This comes to me from Joe. Thanks Joe!
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Now look at the bottom left of this page next to weather
This blog is all about the rumored revaluation of the Iraqi dinar, or the rumored reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. If you have interesting intel, rumors, or news that you want to share, please feel free. I welcome all views.
I get information from news sites, dinar chat sites, and directly from friends in Skype and Yahoo IMs. I intend to only post important things--not everything. I'll do my best to post unique tidbits you may not find in other sites. Enjoy and follow me!!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
2-24-11 Recap of the day's events/postings
1. CBI auctions
Of Interest (rumors that I find of particular interest either because of who said it or because of how I think it relates to what is happening right now):
The Rest (doesn’t mean these are not happening):
Where Are We At?
1. Not a big news day today, and the news is pretty fragmented. In government formation news, it appears that Allawi was set to resign from the Presidency of the National Council, but then another article came out saying that outside pressure forced him to cancel his announcement speech. In related news, the List said that they are still waiting for a response from Maliki over the issue of security ministers. A member of the list said there is no justification for the delays given that Maliki has all the nominees. He also reiterated that per the Erbil agreements, the List is supposed to get the Defense Ministry. A member of the National Alliance said that we should see the 3 security ministries resolved and voted on next week
2. Regarding the demonstrations tomorrow, Iraq reported they expect a wave of demonstrations to take place throughout Iraq tomorrow. Iraq officials warned that insurgents may exploit the occasion and attack the rallies of demonstrators. During Maliki’s speech, he warned of the same and told people to stay away from the demonstrations because they are being organized by supporters of the Hessein and al-Qaida groups. In another article, it was reported that there are over 40 documents describing planned terrorist acts that are supposed to occur during the demonstrations tomorrow. In related news, Maliki was said to be upset over the officials who have fled Iraq instead of staying to listen to the demands of the demonstrators. It was reported that those fleeing trie dto take 1,000,200 thousand dollars out of Iraq
3. The good news for today is that it was reported that China will continue to give strong support for the completion of the requirements to lift Chapter 7 sanctions
4. On the rumor front, Frank reported that Maliki gave some of his powers to Allawi in order to share the blame that is coming from the demonstrators. He also said Allawi is in London and that Allawi said there will be a succession. Frank and team will be trying to find out what “succession” means. Frank reported that CNN said the IQD is about to RV. Someone else listening to the radio heard them say that the dinar is about to RV soon at a rate of $3.22. Also, someone who seems to be very well connected reported that the government was fully formed at 12:30 on Feb 2, including all the ministers. His/her sources know the exact date for when this will happen, but he/she does not know, but will be given a heads up. Peepaw was told by a former defense department that the government is fully formed too. He was told that the 3 security ministries are not needed before the RV and that since the budget is done, they will need to begin removing the 3 zeros as the CBI noted they would
What’s left?
1. Vote on the budget – Done!
2. Closure on Security positions (3 in total)
3. Formal announcement of government
4. Agreement on outstanding Kuwait issues (I believe this is done)
5. Lifting of remaining Chapter 7 sanctions (Kuwait related)
6. RV/RI
7. HCL
Important Dates
1. February 17 – GCC Meeting (no news of this yet)
2. February 20 – Vote on the budget – Done!
3. February (sometime after the budget is voted on) – Parliament votes on the National Council of Supreme policies
4. February 25 -- Large demonstration
5. February 28 – Constitutional deadline to form government
6. March 29-30 – Arab Summit
7. May 1 – CBI must have transfer DFI monies
8. May 22 – Presidential order 13303 expires
9. June 30 – DFI expires
Note: I pulled out the March 1 date associated with Joe P's information about the Foreign Exchange Commission. A reader on this site, Tom, had a conversation with Ali about that. Ali said that information isn't true. Thanks Tom!
What’s It All Mean?
1. In terms of government formation, we absolutely have not made any ground. The 3 security minister positions seem to get moved out further and further. The same can be said of the issues over Allawi’s National Council position and group.
2. Regarding the demonstrations, it would have been nice to hear Maliki announce in his speech today the RV, but we didn’t see that. Not even a hint. It appears to me they will take their chances and let tomorrow fly by. I guess we’ll see what tomorrow’s news brings us
3. It was intersting seeing China pop up suddenly, but it’s good because whenever we see China and this investment, the news isn’t normally as positive. But today’s news was good. We want to see China giving full support to Iraq getting out of the sanctions, and that is exactly what they gave us today
4. In regards to rumors, I thought it was interesting that Frank mentioned CNN reported the dinar would RV, and the rumor of the person hearing the same on the radio. Is this just buzz getting around? Or, do they know something more than we do about the timing of the RV?
