظيم مرتسم يبين حدود القطعة المقامة عليها البناية المشار اليها في (أولاً) اعلاه Third: The (Ministry of Finance / Department of Real Estate State) organization tracing shows the limits of the object built by the building referred to in (i) above

6. 6. الموافقة على ما يأتي: To approve the following:

أ. A. تخويل السيد وزير المالية صلاحية التوقيع على اتفاق هيكلة المديونية بين ( جمهورية العراق ) و( صندوق النقد العربي ) بضمنها احكام ملحق التعديل المقترح وذلك استناداً الى احكام المادة (80/ البند سادساً) من الدستور. Authorization of the Minister of Finance to sign an agreement between the restructuring of indebtedness (the Republic of Iraq) and (AMF), including extension of the provisions of the proposed amendment on the basis of the provisions of Article (80 / item VI) of the Constitution.

ب. B. قيام وزارة الخارجية بإعداد وثيقة التخويل اللازمة بإسم حكومة جمهورية العراق للسيد وزير المالية وفق السياقات المعتمدة. The Foreign Ministry to prepare a document authorization required in the name of the Government of Iraq to the Minister of Finance in accordance with the approved contexts.

7. 7.
أ. A. الموافقة على استثناء المركبات المحورة التي سيتم استيرادها لصالح اللجنة الباراولمبية الوطنية العراقية (وعددها (71) مركبة متنوعة) من احكام قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (215) لسنة 2009 وذلك بإعفائها من شرط ترقين قيد سيارة مستهلكة عند تسجيل سيارة جديدة. Approve the exception of vehicles modified to be imported for the benefit of the Iraqi National pare Olympic Committee (and number (71) a variety of vehicle) from the provisions of the Council of Ministers resolution No. (215) for the year 2009 and dispensing with the requirement of punctuation in a car consuming when you register a new car.

ب. B. الموافقة على استثناء الاليات المهداة من قبل الجانب الامريكي (شركة جيل المستقبل) الى وزارة البلديات والاشغال والواردة مواصفاتها طي كتاب الوزارة المذكورة ذي العدد (م سري 16039) والمؤرخ في 8/11/2010 من احكام قرار مجلس الوزراء رقم (215) لسنة 2009 وذلك بإعفائها من شرط ترقين قيد سيارة مستهلكة عند تسجيل سيارة جديدة. Approval of the exception mechanisms donated by the U.S. Company (the future generation) to the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works and contained specifications Collapse book ministry listed a number of (m series 16 039), dated 11/08/2010 of the provisions of Council of Ministers Resolution No. (215) for the year 2009, exemption from the requirement under punctuation car consuming when you register a new car.

2-1-11 Okie Oil Man chat


1. Tomorrow may be an important day due to the oil in Kurdistan being turned back on and because the budget was voted on for the second time
3. Pam went to her bank (BoA) and was told by the bank manager that she would be a millionaire soon


[3:02:08 PM][OKIE_OIL_MAN] juice?--do i look like an orange?--well from what i understand tommorow may be a very important day due to the oil in kurdistan being turned back on and in conjunction with that today the budget was voted on the second time and also tommorrow is another crappy holiday in iraq and surely parliment at this stage of the game would have accompolished all necessary items to cause r/v to occur
Pam is one of the ppl that do MTT call.....she went to her bank (BOA) and was talking to them about dinar and showed the bank manager and he checked them out. He told her she would be a millionaire soon.

2-1-11 Baghdad Arab Summit will be held on schedule, Egypt’s events won’t affect it, MP says

Click on the title of this posting to get to the details of this posting on DD

1. An MP said the summit will convene as scheduled in March
2. The incidents in Egypt or any other country won't affect the timing of the summit

2-1-11 House of Representatives to raise its next Thursday

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of the article

1. The House will meet next on Thursday
2. Tuesday afternoon's meeting (closed door) was focused on the Federal Court decision linked to the Council of Ministers
3. Thursday's meeting will continue the Federal Court decision discussion and include a discussion the development of electric power

2-1-11 President Jalal Talabani receives Sinan Al-Shabibi

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. Talabani met with Shabibi
2. Talabani said he read the Federal Court ruling and emphasized the need to uphold the Constitution, including articles regarding the CBI and its functions

2-1-11 Nighthk11 chat


1. If Maliki and Allawi came to a deal, then we may see progress on government formation this week
2. The budget is not needed for the RV
3. The funds to cover for the RV have been set aside
4. If they decided to change the original agreement, they made some sort of deal
5. The US might set a time limit for cash in. He was told it may be within 2 years
6. Night strongly suggest you cash in the moment you know about the RV
7. Night was told Iraq is demanding of the IMF to support a rate over $3
8. He doesn't know if they can support that high of a value
9. Night is thinking the rate may be $3.10 - $3.30
10. The information relayed to him indicates that there have been heated discussions among the Iraqi elite concerning the rate
11. Both Allawi and Maliki want the higher rate
12. Iraq does have the assets to support the 3 rate--especially with the new found natural gas deposits
13. Night thinks that once they put the Dinar out, it will be stable
14. It may drop a few cents or points, but should go back up until it reaches the ceiling they have set and then remain there
15. Iraq cannot move forward unless the Dinar is on the market and its value is stable
16. The only place a time limit may apply is in Iraq
17. They don't want 30 million new millionaires inside the country

