Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1-18-11 Recap from the day's events/postings

4.       CBI Auction results

Of Interest (rumors that I find of particular interest either because of who said it or because of how I think it relates to what is happening right now):
1.       GET Conference Call
2.       Homeland security
4.       Okie chat 1
5.       Okie chat 2
7.       Scooter chat

The Rest (doesn’t mean these are not happening):
2.       TK chat
3.        Bank rumor
4.       Bank rumor 2
5.       China holds the cards

Where Are We At?
1.       Gee.  If I could sum today’s news up, I’d say it was confusing!  First we saw that the 2nd reading might have taken place.  Then we saw that it did take place, which I thought was great.  But, the Kurds stole the show today with their knockout punches to the draft budget.   The confusion did not stop here, however.  There is now discussion/confusion over whether the ministry positions plus the budget will be voted on as one.  To top it all off, there was an article that couldn’t be more confusing which described that Parliament will be on break starting on the 1/26.  They will reconvene sessions on the 30th
2.       As it relates to the National Security positions, we are still holding out for nominations and votes.  There was more news of the security positions being completed by the time the Arab Summit takes place.
3.       In the rumor mill, we still have people making assertions that the rumors about the RV happening in the ME are true.  I still see people in chat say they are not.  On a brighter note, Night believes that the budget does not need to be completed before the RV.  He also says that the vacant seats have been decided upon during Biden’s visit.  According to Night, we just need to see them finalize the government and we should see the RV/RI immediately.  Okie believes that we should see the RV/RI anytime.  Finally, there was one rumor about China causing the RV/RI holdup.  According to the poster, the US and China must resolve the inflation issues.  Once both parties agree, we should see the RV/RI.
4.   Recently, I heard that Iraq was not at fault for the delays.  If you look at the notes on global settlements, and 1 and 2 above, there is a common theme.....delays. Global settlements were delayed.  Iraq's government continues to be delayed.  The budget is delayed.  Everything is delayed and for reasons that don't make much sense.  Often, we say that's smoke just as I am suggesting in 1 above.  We'll know shortly if the global settlements is truly the cause of all these strange delays.

What’s left?
1. Reading of the budget for the second time.
2. Closure on Security positions (5 in total) and the remaining unfilled positions (7)
3. Formal announcement of government
4. Announcement of agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues
5. Lifting of Chapter 7
6. RV/RI

What’s It All Mean?
1.       The Kurds were really flexing their muscles today.  What puzzles me is that if they are the ones who are in control of this, how in the world did they let themselves get into this position where the budget is concerned?  How does that happen?  Hmmmmm….they either were very negligent, or maybe this is all just smoke?  Food for thought. 
2.       Regarding the rates of exchange, the only thing I’ve seen is what Scooter said today.  He mentioned that OANDA changed the IQD to float because of the SDR changes, which caused changes to pairings in Forex.  I haven’t had the opportunity to verify if the new rates are being displayed.  But, Scooter speaks in the past tense.  Perhaps they have changed.
3.       With regards to the RV/RI, the fact of the matter is that we don’t have a formal government, and we don’t have a finalized budget.  Yet, we have lots of rumors or expectations about an RV/RI any day.  The rumors haven’t changed much.  There’s always tomorrow, and we always seem to find another reason why the RV/RI didn’t happen along with what else must be done before it does.  Today, I discovered yet another reason why the RV has been delayed: Global Settlements.  I’ve been hearing this now for weeks, but I never took the time to understand it and how it is related to the RV.  After listening to a lady who works with global settlements through the firm responsible for devising the master plan, I now know the linkage.  It’s actually pretty simple.  When the global settlements go out, the RV for 19 different countries must happen.  Why must they happen?  They must happen because it is all a part of re-balancing the countries around the world that will be impacted by the global settlements.  This topic is too vast to document in a short summary.  I suggest you read the notes from the call posted here
4.   If global settlements is truly the cause of all these hard to explain delays related to Iraq's government formation and budget, we'll find out soon enough.  I hope this all comes to an end soon.

1-18-11 GET Conference Call Notes - Global Settlements and the RV

I want to apologize in advance for the bad notes below. I did not have intentions of taking notes during this call, but almost midway through, I decided I better take notes because of the topic. So almost half of what I wrote was from memory while multitasking (trying to memorize what was being said so I could take additional notes).