2-24-11 Peoples Dinar:Iraqi Dinar close to RV at 3.22 rate heard on US radio last night 2-24-2011
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DD
1. Someone listening to the radio heard them say that all the people invested in the dinar are very smart and are soon to be very wealthy because the dinar will soon RV
2. The rate mentioned was $3.22
Please note that Frank mentioned in this posting that CNN also said that the IQD is about to RV.
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DD
1. Someone listening to the radio heard them say that all the people invested in the dinar are very smart and are soon to be very wealthy because the dinar will soon RV
2. The rate mentioned was $3.22
Please note that Frank mentioned in this posting that CNN also said that the IQD is about to RV.
2-24-11 Peepaw Chat 2/24/2011 @ 10:21 AM CST
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on 1 Dinar (membership required)
1. Peepaw talked to his friends who are Kurds yesterday, and they introduced him to a friend of the family, a former defense department employee
2. Peepaw was told he would be able to answer most questions
3. He said the government has been formed since December when Maliki was given the vote of confidence, and Maliki is the PM
4. He said the government is final and sovereign and that the 3 ministry positions are not needed in order for it to be considered final
5. The 3 ministry positions are also not needed for the RV
6. Now that the government is complete, they will have to remove the 3 zeros
7. He did not know the date or rate
8. He said it will happen quickly and no one will know. It will just happen
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on 1 Dinar (membership required)
1. Peepaw talked to his friends who are Kurds yesterday, and they introduced him to a friend of the family, a former defense department employee
2. Peepaw was told he would be able to answer most questions
3. He said the government has been formed since December when Maliki was given the vote of confidence, and Maliki is the PM
4. He said the government is final and sovereign and that the 3 ministry positions are not needed in order for it to be considered final
5. The 3 ministry positions are also not needed for the RV
6. Now that the government is complete, they will have to remove the 3 zeros
7. He did not know the date or rate
8. He said it will happen quickly and no one will know. It will just happen
2-24-11 Skype chat - Rumor
1. Person has people watching every move all the main players in Iraq and knows what each is doing at all times of any day: who they are meeting with; what they are talking about; what they are planning to do next
2. Gurus or person reads one obscure article that was completely false and it stirs up the entire dinar world
3. Maliki fleeing, Allawi leaving, the government not being formed were used as examples
4. The government was formed as of 12:30 on Feb 2....all the ministers
5. Those with actual knowledge of the situation tend to keep their mouth shut most of the time. They do not have nightly sermons of what their sources are telling them
6. When one knows what they are talking about there is no need to air their intel for possible ridicule
7. His sources know the date for when this will happen, however, he does not
8. He will be given a heads up
9. The reality of the situation is that the date/rate information could bring down countries or economies, and is not "just put out over the phone or skype"
10. Anyone with a reasonable amount of common sense can tell we are right there
11. Regarding the media and possible censure or non-disclosure, he says that the media are given what to report in the news after parliament sessions. They do not change it
12. Tomorrow's demonstration has the potential to be very bloody because of the terrorists
It should be noted that the "main speaker" had a few people vouch for his intel.
12:36 PM [main speaker] ***** no i dont, i have people that watch every move of all the main players, and i know what each is doing at just about any time of any day, who they are meeting with, what they are talking about, what they are planning to do next, and then guru's and people come into chat reading one obscure article that was complete BS and stir the whole dinar world by talking of maliki fleeing, allawi leaving, the government not being formed, which it was, as of 12:30 on Feb 2nd, all the ministers. So i know whats going on in iraq.
12:36 PM [main speaker] ********** i'm good **********, how are u doing
12:37 PM ********** **********, i dont do this often but i will back up MAIN SPEAKER and his intel. He has excellent sources....worth listening too!
12:37 PM [**********] hey **** and i second that
12:37 PM [main speaker] ********** i'm always here, just getting sick of the nonsense put out by both new media in iraq, and the guru's in the good old dinar world
12:37 PM [**********] okay thanks , sorry if I sounded like I was being rude , just was wonder how you make statements as strongly as you do
12:37 PM [main speaker] **** thanks bud, and right back at ya
12:37 PM [**********] ty main speaker
12:37 PM [**********]
12:38 PM ********** ********** i have never heard you be rude once in all the time i have known you.... never a problem!!!