1:0Maliki and Allawi met and what the resulkts were yet?
1:02 PM [******] 
1:03 PM [******] didn't we hear they met and had come to an agreement
1:03 PM [******] or was that in a rumor?
1:03 PM [******] I heard they met and had the second reading
1:03 PM [Nighthk11] If they did and came to a deal then we may see progress on gov't formation this week
1:04 PM [******] yes in parliament second reading on budget
1:04 PM [******] Oh Night..from your lips to God's ears!! 
1:04 PM [******] that is what I heard night , hope it is true
1:04 PM [Nighthk11] While the budget is very important- It is not needed for an RV to occur
1:04 PM [******] I surely hope so
1:05 PM [Nighthk11] The funds to cover the RV have already been set aside
1:05 PM [******] no I heard there was an agreement night  and I hope it is true
1:05 PM [******] http://dinarvets.doobla.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=21498
1:05 PM [******] that also is very reassuring to hear Night
1:05 PM [Nighthk11] It only pertains to inside Iraq because Dinar we hold will be stored in the Fed Reserve
1:06 PM [******] true
1:06 PM [******] maliki, allawi reversed urgent resolutions to erbil
1:07 PM [Nighthk11] Sounds like they decided to "Change" the original agreement- If so, Then I think they made some sort of deal
1:07 PM [******] that is something hubby and I talked about , so we were saying there would be no reason to have a time limit on cash in here since it will not be going back to Iraq but staying here in the usa
1:07 PM [******] Nighthk11 my understanding the Fed will only get what goes thru banks..... traders goes back to Iraq
1:07 PM [******] Hello Nighthk11 ****** ****** ******. Great to see ****** and night here. I guess now we will have some ****** Nights in here.
1:07 PM [******] 
1:07 PM [******] ty
1:07 PM [******] and some weather announcemnts
1:07 PM [Nighthk11] Correct ******- But US may set a "Time Limit"- I was told it may be within two years
1:08 PM [******] oh well that would be great
1:08 PM [******] thanks night i thought so too
1:08 PM [******] about the agreement
1:08 PM [Nighthk11] At any length- I would strongl;y suggest that the momenmt we know the dinar is international- Cash Out
1:09 PM [******] that is what i am doing Nighthk11 not holding any back
1:09 PM [******] I plan on cashing in most of mine asap
1:09 PM [Nighthk11] Because of the uncertainty of Iraq
1:09 PM [******] that sounds GREAT! from what that article says, it sounds as if the SFC ruling isn't going to stand Night as you had said it would not
1:09 PM [******] that is true
1:10 PM [******] I will make sure I have what I need to be good for the rest of my life  asap
1:10 PM [******] but I am 60 so won't need to worry 
1:11 PM [******] I need some time to set-up investment plans--foundation and trust accounts, etc. and get some precious metals investments going but other than the time required to do those things, I plan to be out of the dinars ASAp
1:11 PM [******] Good Morning/Afternoon all!!!
1:11 PM [******] gm
1:12 PM [******] Good afternoon *****
1:12 PM [Nighthk11] Now- I have always stated that the dinar will be over $1.00 and have been told they are demanding of the IMF to support the "Golden Dinar" which was over $3.00- I do NOT know if they can support that high a value
1:12 PM [******] ****** it is good to see you here
1:12 PM [******] g afternoon
1:12 PM [******] 
1:12 PM [Nighthk11] But they are trying
1:12 PM [******] ty
1:12 PM [******] Nighthk11 do you have a specific idea on the rate?
1:13 PM [******] if it were to come in over $3.00 that would be wonderful as for my spouse and myself..this will constitute our retirement
1:13 PM [******] so you all remember groovgal
1:13 PM [Nighthk11] At this point I know it's over 10 cents so it will be just fine with what they finally come out with
1:13 PM [******] sure
1:13 PM [******] of course we remember GG
1:13 PM [******] ****** yes
1:13 PM [******] she always said they could sustand a 3+ rate
1:13 PM [Nighthk11] I am thinking around $3.10-3,30 no more than that - I could be WRONG
1:13 PM [******] if I am not mistaken
1:13 PM [******] yes she did
1:14 PM [******] yes, she did and explained why, ******
1:14 PM [******]   
1:14 PM [******] I'm not sure if that post is still here
1:14 PM [******] Nighthk11 you are allowed ot be wrong in here
1:14 PM [******] oh absolutely 
1:14 PM [Nighthk11] It is a strong possibility- That is why I say "Many will be surprised- But all will be satisfied"
1:14 PM [******] we all know any rates at this time are our own guess at what it could be
1:15 PM [******] don't worry about that---we all welcome all speculation
1:15 PM [******] ******, you look so cute in your party hat 
1:15 PM [******] sorry - you are allowed to be wrong in here - wanted to clarify
1:15 PM [******] but I sure hope it does come in at 3 because there are alot of people that , it would really change their lives for the better
1:15 PM [******] and we welcome any factual info as well--but we won't hold you responsible Night if things change..after all. Iraq is..well Iraq 
1:15 PM [******] rw why thank you kind sir! 
1:15 PM [******] RW!!!!!!
1:16 PM [Nighthk11] The information related to me indicates that there have been some heated discussions among the Iraqi elite concerning this rate- Both Maliki and Allawi want this
1:16 PM [Nighthk11] But that does NOT mean the IMF will go along with this- we shall see
1:16 PM [******] ****** !!!
1:16 PM [Nighthk11] They both want the Golden Dinar- Over $3.00
1:16 PM [******] kels he said they both want it 3
1:17 PM [******] streaker preacher in the HOUSE!!!
1:17 PM [******] sorry night
1:17 PM [******] the imf and other countries need to be repaid by iraq so it can't be too low
1:17 PM [******] 
1:17 PM [******] Nighthk11 i get it now... sorry about that
1:17 PM [******] that would be awesome
1:17 PM [******] yeah I would htink the IMF needs it higher more than lower
1:17 PM [******] but fear may keep it down
1:17 PM [******] although we have heard night that where the IMF is concerned that their primary concern is that whatever rate is used be easily sutainable by iraq's assets
1:17 PM [******] I"m happy with 50 cents