I will try to summarize this information later, if i can. This was all about global settlements and the RV. I mentioned in an earlier blog that I wanted to learn more about global settlements. I think I learned more than I wanted to learn. I think you'll be shocked at what was said just as I am. Read on!

Links to recorded call (2 parts):

1. http://tinyurl.com/477284w
2. http://tinyurl.com/4qzzhlo
· Global settlements are designed to take down the central banks and the federal reserve
· The RV will not happen until the global settlement payments are released, which may be tonight
· China is in control and they are in Washington meeting with Obama
· 19 countries are saying that the Fed Reserve will no longer be in charge
· The settlements have been accumulating for over 30 years
· George H Bush stole the money. Now the countries want payment and China is in charge of the payments
· June 15th – June 30th of 2010, China was to release the payments
· May 11th China announced that there would be a basket of currencies
· Obama has been dragging this out
· Treasure notes will be given – not fed notes
· Fed notes will be removed and replaced with treasury notes
· There will be an adjustment to 401ks
· No immediate change to currencies; Geithner’s new 100 dollar bill; currency is already printed; planting seeds in American’s people’s minds
· Not enough gold to cover all the money printed, but enough of precious metals and golds; 80% precious metals and 20 % gold; this is why you’re seeing these rise
· Why is this happening?
· Obama is spending a ton of money because he knows this will zero out
· Kuwait says they will revalue our currency when the treasury says they are ready to go
· The value of the USD will be held against 80% precious metals and 20% gold
· Our dollar will not be worth a dollar; we caused hyper inflation, which is being discussed with China now; all countries are experiencing hyper inflation; this is why a reset is necessary
· IMF changed things so that countries can monetize their assets
· China picked up all their gold in England and brought it back
· What is estimate on what the treasury dollar will be worth against FRN; Okie thinks it would be worth less in purchasing power because we don’t have much precious metals and gold
· Gold is not at an all-time high; when they find out how short they are on gold, it will shoot gold through the roof
· England will come up very short
· First trying to get currency situation under control
· Then later announce there will be a metal backed currency
· Thing 1 thinks the currency note will eventually be worth a dollar again
· Between Montana and North Dakota, the US has the Balken oil field, which contains more oil than Saudi Arabia
· We do have the resources to back our currency
· How will the reboot world-wide going to affect the soverign nations like Portugal, Spain, Greece etc? The reset will help because their debt will be wiped out and they will receive a couple trillion
· IRS will be phased out and restructured
· Will this cause a panic? MPR did a 2 hour session on currencies; what the Feds have done to crash the systems of countries world wide; They are trying to educate people slowly; Feds closed down and seized assets outside of the US; this was part of the effort to fund the global settlements
· If this reboot goes worldwide, will it erase all countries debts, or reduce? It is a global reset, which means they have to forgive debt and revalue. Then, everything will start again from ground zero. Based on this, this is why all the currencies will revalue after the global payments are settled.
· Robert Mahue headed up group and created this plan; he did this because the Fed Reserve is bad; he wanted to save Americans
· A lot of the gold in Fort Knox is being held for other countries and the US doesn’t own much of it
· Will it erase the US citizens’ debt? No
· Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack will be gone
· Derivatives and OCDs will be deemed worthless; who will be responsible? Fed Reserve will be long gone
· 6.2 trillion will be given to the US when global settlements go out to refund the treasury
· How will this affect us when we cash out? The Fed notes will remain good for a while until the treasury notes are being fully utilized
· What will happen to our debt with China? No answer
· Global settlements must be released, Fed Reserve will be removed
· 19 countries are involved in the global settlements; 19 countries will revalue
· How will this change affect our investment? This change will allow us to be paid
· Oil will be traded on the GCC
· In terms of the value of the dollar today, will our investment have the same value? Yes
· Settlements to be released tonight will refund the treasury; Fed note will equal a treasury note
· NOTE: They just got word that Canada announced an RV; they think Canada announced the Iraq RV;
· Some currencies will be devalued and some will be revalued; not sure which countries will be devalued
· China will be a super power in the next 20 years; they chose to partner with Canada, gold companies etc. to remove the Federal Reserve; they wanted to make sure that the Fed Reserve did not turn the US into a 3rd world country; if it were not for China, we would never see this take place; China is expediting this; they’ve been very patient; they’ve lost a lot of money due to American Wall Street; they held their currency for more than 13 years waiting for this situation; China basically saved us Americans;
· This is a redistribution of wealth
· China stood up against the illuminati to protect the US from becoming a 3rd world country
· Speaker spent many years in China; says they have been patient; worked hand in hand with Canada; Canada will bring the US out of recession; Robert Mahue worked with them
· China is going more towards domestic consumption vs importing
· Hyper inflation that is going on in China is substantial
· China must have a US that can support their economy
· If we can’t buy, they can’t build
· China didn’t want to get left holding the bag
· We have a currency that is backed by commodities; our industrialization has decreased over the last 30 to 40 years; we’ve been buying with printed money that is not backed by anything; now all this debt goes away
· 14 tril in debt is the debt of the corporate United States; we will become a republic; the 14 tril will be forgiven; global settlements will fund the treasury with 6 tril; should have a 10 tril surplus in 10 years
· When they cash in the dinar, the treasury will get more money
· If we don’t use debt to create money, everything will work the way it is supposed to
· Fiat system is a debt based system
· Everyone is in favor of this plan; Obama is not; illuminati is not in favor of this; Obama will lose his job
· G19 is in favor of this
· The shake up of this will be worse than the long-term effects
· Illuminati have been fighting this for more than 20 years
· The greater good is winning against Illuminati
· This is supposed to happen tonight
· Bad guys hold dinar but have had a lot of it seized; China is wanting to make sure that Dinar is accounted for
· 20 countries vs less than 5,000 people (bad guys)
· US has just printed and printed money; this has to stop;
· In last G20 meeting, pulled Obama aside to have words with him about allowing Bernanke to print more money
· If we do not change now, hyper inflation around the world would be horrible
· You must back your currency with a precious metal
· G20 will continue to meet regularly to ensure that no one cheats
· They will restructure the world bank and the IMF
· Trying to replace the individuals with people who will help with this cause
· G20 will likely develop some force that will maintain stability
· Will see if global settlements are released tonight. If they are, then we should see the RV
· Will try to have same guest speakers back on the call tomorrow