12:40 PM [main speaker] ********** no problems **********, as i'm am sure you know, in the real world, those with actual knowledge of the situation, tend to keep their mouth shut most of the time, not have nightly sermons of what their sources are telling them, so i just sit back and watch most of the time.
12:40 PM [**********] so what's the date and the rate????
12:41 PM [**********] sorry just being silly! thanks for you info main speaker
12:41 PM [**********] what did **** have to say
12:41 PM [**********] hello **********
12:41 PM [**********] main speaker when one knows what they are talking about there is no need to air their intel for possible redicule.
12:41 PM [main speaker] ********** no problem at all, i have more respect for someone that WOULD question anything i or anyone said, then to sit and gobble up what ever someone put out there. Question everything
12:41 PM [**********] main speaker is it possible that your resources will at one point let you know when they may possibly RV or are they in the dark as we are?
12:41 PM [**********] The truth never needs to be defended, it can stand alone.
12:42 PM [**********]
12:43 PM [main speaker] ********** they know exactly when it is, however i dont. Thats the reality of this situation, this informatioin could bring down countries or economies, and is not "just put out over the phone or skype", but i will be givin a heads up
12:44 PM [**********] Let me guess SOON right.
12:44 PM [**********] good enough for me!! THX MAIN SPEAKER!!
12:44 PM [main speaker] but as anyone with a reasonable ammount of common sense can tell, ********** , yes we are right there
12:44 PM [**********] ********** were **** comments posted
12:44 PM [**********] main speaker that totally makes sense. Thanks for sharing what you do. We all appreciate the info.
12:44 PM ********** YES *** THEY ARE
12:44 PM [main speaker] ********** yw of course
12:44 PM [**********] ty
12:45 PM [******] hey peeps
12:49 PM [***********] hey main speaker..what are you hearing about the demonstrations tomorrow? the media is saying that no less than 40 govt intel sources are alerting them to the fact that the demonstrations are being targeted specifically for bombings and stabbings and out and out bloodshed tomorrow
12:49 PM [*****] Do they have the media silenced
12:49 PM [main speaker] ***** what do u want to know
12:49 PM [main speaker] *********** yes that is true, it could and most likely will be a very ugly day in iraq
12:50 PM [***********] but..they are also saying that the shiites have across the board decided not to participate which will take alot of the wind out of the potential for violence
12:50 PM [*****] Have fun *** ski safe
12:50 PM [*****] I know there was 1 suicide bomb this morning. Is the demonstations already started, or was that justa a particular incident?
12:51 PM [main speaker] ***** the media is not silenced in the way u might think, what actually happens over there is after any parl session of gov event, the media that was called their to cover is physically handed their story, it is pre written by gov writers, they do not change it, they take it back and it is printed. Thats how the media is controled
12:51 PM [***********] no *****..that was pre-demonstration
12:51 PM [main speaker] *********** its not the shiites or the sunnies that are going to be the problem, its the terrorist which will use the gathering of people as a chance to bomb these groups
12:52 PM [*****] Thanks main speaker.
12:52 PM [main speaker] the protestors will not be the problem, its those looking to cause problems
12:52 PM [*****] Thank you too ***********
12:52 PM [*****] I agree main speaker
12:53 PM [*****] That is my concern main speaker about the terriorist. They are evil.
12:53 PM [main speaker] ***** yes, and the potential is there for tomorrow to be a very bloody day
12:53 PM [main speaker] the sad thing is whether tomorrow was a celebration or a protest, the risk for this would be the same
1:13 PM [******] you all know ive been in this a long time and have done more than my fair share of research and I will have to say that main speaker is one of the most knowledgable dinarians I have met in this venture.....not just intelwise...but knowledge of the entire process .....I appreciate all who bring to the table
1. Person has people watching every move all the main players in Iraq and knows what each is doing at all times of any day: who they are meeting with; what they are talking about; what they are planning to do next
2. Gurus or person reads one obscure article that was completely false and it stirs up the entire dinar world
3. Maliki fleeing, Allawi leaving, the government not being formed were used as examples
4. The government was formed as of 12:30 on Feb 2....all the ministers
5. Those with actual knowledge of the situation tend to keep their mouth shut most of the time. They do not have nightly sermons of what their sources are telling them
6. When one knows what they are talking about there is no need to air their intel for possible ridicule
7. His sources know the date for when this will happen, however, he does not
8. He will be given a heads up
9. The reality of the situation is that the date/rate information could bring down countries or economies, and is not "just put out over the phone or skype"
10. Anyone with a reasonable amount of common sense can tell we are right there
11. Regarding the media and possible censure or non-disclosure, he says that the media are given what to report in the news after parliament sessions. They do not change it
12. Tomorrow's demonstration has the potential to be very bloody because of the terrorists
It should be noted that the "main speaker" had a few people vouch for his intel.