1:18 PM [Nighthk11] Right now it is a matter of speculation because the information cannot be confirmed- But it has been discussed- so we will see
1:18 PM [******] Amen, bro
1:18 PM [******] i have always been a $2.50 lady myself 
1:18 PM [******]  as we all would kels
1:18 PM [Nighthk11] Iraq does have the assets to support this rate
1:18 PM [******] And those assets are about to explode further
1:18 PM [Nighthk11] Especially with the New found natujral gas deposits located
1:19 PM [******] that is what groovgal always said ,
1:19 PM [******] that is very reassuring Night
1:19 PM [******] i believe shabs will have a lot of input on the final rate alsol
1:19 PM [******] but is there any global currency that is supported by assets?
1:19 PM [******] nice pun kelsguy 
1:19 PM [******] you also have to take into consideration that the ICI donar nations are not being able to give the alloted pledges initially negotiated because of the global economy ....so this also entails that iraq needs the higher rate for the recon projects on their plates to pay for this
1:19 PM [Nighthk11] along with New wells of oil located in the western desert between Iraq and Jordan
1:19 PM [******] ****** glad you caught that
1:20 PM [******] also mdb the euro needs support to strength and the world needs a higher rate for global financial recovery
1:20 PM [******] They just need a government that supports a good rate and a healthy economy
1:20 PM [******] ****** excellent point
1:20 PM [Nighthk11] If they do- then I would strongly suggest you cash out at the first opportunity when it hits the market
1:20 PM [******] ty *****
1:21 PM [Nighthk11] Yes ******- they can go nowhere without that
1:21 PM [******] the only reason I ask is that they can "pick" a value rather than having to support a value
1:21 PM [******] the me is a tenderbox right now
1:21 PM [******] yes its true.....i used to be in the camp of around the euro.....but now that ive had the opportunity to consult with many others and people who i trust and respect who do have legitimate contacts....I am now in the 3 camp
1:21 PM [******] Night do you feel that it may be critical to cash out in days..or would taking a few weeks to get structures in place be safe?
1:21 PM [******] I think the swiss money is backed with gold still
1:22 PM [Nighthk11] Yes and I can assure you that Iraq is paying attention- Egypt is NOT letting up
1:22 PM [******] but I understand that is the only one , am I correct?
1:22 PM [******] don't we have the greatest chats?????????? 
1:22 PM [******] ****** i like the way you talk!
1:22 PM [******]  kels tytyty hehe
1:22 PM [Nighthk11] Correct ******- they make their money by being a bank for other countries and people
1:23 PM [******] ***** OUT!!! gotta meeting... bbl
1:23 PM [******] ttyl *****
1:23 PM [******] is this being copied?
1:23 PM [******] don't know ******
1:23 PM [******] k ty
1:23 PM [******] ****** is away it seems
1:24 PM [******] mk is probably working today
1:24 PM [******] I believe the President of Egypt step down today per Fox News
1:24 PM [******] really
1:24 PM [******] my concern is if we would safely have enough time to fly back and forth and get our financial ducks in a row---hopefully bartering dinars into gold etc..which would take some time If that were not a safe option: then we would need to cash out all in and then work on gold foundations and trusts etc over time
1:24 PM [******] ****** i saw on a private site the only day that the military will take over in egypt
1:25 PM [******] ok bbiab
1:25 PM [Nighthk11] Yes but according to some- He will never step down- Maliki better be watching
1:25 PM [******] that is what I heard night
1:25 PM [******] I think it was on npr radio
1:25 PM [******] that he would never step down
1:25 PM [******] ****** i would think we have 90 to 120 days.
1:26 PM [******] was someone on there that knew him talking
1:26 PM [******] Night so you think rate will be stable once established or will it potentially float or have possibility of changing within hours or days?
1:26 PM [******] ****** thanks for your input hun 
1:26 PM [Nighthk11] After 30 years in power- the people are still poor- the issues are almost identical for Iraq which has more wealth- So why then would the Iraqi people NOT be empowered to tak back their country?
1:27 PM [******] yw
1:27 PM [******] well Iraq is iraq ****** how much do you trust them
1:27 PM [******] well ******--not very much
1:27 PM [******] them getting all this done and getting along is the exception to the rule over there
1:27 PM [******] do you think it will last??
1:28 PM [******] maybe for a while , maybe not
1:28 PM [******] is just we won't have things set-up in advance because we are too cash poor right now to set anything up
1:28 PM [Nighthk11] I think that once they put the dinar out- It will initially be stable- with re-construction beginning in earnest and contracts being honored- It may drop a few cents or points- Then go back up until it reaches the ceiling they have set then remain there
1:28 PM [******] I am hoping there will be enough time to set things up the smart way once Rv hits...not have to rush rush things
1:29 PM [******] well I will cash in at the bank
1:29 PM [Nighthk11] But make no mistake and do not have any worry- They cannot move forward unless the dinar is on the market and it's value is stable
1:29 PM [******] then worry about buying gold or whatever
1:29 PM [******] I will pay the taxes on it then go from there
1:29 PM [******] then I won't have to be in a hurry to decide how to invest it
1:30 PM [******] I agree night
1:30 PM [Nighthk11] I am hoping that that happens this month and I see no reason given a deal being made to complete the gov't and the council- that this should not happen
1:30 PM [******] true---is just it is nice to have time to work with getting things set-up is all...
1:31 PM [******]  you are a worryier
1:31 PM [Nighthk11] I think you will have both the time and help needed to accomplish what you want to do
1:31 PM [******] 
1:31 PM [******] it will be a crazy crazy and highly emotional time for everyone
1:31 PM [******] oh dear just got an update from a business contact in oklahoma, they are going home to work. worried about roads already