1-18-11 Scooter chat

Click on the title of this posting to get to Scooter's chat on DD

1. OANDA has had programmed rate up for 9+ months
2. The reason it changed to float (recently) is because of the recent changes to the SDR basket, which caused changes to the pairings on Forex (a pairing example is USD/IQD)
3. IQD will likely be a managed float (rate can adjust 2.5% per day up or down)
4. IQD will be very volatile when it goes live on Forex
5. Iraq's economy would never withstand the turbulence of a free float
6. IMF and World Bank will control capital inflows to that country for years
7. Managed float is better for them (as opposed to a free float)
8. IMF and World Bank will have intense pressure controlling IQD when it hits Forex
9. Rate will be managed for 90 days

1-18-11 China holds the cards

Click on the title of this posting to get to the posting on DD

1. Poster claims this is not rumor but hold up is related to China
2. China is talking with Obama now about their inflation
3. Shabibi will not RV until issues with China and US are resolved
4. No one in banks has rate, but says that one person in each head bank has it

Number 4 doesn't make much sense.  The poster seemed adamant that no banks have the rate, but the person then goes on to say that one person in each head (I assume that means headquarter) bank has the rate.

1-18-11 Okie Oil Man and TK chat

1. GET call tonight
2. This will be a big call and will include 4 guest speakers; possibly a UN member
3. Per Johnboy, everything is done and budget news is smoke.  IMF tried to bring in zeros but that back fired.  Now they need to RV at the high rate.