12:36 PM [main speaker] ***** no i dont, i have people that watch every move of all the main players, and i know what each is doing at just about any time of any day, who they are meeting with, what they are talking about, what they are planning to do next, and then guru's and people come into chat reading one obscure article that was complete BS and stir the whole dinar world by talking of maliki fleeing, allawi leaving, the government not being formed, which it was, as of 12:30 on Feb 2nd, all the ministers. So i know whats going on in iraq.
12:36 PM [main speaker] ********** i'm good **********, how are u doing
12:37 PM ********** **********, i dont do this often but i will back up MAIN SPEAKER and his intel. He has excellent sources....worth listening too!
12:37 PM [**********] hey **** and i second that
12:37 PM [main speaker] ********** i'm always here, just getting sick of the nonsense put out by both new media in iraq, and the guru's in the good old dinar world
12:37 PM [**********] okay thanks , sorry if I sounded like I was being rude , just was wonder how you make statements as strongly as you do
12:37 PM [main speaker] **** thanks bud, and right back at ya
12:37 PM [**********] ty main speaker
12:37 PM [**********]
12:38 PM ********** ********** i have never heard you be rude once in all the time i have known you.... never a problem!!!
12:40 PM [main speaker] ********** no problems **********, as i'm am sure you know, in the real world, those with actual knowledge of the situation, tend to keep their mouth shut most of the time, not have nightly sermons of what their sources are telling them, so i just sit back and watch most of the time.
12:40 PM [**********] so what's the date and the rate????
12:41 PM [**********] sorry just being silly! thanks for you info main speaker
12:41 PM [**********] what did **** have to say
12:41 PM [**********] hello **********
12:41 PM [**********] main speaker when one knows what they are talking about there is no need to air their intel for possible redicule.
12:41 PM [main speaker] ********** no problem at all, i have more respect for someone that WOULD question anything i or anyone said, then to sit and gobble up what ever someone put out there. Question everything
12:41 PM [**********] main speaker is it possible that your resources will at one point let you know when they may possibly RV or are they in the dark as we are?
12:41 PM [**********] The truth never needs to be defended, it can stand alone.
12:42 PM [**********]
12:43 PM [main speaker] ********** they know exactly when it is, however i dont. Thats the reality of this situation, this informatioin could bring down countries or economies, and is not "just put out over the phone or skype", but i will be givin a heads up
12:44 PM [**********] Let me guess SOON right.
12:44 PM [**********] good enough for me!! THX MAIN SPEAKER!!
12:44 PM [main speaker] but as anyone with a reasonable ammount of common sense can tell, ********** , yes we are right there
12:44 PM [**********] ********** were **** comments posted
12:44 PM [**********] main speaker that totally makes sense. Thanks for sharing what you do. We all appreciate the info.
12:44 PM ********** YES *** THEY ARE
12:44 PM [main speaker] ********** yw of course
12:44 PM [**********] ty
12:45 PM [******] hey peeps
12:49 PM [***********] hey main speaker..what are you hearing about the demonstrations tomorrow? the media is saying that no less than 40 govt intel sources are alerting them to the fact that the demonstrations are being targeted specifically for bombings and stabbings and out and out bloodshed tomorrow
12:49 PM [*****] Do they have the media silenced
12:49 PM [main speaker] ***** what do u want to know
12:49 PM [main speaker] *********** yes that is true, it could and most likely will be a very ugly day in iraq
12:50 PM [***********] but..they are also saying that the shiites have across the board decided not to participate which will take alot of the wind out of the potential for violence
12:50 PM [*****] Have fun *** ski safe
12:50 PM [*****] I know there was 1 suicide bomb this morning. Is the demonstations already started, or was that justa a particular incident?