1:31 PM [******] it is all good my friend breathe
1:31 PM [Nighthk11] BOA will help you with financial counselors
1:32 PM [******] Thank you Night for coming to this site and giving chats
1:32 PM [******] you are appeciated night 
1:32 PM [******] that is true night--but we will be working with International Financial advisors
1:32 PM [Nighthk11] YW needed a home since I got kicked to the curb
1:32 PM [******] maybe not there but here you are
1:32 PM [******] there is a big crowd on that curb! 
1:33 PM [******] Thanks nighthk, much appreciated!
1:33 PM [Nighthk11] Oh I see- then I would not worry about time- I think you will be just fine
1:33 PM [******] probably won't be cashing in at a bank except for money to pay off existing debt in the US--and perhaps having enough $$ set aside for living expenses for 6 months
1:33 PM [Nighthk11] Yes I see- and I think you will be just fine with your plans
1:35 PM [Nighthk11] I think the only place a time limit will apply will be inside Iraq as they want the large bills turned in
1:35 PM [Nighthk11] They don't want 30 million new millionares inside the country
1:35 PM [******] hubby and I are planning on relocating to New Zealand for retirement
1:35 PM [******] night did you say we might have 2 years?
1:36 PM [Nighthk11] Yes- 2 years- that is what Iraq has stated to recover all the large denoms
1:36 PM [******] we may amintain a second home in teh US...we may not
1:37 PM [Nighthk11] Our dinar will be turned in to the fed for holding in foreign currency reserves
1:37 PM [******] That may not apply to US citizens, or do you think, so?
1:37 PM [******] i do know this much. large international corporations with funding and good revenue are starting to look around at investments so they must know something is coming. 
1:38 PM [******] up till now it has been hold the cash
1:38 PM [Nighthk11] US may set a "Time Limit" within our borders for the dinar but I can't see why
1:39 PM [******] we have most of the investment people we plan on working with chosen and have spoken with them etc.
1:39 PM [******] Unless they can get our dinar at a lower rate and allow it to appreciate over time in their own reserves
1:39 PM [******] ****** I don't really worry--so much as plan
1:40 PM [Nighthk11] The speed at which this is done will depend largely on the "Deal" made and the gov't formation so that Shabibi can act
1:40 PM [******] I don't like making decision quickly "on the fly"
1:41 PM [******] my hubby si worse than I am 
1:41 PM [******] he won't purchase anything without first considering all 15 options 
1:41 PM [******] Night ( in your opinion ) how long could it take for the RV to happen?
1:42 PM [******] heya ER <hugs> been a long time!!
1:42 PM [******] hey ******
1:42 PM [******] ive been here...just lurking 
1:42 PM [******] i dont come on as much
1:42 PM [******] ahh OK
1:43 PM [******] Night what time window..realistically--do you think we may be looking at before Rv actually happens....(we know this is not an easy question to answer--just wondering what your opinion is?)
1:44 PM [******] I know its can happen any second.....
1:44 PM [******] it
1:45 PM [******] but... i was just wondering how much longer they can really hold out
1:47 PM [******] would someone please post Night's chat when he is done I missed half of it Please please
1:48 PM [******] shorty--I hope someone has been recording it--****** is not here I do not think
1:48 PM [******] also night what is maliki currently doing about the security files?
1:48 PM [******] i'll wait in line. 
1:48 PM [******] 
1:02 PM [Nighthk11] Does anyonme know if Maliki and Allawi met and what the resulkts were yet?
1:02 PM [******] 
1:03 PM [******] didn't we hear they met and had come to an agreement
1:03 PM [******] or was that in a rumor?
1:03 PM [******] I heard they met and had the second reading
1:03 PM [Nighthk11] If they did and came to a deal then we may see progress on gov't formation this week
1:04 PM [******] yes in parliament second reading on budget
1:04 PM [******] Oh Night..from your lips to God's ears!! 
1:04 PM [******] that is what I heard night , hope it is true
1:04 PM [Nighthk11] While the budget is very important- It is not needed for an RV to occur
1:04 PM [******] I surely hope so
1:05 PM [Nighthk11] The funds to cover the RV have already been set aside
1:05 PM [******] no I heard there was an agreement night  and I hope it is true
1:05 PM [******] http://dinarvets.doobla.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=21498
1:05 PM [******] that also is very reassuring to hear Night
1:05 PM [Nighthk11] It only pertains to inside Iraq because Dinar we hold will be stored in the Fed Reserve
1:06 PM [******] true
1:06 PM [******] maliki, allawi reversed urgent resolutions to erbil
1:07 PM [Nighthk11] Sounds like they decided to "Change" the original agreement- If so, Then I think they made some sort of deal
1:07 PM [******] that is something hubby and I talked about , so we were saying there would be no reason to have a time limit on cash in here since it will not be going back to Iraq but staying here in the usa
1:07 PM [******] Nighthk11 my understanding the Fed will only get what goes thru banks..... traders goes back to Iraq
1:07 PM [******] Hello Nighthk11 ****** ****** ******. Great to see ****** and night here. I guess now we will have some ****** Nights in here.
1:07 PM [******] 
1:07 PM [******] ty
1:07 PM [******] and some weather announcemnts
1:07 PM [Nighthk11] Correct ******- But US may set a "Time Limit"- I was told it may be within two years
1:08 PM [******] oh well that would be great
1:08 PM [******] thanks night i thought so too
1:08 PM [******] about the agreement
1:08 PM [Nighthk11] At any length- I would strongl;y suggest that the momenmt we know the dinar is international- Cash Out
1:09 PM [******] that is what i am doing Nighthk11 not holding any back
1:09 PM [******] I plan on cashing in most of mine asap
1:09 PM [Nighthk11] Because of the uncertainty of Iraq
1:09 PM [******] that sounds GREAT! from what that article says, it sounds as if the SFC ruling isn't going to stand Night as you had said it would not