[sully2781] OKIE YOU WILL GET AN INVITE FOR THE CALL TONIGHT 730 EASTERN [terryk] TINA YOU THERE [Tipton] A GET call tonight? [terryk] GIVE AL A HAND IN SETTING IT UP [terryk] YES [terryk] THERE IS AT 730 EST [terryk] THANKS ATJ [terryk] THIS CALL IS BIG [gator4ever] OH BOY [terryk] YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS IT [[terryk] 4 GUEST SPEAKERS [gator4ever] now im excited [terryk] WITH MAYBE A MEMBER OF UN [dinomatic] wow [gator4ever] bring out the depends xxlg plzzz [mikivi] You did a good JOB this morning...to scare them ..that why...the rate was about to ..posted ( rumor) [atjlfolk] wow, excellent [terryk] IT WILL BE UP WITHIN THE HOUR [[terryk] I THINK [Janna] I don't think anyone will miss the call tonight, - thanks! [terryk] AL AND TINA WORKING ON IT [dena360] what will, the rate [gator4ever] thanks terry we appreciate all you do [terryk] DONT WORRY ABOUT THE RATE [terryk] ITS WHATEVER IT WILL BE [Tipton] EXCITED now about the call tonight. [terryk] THANKS TINA [[gator4ever] 7:30 est or cst

[20:21:30] liliane: [Hereiam] Synopsis: TK: WE WILL BE HAVING A CALL TONIGHT AT 730 PM ALL.......[JOHNBOY] All the announcements have been made. All the deals have been done. The government is completely formed and the budget is smoke. Everyone's been paid off...nothing left to do but go onto the next stage. The IMF tried to bring in the zero's from other countries but that back fired, so they are going to RV now and high. [OKIE_OIL_MAN] it is now posted on a major u s bank site but still confidential and not re-leasable yet--will not state which--confidentiality issue involved...12:03 PM [terryk] THERE IS A CALL AT 730 EST THIS CALL IS BIG .. YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS IT ... 4 GUEST SPEAKERS WITH MAYBE A MEMBER OF UN ...DONT WORRY ABOUT THE RATE ....

1-18-11 Bank rumor sent via email

1. Poster's friend ordered more IQD from 5/3rd bank over 2 weeks ago
2. Poster's friend called bank today and they said her order is back ordered
3. Banker said that knowledge of it increasing in value is also cause of back orders

This sounded more to me like the banker was saying that people are thinking the value will increase as opposed to the bankers themselves knowing that the value will increase. 


[*****] I am personally burnt out on bank rumors but here goes: My friend in Louisville Ky ordered 2 million more IQD from 5/3rd bank in Louisville over 2 weeks ago, she called the bank today and they said it is still back ordered due to so many orders and the knowledge that it will increase in value soon, just got off the  with her and I have known her all my life, not the lying kind, with that said we can rest assured time is short on our wait IMO

1-18-11 Okie Oil Man chat 2

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] it is now posted on a major US bank site but still confidential and not releasable yet--will not state which--confidentiality issue involved 
 [OKIE_OIL_MAN] gone--chasing intel--if found-will be back and post--many calls to make--be patient--things looking real good

1-18-11 Okie Oil Man chat

1. RV is taking place on a limited basis starting with the ME region
2. Global settlements is only a temporary hold up, but appears to be settled
3. Okie has proof of limited cashing in at certain areas
4. Optimistic of anytime RV
5. Kurds not satisifed
6. Global settlement checks have been sent and received by eligible parties

9:45 AM PST [OKIE_OIL_MAN] There over a hundred reasons as to where we are now and why. Sit still and wait for it to come to you. The inevitable is taking place on limited basis starting out in the Middle East. The global settlement has been the hold up but it is very temporary. I have proof of limited cashing in at certain areas. I am still optimistic for anytime--too many things accomplished --not all details evident to all--just relax and let it happen. Okie does not have all answers--intel is furnished by source--I am only a messenger---remember??? I could spend 24 hours furnishing intel that would go right over most people's head--we're not privy to all details and there a lot of them. We are still in an excellent position for this to occur at any moment. When I say it is done, I know many things that are not public. VP Biden sealed the deal. Without going into details that should suffice. Global settlement seems to be settled--that has been a biggie in regards to the delay.  Parliment now on a hiatus till feb 1--no implications on the r/v--shabbi controls it. Kurds still not satisified completely. Global settlement checks have been sent and received by eligible parties. Once again and for the final-final-final time--all is good and on track--our schedule doesn't exactly match theirs--nuff said.