12:51 PM [main speaker] ***** the media is not silenced in the way u might think, what actually happens over there is after any parl session of gov event, the media that was called their to cover is physically handed their story, it is pre written by gov writers, they do not change it, they take it back and it is printed. Thats how the media is controled
12:51 PM [***********] no *****..that was pre-demonstration
12:51 PM [main speaker] *********** its not the shiites or the sunnies that are going to be the problem, its the terrorist which will use the gathering of people as a chance to bomb these groups
12:52 PM [*****] Thanks main speaker.
12:52 PM [main speaker] the protestors will not be the problem, its those looking to cause problems
12:52 PM [*****] Thank you too ***********
12:52 PM [*****] I agree main speaker
12:53 PM [*****] That is my concern main speaker about the terriorist. They are evil.
12:53 PM [main speaker] ***** yes, and the potential is there for tomorrow to be a very bloody day
12:53 PM [main speaker] the sad thing is whether tomorrow was a celebration or a protest, the risk for this would be the same
1:13 PM [******] you all know ive been in this a long time and have done more than my fair share of research and I will have to say that main speaker is one of the most knowledgable dinarians I have met in this venture.....not just intelwise...but knowledge of the entire process .....I appreciate all who bring to the table
2-24-11 Allawi postponed his news conference to announce his withdrawal from the political process
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A senior source revealed that Allawi was to hold a press conference today to which it was hoped he would withdraw from the political process
2. The source said Allawi was subjected to International pressure which prevented him from making the announcement of his withdrawal from the political process
3. The source confirmed that there are intentions from the Baathist and terrorist groups trying to exploit the demonstrations on Friday
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A senior source revealed that Allawi was to hold a press conference today to which it was hoped he would withdraw from the political process
2. The source said Allawi was subjected to International pressure which prevented him from making the announcement of his withdrawal from the political process
3. The source confirmed that there are intentions from the Baathist and terrorist groups trying to exploit the demonstrations on Friday
2-24-11 China confirms its desire to develop relations with Iraq
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1. China expressed its desire to develop relations with Iraq and its continued strong support for the completion of the requirements to lift the sanctions (Chapter 7)
2. The Vice Chinese Foreign Minister said the country is seeking to strengthen cooperation at all levels
3. Talabani praised the Chinese support for Iraq in the international forums, particularly regarding the lifting of the sanctions
This is good news.
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. China expressed its desire to develop relations with Iraq and its continued strong support for the completion of the requirements to lift the sanctions (Chapter 7)
2. The Vice Chinese Foreign Minister said the country is seeking to strengthen cooperation at all levels
3. Talabani praised the Chinese support for Iraq in the international forums, particularly regarding the lifting of the sanctions
This is good news.
2-24-11 Maliki Upset to Leave the Senior Officials and a Number of Ministers Out of Iraq, Such as Demonstrations
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1. Maliki expressed his displeasure of quite a few officials and parliamentarians who left Iraq for fear of the results of the demonstrations to be held on Friday
2. A source said that Maliki told some close to him that the demonstrations are the first test of the will of the new government and noted that a number of officials failed the exam when they decided to leave Iraq instead of listening to the demands of the demonstrators
3. Maliki held several meetings with government officials and a number of tribal leaders from different regions, and he said that the Iraqi people want the implementation of the reforms of services and infrastructure programs accelerated
4. A source at the Baghdad airport witnessed a large number of MPs and politicians who attempted remove a total of 1,000,200 thousand dollars
If the news of what Maliki did in Kuwait is true, it's hard to blame followers who were just taking a lead from their leader!
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DD
1. Maliki expressed his displeasure of quite a few officials and parliamentarians who left Iraq for fear of the results of the demonstrations to be held on Friday
2. A source said that Maliki told some close to him that the demonstrations are the first test of the will of the new government and noted that a number of officials failed the exam when they decided to leave Iraq instead of listening to the demands of the demonstrators
3. Maliki held several meetings with government officials and a number of tribal leaders from different regions, and he said that the Iraqi people want the implementation of the reforms of services and infrastructure programs accelerated
4. A source at the Baghdad airport witnessed a large number of MPs and politicians who attempted remove a total of 1,000,200 thousand dollars
If the news of what Maliki did in Kuwait is true, it's hard to blame followers who were just taking a lead from their leader!