1:09 PM [******] that is true
1:10 PM [******] I will make sure I have what I need to be good for the rest of my life  asap
1:10 PM [******] but I am 60 so won't need to worry 
1:11 PM [******] I need some time to set-up investment plans--foundation and trust accounts, etc. and get some precious metals investments going but other than the time required to do those things, I plan to be out of the dinars ASAp
1:11 PM [******] Good Morning/Afternoon all!!!
1:11 PM [******] gm
1:12 PM [******] Good afternoon *****
1:12 PM [Nighthk11] Now- I have always stated that the dinar will be over $1.00 and have been told they are demanding of the IMF to support the "Golden Dinar" which was over $3.00- I do NOT know if they can support that high a value
1:12 PM [******] ****** it is good to see you here
1:12 PM [******] g afternoon
1:12 PM [******] 
1:12 PM [Nighthk11] But they are trying
1:12 PM [******] ty
1:12 PM [******] Nighthk11 do you have a specific idea on the rate?
1:13 PM [******] if it were to come in over $3.00 that would be wonderful as for my spouse and myself..this will constitute our retirement
1:13 PM [******] so you all remember groovgal
1:13 PM [Nighthk11] At this point I know it's over 10 cents so it will be just fine with what they finally come out with
1:13 PM [******] sure
1:13 PM [******] of course we remember GG
1:13 PM [******] ****** yes
1:13 PM [******] she always said they could sustand a 3+ rate
1:13 PM [Nighthk11] I am thinking around $3.10-3,30 no more than that - I could be WRONG
1:13 PM [******] if I am not mistaken
1:13 PM [******] yes she did
1:14 PM [******] yes, she did and explained why, ******
1:14 PM [******]   
1:14 PM [******] I'm not sure if that post is still here
1:14 PM [******] Nighthk11 you are allowed ot be wrong in here
1:14 PM [******] oh absolutely 
1:14 PM [Nighthk11] It is a strong possibility- That is why I say "Many will be surprised- But all will be satisfied"
1:14 PM [******] we all know any rates at this time are our own guess at what it could be
1:15 PM [******] don't worry about that---we all welcome all speculation
1:15 PM [******] ******, you look so cute in your party hat 
1:15 PM [******] sorry - you are allowed to be wrong in here - wanted to clarify
1:15 PM [******] but I sure hope it does come in at 3 because there are alot of people that , it would really change their lives for the better
1:15 PM [******] and we welcome any factual info as well--but we won't hold you responsible Night if things change..after all. Iraq is..well Iraq 
1:15 PM [******] rw why thank you kind sir! 
1:15 PM [******] RW!!!!!!
1:16 PM [Nighthk11] The information related to me indicates that there have been some heated discussions among the Iraqi elite concerning this rate- Both Maliki and Allawi want this
1:16 PM [Nighthk11] But that does NOT mean the IMF will go along with this- we shall see
1:16 PM [******] ****** !!!
1:16 PM [Nighthk11] They both want the Golden Dinar- Over $3.00
1:16 PM [******] kels he said they both want it 3
1:17 PM [******] streaker preacher in the HOUSE!!!
1:17 PM [******] sorry night
1:17 PM [******] the imf and other countries need to be repaid by iraq so it can't be too low
1:17 PM [******] 
1:17 PM [******] Nighthk11 i get it now... sorry about that
1:17 PM [******] that would be awesome
1:17 PM [******] yeah I would htink the IMF needs it higher more than lower
1:17 PM [******] but fear may keep it down
1:17 PM [******] although we have heard night that where the IMF is concerned that their primary concern is that whatever rate is used be easily sutainable by iraq's assets
1:17 PM [******] I"m happy with 50 cents
1:18 PM [Nighthk11] Right now it is a matter of speculation because the information cannot be confirmed- But it has been discussed- so we will see
1:18 PM [******] Amen, bro
1:18 PM [******] i have always been a $2.50 lady myself 
1:18 PM [******]  as we all would kels
1:18 PM [Nighthk11] Iraq does have the assets to support this rate
1:18 PM [******] And those assets are about to explode further
1:18 PM [Nighthk11] Especially with the New found natujral gas deposits located
1:19 PM [******] that is what groovgal always said ,
1:19 PM [******] that is very reassuring Night
1:19 PM [******] i believe shabs will have a lot of input on the final rate alsol
1:19 PM [******] but is there any global currency that is supported by assets?
1:19 PM [******] nice pun kelsguy 
1:19 PM [******] you also have to take into consideration that the ICI donar nations are not being able to give the alloted pledges initially negotiated because of the global economy ....so this also entails that iraq needs the higher rate for the recon projects on their plates to pay for this
1:19 PM [Nighthk11] along with New wells of oil located in the western desert between Iraq and Jordan
1:19 PM [******] ****** glad you caught that
1:20 PM [******] also mdb the euro needs support to strength and the world needs a higher rate for global financial recovery
1:20 PM [******] They just need a government that supports a good rate and a healthy economy
1:20 PM [******] ****** excellent point
1:20 PM [Nighthk11] If they do- then I would strongly suggest you cash out at the first opportunity when it hits the market
1:20 PM [******] ty *****
1:21 PM [Nighthk11] Yes ******- they can go nowhere without that
1:21 PM [******] the only reason I ask is that they can "pick" a value rather than having to support a value
1:21 PM [******] the me is a tenderbox right now
1:21 PM [******] yes its true.....i used to be in the camp of around the euro.....but now that ive had the opportunity to consult with many others and people who i trust and respect who do have legitimate contacts....I am now in the 3 camp
1:21 PM [******] Night do you feel that it may be critical to cash out in days..or would taking a few weeks to get structures in place be safe?
1:21 PM [******] I think the swiss money is backed with gold still
1:22 PM [Nighthk11] Yes and I can assure you that Iraq is paying attention- Egypt is NOT letting up
1:22 PM [******] but I understand that is the only one , am I correct?
1:22 PM [******] don't we have the greatest chats?????????? 
1:22 PM [******] ****** i like the way you talk!
1:22 PM [******]  kels tytyty hehe
1:22 PM [Nighthk11] Correct ******- they make their money by being a bank for other countries and people
1:23 PM [******] ***** OUT!!! gotta meeting... bbl
1:23 PM [******] ttyl *****
1:23 PM [******] is this being copied?
1:23 PM [******] don't know ******
1:23 PM [******] k ty
1:23 PM [******] ****** is away it seems
1:24 PM [******] mk is probably working today
1:24 PM [******] I believe the President of Egypt step down today per Fox News
1:24 PM [******] really
1:24 PM [******] my concern is if we would safely have enough time to fly back and forth and get our financial ducks in a row---hopefully bartering dinars into gold etc..which would take some time If that were not a safe option: then we would need to cash out all in and then work on gold foundations and trusts etc over time
1:24 PM [******] ****** i saw on a private site the only day that the military will take over in egypt
1:25 PM [******] ok bbiab
1:25 PM [Nighthk11] Yes but according to some- He will never step down- Maliki better be watching
1:25 PM [******] that is what I heard night
1:25 PM [******] I think it was on npr radio
1:25 PM [******] that he would never step down
1:25 PM [******] ****** i would think we have 90 to 120 days.
1:26 PM [******] was someone on there that knew him talking
1:26 PM [******] Night so you think rate will be stable once established or will it potentially float or have possibility of changing within hours or days?
1:26 PM [******] ****** thanks for your input hun 
1:26 PM [Nighthk11] After 30 years in power- the people are still poor- the issues are almost identical for Iraq which has more wealth- So why then would the Iraqi people NOT be empowered to tak back their country?
1:27 PM [******] yw
1:27 PM [******] well Iraq is iraq ****** how much do you trust them
1:27 PM [******] well ******--not very much
1:27 PM [******] them getting all this done and getting along is the exception to the rule over there
1:27 PM [******] do you think it will last??
1:28 PM [******] maybe for a while , maybe not
1:28 PM [******] is just we won't have things set-up in advance because we are too cash poor right now to set anything up
1:28 PM [Nighthk11] I think that once they put the dinar out- It will initially be stable- with re-construction beginning in earnest and contracts being honored- It may drop a few cents or points- Then go back up until it reaches the ceiling they have set then remain there
1:28 PM [******] I am hoping there will be enough time to set things up the smart way once Rv hits...not have to rush rush things
1:29 PM [******] well I will cash in at the bank
1:29 PM [Nighthk11] But make no mistake and do not have any worry- They cannot move forward unless the dinar is on the market and it's value is stable
1:29 PM [******] then worry about buying gold or whatever
1:29 PM [******] I will pay the taxes on it then go from there
1:29 PM [******] then I won't have to be in a hurry to decide how to invest it
1:30 PM [******] I agree night
1:30 PM [Nighthk11] I am hoping that that happens this month and I see no reason given a deal being made to complete the gov't and the council- that this should not happen
1:30 PM [******] true---is just it is nice to have time to work with getting things set-up is all...
1:31 PM [******]  you are a worryier
1:31 PM [Nighthk11] I think you will have both the time and help needed to accomplish what you want to do
1:31 PM [******] 
1:31 PM [******] it will be a crazy crazy and highly emotional time for everyone
1:31 PM [******] oh dear just got an update from a business contact in oklahoma, they are going home to work. worried about roads already
1:31 PM [******] it is all good my friend breathe
1:31 PM [Nighthk11] BOA will help you with financial counselors
1:32 PM [******] Thank you Night for coming to this site and giving chats
1:32 PM [******] you are appeciated night 
1:32 PM [******] that is true night--but we will be working with International Financial advisors
1:32 PM [Nighthk11] YW needed a home since I got kicked to the curb
1:32 PM [******] maybe not there but here you are
1:32 PM [******] there is a big crowd on that curb! 
1:33 PM [******] Thanks nighthk, much appreciated!
1:33 PM [Nighthk11] Oh I see- then I would not worry about time- I think you will be just fine
1:33 PM [******] probably won't be cashing in at a bank except for money to pay off existing debt in the US--and perhaps having enough $$ set aside for living expenses for 6 months
1:33 PM [Nighthk11] Yes I see- and I think you will be just fine with your plans
1:35 PM [Nighthk11] I think the only place a time limit will apply will be inside Iraq as they want the large bills turned in
1:35 PM [Nighthk11] They don't want 30 million new millionares inside the country
1:35 PM [******] hubby and I are planning on relocating to New Zealand for retirement
1:35 PM [******] night did you say we might have 2 years?
1:36 PM [Nighthk11] Yes- 2 years- that is what Iraq has stated to recover all the large denoms
1:36 PM [******] we may amintain a second home in teh US...we may not
1:37 PM [Nighthk11] Our dinar will be turned in to the fed for holding in foreign currency reserves
1:37 PM [******] That may not apply to US citizens, or do you think, so?
1:37 PM [******] i do know this much. large international corporations with funding and good revenue are starting to look around at investments so they must know something is coming. 
1:38 PM [******] up till now it has been hold the cash
1:38 PM [Nighthk11] US may set a "Time Limit" within our borders for the dinar but I can't see why
1:39 PM [******] we have most of the investment people we plan on working with chosen and have spoken with them etc.
1:39 PM [******] Unless they can get our dinar at a lower rate and allow it to appreciate over time in their own reserves
1:39 PM [******] ****** I don't really worry--so much as plan
1:40 PM [Nighthk11] The speed at which this is done will depend largely on the "Deal" made and the gov't formation so that Shabibi can act
2:30 PM [Nighthk11] The summit will Not take place in Baghdad- they ruined that too- another opportunity missed