2-24-11 Jumaili: Allawi may resign from the Strategic Council of Policies; Post not meeting the aspirations of the people
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1. A member of the List said that Allawi is no longer interested in the post of the President of the National Council of the Supreme due to the procrastination by the National Coalition for the adoption of the law of this Council
2. The MP from the List said noted that their coalition wants to have decision-making authority, including but not inconsistent with the powers of the PM or President of the Republic
3. She said that within the rules of the procedure approved by the draft law, the Council is supposed to have executive powers and be the architect of resolutions
4. She also said that Allawi will resign from the position
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A member of the List said that Allawi is no longer interested in the post of the President of the National Council of the Supreme due to the procrastination by the National Coalition for the adoption of the law of this Council
2. The MP from the List said noted that their coalition wants to have decision-making authority, including but not inconsistent with the powers of the PM or President of the Republic
3. She said that within the rules of the procedure approved by the draft law, the Council is supposed to have executive powers and be the architect of resolutions
4. She also said that Allawi will resign from the position
2-24-11 Iraqi PM to country: Stay away from Friday demo
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. Maliki warned his peaple to boycott the protest scheduled for Friday, saying it was being organized by supporters of Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida
2. He gave no proof of his assertion in his speech
3. His warning was another sign of the worry Iraqi officials feel that the uprising demanding regime change in the many parts of the ME will buffet Iraq
4. Maliki said he didn't want to deprive Iraqis of their right to protest legitimate demands, but wanted it to happen with someone other than Saddamists, terrorists, and al-Qaida standing behind the march
5. He said they are planning to take advantage of tomorrow's demonstrations
This articles says the Interior has 40 documents showing there will be terrorist acts during the demonstration of Friday
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. Maliki warned his peaple to boycott the protest scheduled for Friday, saying it was being organized by supporters of Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida
2. He gave no proof of his assertion in his speech
3. His warning was another sign of the worry Iraqi officials feel that the uprising demanding regime change in the many parts of the ME will buffet Iraq
4. Maliki said he didn't want to deprive Iraqis of their right to protest legitimate demands, but wanted it to happen with someone other than Saddamists, terrorists, and al-Qaida standing behind the march
5. He said they are planning to take advantage of tomorrow's demonstrations
This articles says the Interior has 40 documents showing there will be terrorist acts during the demonstration of Friday
2-24-11 Parliamentary security ministries works delayed attribute to
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1. The security ministries delays are being attributed to candidates
2. The National Alliance said that the delays is to provide politicians the ability to fill Cabinet positions that remain unfilled
3. He also said due to a delayed submission of the security candidates, we won't see the security positions resolved until next week
4. He pointed out that even if there is no consensus on the names, Maliki has alternative candidate names
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DV (membership required)
1. The security ministries delays are being attributed to candidates
2. The National Alliance said that the delays is to provide politicians the ability to fill Cabinet positions that remain unfilled
3. He also said due to a delayed submission of the security candidates, we won't see the security positions resolved until next week
4. He pointed out that even if there is no consensus on the names, Maliki has alternative candidate names
2-24-11 Al-Iraqiya awaits Maliki’s response to security post allocations
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1. The List said that it is still waiting for a response from Maliki over the issue of the unallocated security ministries
2. The spokesman for the List said they still have not received a response from Maliki
3. The List has repeatedly complained there is no logical justification for Maliki to delay naming the 3 security ministers any longer and has not noted any seriousness on the part of Maliki about resolving the issue
4. Mulla said the security in the country is compromised and further delays in allocating the 3 ministries, especially now that the political blocs have named their candidates, are unwarranted
5. Maliki announced last Thursday he would submit the names of the alternative candidates for the security ministries to parliament, if there was a failure to reach consensus
6. The List maintains that it was agreed in the Erbil meetings prior to the formation of the government that the List would hold the Ministry of Defense and the National Council would take the Interior Ministry
7. The remainder of the article provides historical reference on this topic
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. The List said that it is still waiting for a response from Maliki over the issue of the unallocated security ministries
2. The spokesman for the List said they still have not received a response from Maliki
3. The List has repeatedly complained there is no logical justification for Maliki to delay naming the 3 security ministers any longer and has not noted any seriousness on the part of Maliki about resolving the issue
4. Mulla said the security in the country is compromised and further delays in allocating the 3 ministries, especially now that the political blocs have named their candidates, are unwarranted
5. Maliki announced last Thursday he would submit the names of the alternative candidates for the security ministries to parliament, if there was a failure to reach consensus
6. The List maintains that it was agreed in the Erbil meetings prior to the formation of the government that the List would hold the Ministry of Defense and the National Council would take the Interior Ministry
7. The remainder of the article provides historical reference on this topic
2-24-11 Frank26 Post: KTF Missions 2/23/11
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1. Sistani returns from Iran and tells people not to cause trouble on Friday
2. Maliki gives Allawi some of his power
3. Maliki says sorry I took it last year, but if they are going to throw rocks at me, I want them to throw rocks at you too