2-1-11 PD rumor - update


1. No intel that says that dismisses their intel from last Friday, which said we should see the RV between last Friday and tomorrow


[******] There has been zero intel that stops the intel we recieved last Friday night and Saturday that from several sources the RV happens between then and Wednesday which was reported from good sources. Until it passes or there is confirmed negative info saying otherwise, I am standing pat that Wednesday we RV just like was predicted. *******

2-1-11 Stated That Iraq's Funds Will Not Be Affected By the Decision of the Federal Court

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. An economic advisor to Maliki denied that the CBI's assets are vulnerable if the CBI reports to Maliki instead of the Parliament.
2. He noted that other countries have the CBI reporting to the government, but the CBI is still considered independent
3. He said the funds under the CBI have a special status regardless of where the CBI is supervised
4. He said that most of the funds available in the CBI are protected reserves
5. Other portions of the fund are open for business, contractors, and others, which exposed these funds to creditors whether the CBI is supervised by the government or Parliament

2-1-11 Nighthk11 chat: Dinar Speculator 1/31/11 5:30 pm

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this post on DD

1. Night said the events of late, if anything, will speed up the RV and we may possibly see it this month
2. Iraq's failure to take action will be their downfall because the people Egypt mirror the Iraqis
3. The issues will be between Maliki and Allawi and whatever deals they made in closed door meetings
4. If they come out of the meetings with 3 sovereign ministries settled, the the GOI is complete and we should see Parliament's formal declaration the GOI is done, which will trigger the RV
5. The budget is not a concern regarding the RV
6. Regarding the Kurdish oil exporting today and the RV, Night says there will be no RV until the full government is formed
7. The Parliamentary issues this week will be to secure the country's money supply from creditors
8. This will entail curtailing the SFC ruling by Parliament amending the Constitution, which will severely limit Maliki's power base
9. The RV will settle down the masses so that the GOI can address Maliki's run for power and so they can dismiss the SFC and appoint new judges
10. UNSC/Secretary General have decided to empower the Parliament with dimplomatic backing to severely limit both Maliki and his court
11. Should they decide a vote of no confidence for Maliki and his government, he will be removed by force of arms, if necessary
12. Night thinks that this week should see an agreement between Maliki and Allawi regarding the names of the 3 ministries. Then, CBI action
13. Topguner heard from 3 separate sources that the RV was signed off on and is scheduled for release on 2/2. Night did not hear the same.
14. Topguner was also told his news was part of the urgent treasury meeting that they had yesterday and that the ME situation has moved this along a lot faster
15. Iraq simply cannot proceed without a tradeable currency that is internationally recognized and has a value that can be sustained
16. The Council led by Allawi is part of the Irbil agreement between Maliki, Barzani, and Allawi and is the foundation for the new government--all of which Maliki is trying to waffle on
17. Nothing will proceed unless Maliki adheres to the agreement he signed with Barzani and Allawi. If he does not adhere to the agreement, and Allawi pulls out, Maliki is done for
18. Maliki has incurred the wrath of very powerful people, the Illuminatti, and they are very real
19. If all goes as Barzani set it up, Allawi will have the power to replace Maliki. But, Night thinks that Allawi will need to give up some powers, and the closed door meetings will likely see wheeling and dealing
20. Night said of the Illuminatti that they run the entire world and their plans for us "little people" are in no way good. They are the sourge of Humanity with their arrogance to "play GOD" and they will be dealt with.
21. They want to either enslave or get rid of 2/3rd of the human race
22. They have infiltrated or replaced many world leaders with generic clones or some other "beings" that is fact--should you not believe just listen to Hugo Chavez of Venezuala. He knows what his speaking on
23. 911 was a false flag operation, but not necessarily a lie since WMD were found
24. Google HAARP. One in Australia, Alask, and ME
25. They have learned to control weather, trigger earthquakes, and floods
26. Night says the WMD they found in Iraq was so powerful that it could destroy the entire world, and they found it
27. Night's info on HAARP does not come from Jessie
28. They called a professor in ME studies to decipher the cuneiform writing that tells how to activate the WMD. He warned them
29. It's empiracl qualities have the ability to restore the atmosphere of a planet
30. HAARP is responsible to a great degree for what people are seeing in the skies, but not all. Many are real
31. Night suggested we all do our own research. He said we are not now and never have been alone, and they are coming back
32. All of this is tied together with the RV per Night
33. For those that don't believe, look for "Fusion Camps" being built in the US Denver Airport. Pay attention to the murals and cornerstones
34. Why are there 40 thousand foreign troops training in the US?
35. In Night's work, he observes a lot that is "out of place" and believes people should know. He realizes what he said will get around on the web and is ok.
36. Night works indirectly for the DOD
37. The Mayan long count calendar is telling us that the world will begin again in 2012
38. There are dangers associated with this such as Poleshift and solar storms, which will destroy the power grid on the surface
39. The ruling elite are building underground bases for "continuity of governments"
40. The bases are NOT for us. This is why they are planning Marshal Law in the US. This is not a Youtube joke. This is very real
41. Every 26,400 years according to the Mayan calendar the world re-generates itself: floods; volcanoes; earthquakes all associated with Poleshift. Read Einstein and NASA. The truth is there. They cannot save everyone
42. The Dinar during Bush's watch was given to every country to place in their foreign currency reserves. Upon the RV, it would bolster their currency
43. Many countries would use it to pay down their debt
44. The US, who holds the largest amount, will pay down the national debt, which will ultimately enhance the value of the dollar
45. This act will allow the IMF, WB, and the WTO to realign the economies of the world
46. The ruling elite are in trouble because their bank (US) is broke. They must create a currency with value to reset the world's economy. The currency will be the Dinar
47. Night says the news coming out of Iraq is not that good because it is controlled by Maliki
48. The Kurds will go ahead and pump because the RV is a different matter

2-1-11 KTF Missions Conference Call Notes 1/31/11

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of the posting on DD

1. WTO is happy with Iraq and accepted them 2 days ago
2. Can Iraq join the WTO with a worthless currency? Yes
3. They didn't raise the value to impress the WTO, but they want to join the GCC instead
4. They will need to raise their currency to join the GCC
5. Maliki will introduce the missing cabinet seats
6. Maliki is dragging out the seating issue
7. Need GOI seated before the budget can be finished
8. Frank believes the budget has the rate
9. Steve called the Marine Corp base's legal department to ask whether military personnel can buy Dinar. They said there isn't anything saying whether they can or cannot
10. Lower denominations were released in the last 24-48 hours
11. Don't worry about Egypt. Let them work out their issues
12. Maliki, Shabibi, and Allawi are listening to the people and working behind scenes
Delta news
1. In a 1 hour interview on TV, Maliki said the Supreme Court ordered the ruling on the independent bodies. Maliki said he did not do this
2. Maliki said he cannot control the independent bodies, but they will be connected to him
3. Parliament will pass legislation and they have to implement this from the PM cabinet
4. He said the CBI should report to the cabinet and the PM
5. Every time the CBI wants to do something they have to vote on it
6. He defended the ruling and said this is what the people want
7. Maliki was asked about the rest of the ministries and he said that he gave all coalitions until the end of January to submit names. If no more names are submitted, he will walk into Parliament with the rest of the ministries and it will be done
8. He said that he has no choice to present the rest of the ministries to them now as tomorrow is the 1st of Feb and we should hear about the GOI by end of week

9. The budget is still delayed and has minor problems
10. Delta was told that they might not wait for the rate until the budget is finished or lower denoms....more later
11. The MOP met with the CBI on the Monetary Policy and Maliki said to go settle this
12. It is possible that the $1.13 rate might be true
13. They may come out with the $1.13 rate and within 2 years increase it to over $3
14. The market will drive the rate up and soon as it will be on Forex
15. They don't want to shock the market right away. A managed float will help the market, the CBI and the world
16. UN operational rates of exchange showed over 100 nations either devalued or revalued (Justwaitingforit note: this is likely because of the drop in the USD)
17. WTO will meet with Iraq for the 3rd and final meeting. Iraq must join and have a tradeable currency to join the WTO
18. The CBI has $50 bil to back their currency. They only need $2.7 tril IQD. They have 25 times more than they need
19. They have to show their brothers they have a GOI and a currency prior to the 3/23 Arab Summit
20. The GCC meeting is on the 17th, and if they delay before this date, they will not be able to join the GCC They feel the first week is important
21. Maliki is ready to go to Parliament and seat the GOI. They may not wait for the budget to RV
22. They are working behind closed doors to RV and seat the GOI
23. Sacks banks are testing the numbers and this lines up with what is going on
24. Frank's team said that what was done in the ME with the banks was not a fluke
25. Frank asked Ali when he thought the GOI would sit. He felt good about it
26. Ali also said that Egypt will not affect Iraq at all
27. Delta says that China won't let the Dong stay at their current rate. They have to revlaue
28. If they don't revalue at the same time (China and Viet Nam), the IMF may need to step in to prevent double dipping

Please note that there is a Q&A section that I am not summarizing.

2-1-11 Iraqi VP: scheduled Kurdistan oil today

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. A member of the Iraqi Council of representatives of the Kurdish coalition said that an agreement between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal Iraq states states that oil will begin pumping today
2. The Kurdistan News Agency announced today that the Ministry of natural resources in Kurdistan would begin pumping 100,000 bpd today
3. He said that "after the federal Iraq Government pledged to give financial receivables for oil companies operating in the region of Kurdistan, the territorial Government agreed to resume oil shipments to abroad"
4. Avi said the financial returns from oil in the region would go to the Iraq Reconstruction Fund in the USA, which is distributed throughout Iraq

It has been rumored that the RV would need to take place before the oil began pumping in the Kurdistan region. If they are actually pumping as this article states, we might be able to put that rumor to rest.

2-1-11 Member of Finance Committee: al-Issawi and promised to reach a satisfactory outcome on the budget

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1. A member of the Finance Committee promised to reach a satisfactory outcome on the budget
2. An MP for the National Alliance said that the House will read the budget for a second time, debate it, and then vote
3. The Kurds still oppose the budget

Another article saying they will read the budget for the 2nd time

2-1-11 Parliamentary source: the Finance Committee to postpone its meeting tomorrow to attend and could not be Ziralzraap

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. A member of the Finance Committee confirmed that the committee postponed its meeting until tomorrow
2. A member of the Finance Committee from the Kurdish blocs said that they discussed the redeployment of some of the money without it impacting the 2011 budget
3. The Finance Committee will be giving special priority to the Minister of Water Resources and the Minister of Agriculture. They want to ensure they allocated enough money to these ministries
4. The Commission will balance complete the work on the budget in 2 days and will give it the government. Then, it will be returned to the House for a vote

Note: I've seen articles where they have said they will vote on the budget today. Clearly this cannot happen if the budget is still being worked on, which this article suggests it is. There is also the question of whether they will vote on the budget and finalize it, or whether it simply means they will read it for another time. Vote means vote to me, but if they've redrafted the budget, which yesterday's news said they did, then it must be read 3 times prior to a vote. Yet, we keep seeing that word "vote". Strange.

2-1-11 Independent bodies first public confrontation between the parliament and the government

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. The House discussed the Federal Court ruling today
2. Maliki pre-empted the Parliament session by meeting with the independent bodies prior to this meeting
3. Maliki said he didn't want to influence the independent bodies and said that he wanted Parliament to provide legislative support to preserve the interest of the State
4. Maliki stressed the ruling is final
5. Observers found that Maliki asked the Supreme Judiciary Council to nominate three judges and to choose one of them as the Chairman of the Integrity. This is the beginning of an attempt to change the directors of those bodies and an attempt to link this change to the report of the Commission on the most corrupt institutions in 2010
6. Maliki also tried to collect the opinion of members of the National Alliance to support the court ruling, but there were some members who rejected the ruling
7. The Kurdistan Alliance rejects the ruling, which means there is a new crisis

2-1-11 Maliki vows Iraqi bank and election body independence

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1. Maliki assured the independent bodies that the ruling of the federal court will not strip the independent bodies of their independence in any way as long as they abide by their governing laws
2. The article said that Maliki requested a court ruling on the matter just before he was reappointed prime minister
3. Maliki said, "The day will not come when we tell the central bank we want to use any part of the bank's reserves for the state's budget"
4. Maliki said that the cabinet could only intervene in the work of the independent bodies if they violated the laws governing their roles
5. Maliki warned the court ruling is not reversible

It is interesting to note that this is at least the 2nd time I've heard that Maliki initiating the request to the federal courts on this ruling. The first article I read said he did that back in December, which is consistent with this article. However, Delta mentioned yesterday that Iraq TV is saying Maliki says he did not prompt the federal court on this. He said they did this on their own.

2-1-11 27 Parliament Convenes to Discuss Linking Independent Bodies Headed by the Prime Minister

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. Parliament met today to discuss the Federal Court ruling on the independent bodies

2-1-11 Yumper post from yesterday

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this post on DD

1. A Dinar investor recently went to the TravelEx office and asked the teller how she was doing
2. She immediately responded saying they just had a meeting on the Dinar!
3. She could not say more
4. Another investor went to Wells Fargo several weeks ago to open an account for his pending Dinar exchange funds
5. The person received a call from Wells Fargo's private investor representative. He was bending over backwards to get the person to come in and discuss options for investing his future funds

2-1-11 CBI auction results

Currency Auctions

Announcement No. (1826)

The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 1-Feb-2011. The results were as follows:
Details Notes
Number of banks 15
Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1170
Auction price buying dinar / US$ -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$) 73,750,000
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) -----
Total offers for buying (US$) 73,750,000
Total offers for selling (US$) -----
Exchange rates
Dollar's exchange rates / in Baghdad markets