4. Allawi is in London and says there will be a succession. What's that mean?
5. He replaces who? He succeeds what or who?
6. Frank's team is trying to find the answers
7. Maliki feels giving some of his power to Allawi is not enough to protect him so he calls the world to tell them he will make a speech on Friday
8. Demonstrators start today...before Friday
9. What will Maliki say? That he is in charge? That would be dumb. That you are about to RI/RV because this weekend you announce to the wolrd your GOI? That would be smart
10. Maybe he'll say they RI/RVd that morning? That would be smarter
11. CNN says that the IQD is about to RV, but no link
12. Frank will show 3,500 contracts that have been paid by the GOI on his call tonight
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DD
1. Sistani returns from Iran and tells people not to cause trouble on Friday
2. Maliki gives Allawi some of his power
3. Maliki says sorry I took it last year, but if they are going to throw rocks at me, I want them to throw rocks at you too
4. Allawi is in London and says there will be a succession. What's that mean?
5. He replaces who? He succeeds what or who?
6. Frank's team is trying to find the answers
7. Maliki feels giving some of his power to Allawi is not enough to protect him so he calls the world to tell them he will make a speech on Friday
8. Demonstrators start today...before Friday
9. What will Maliki say? That he is in charge? That would be dumb. That you are about to RI/RV because this weekend you announce to the wolrd your GOI? That would be smart
10. Maybe he'll say they RI/RVd that morning? That would be smarter
11. CNN says that the IQD is about to RV, but no link
12. Frank will show 3,500 contracts that have been paid by the GOI on his call tonight
2-24-11 Iraq expects wave of demos Friday
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A wave of public demonstrations is expected to sweep across Iraq on Friday
2. Protesters will be calling for better living conditions, employment opportunities, and social justice
3. Campaigners have called for the demonstrations on social network sites and have set the 25th for a day of protests
4. Iraqi officials warned that insurgents may exploit the occasion to attack the rallies of demonstrators
5. Maliki said earlier this week that the demonstrations are politicized by "evil-intentioned people" and that through the demonstrations militants can regain their sway over the country
6. Baghdad operations command has intelligence information that suicide bombers are preparing to target demonstrators
7. Some see this intelligence as an excuse to head off the demonstrations because security forces were able to provide security for more than 2 million pilgrims during the Shia ceremonies in southern Iraq in recent months
8. The remainder of the article is largely in reference to news already printed
Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article
1. A wave of public demonstrations is expected to sweep across Iraq on Friday
2. Protesters will be calling for better living conditions, employment opportunities, and social justice
3. Campaigners have called for the demonstrations on social network sites and have set the 25th for a day of protests
4. Iraqi officials warned that insurgents may exploit the occasion to attack the rallies of demonstrators
5. Maliki said earlier this week that the demonstrations are politicized by "evil-intentioned people" and that through the demonstrations militants can regain their sway over the country
6. Baghdad operations command has intelligence information that suicide bombers are preparing to target demonstrators
7. Some see this intelligence as an excuse to head off the demonstrations because security forces were able to provide security for more than 2 million pilgrims during the Shia ceremonies in southern Iraq in recent months
8. The remainder of the article is largely in reference to news already printed
2-24-11 CBI auction results
Currency Auctions
Announcement No. (1842)
The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 24-FEB-2011. The results were as follows:DETAILS | NOTES |
Number of banks | 15 |
Auction price selling dinar / US$ | 1170 |
Auction price buying dinar / US$ | ----- |
Amount sold at auction price (US$) | 154,496,000 |
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) | ----- |
Total offers for buying (US$) | 154,496,000 |
Total offers for selling (US$) | ----- |
Dollar's exchange rates / in Baghdad markets
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