Monday, January 31, 2011

1-31-11 Prime Minister Nouri Kamil al-Maliki Meets With Heads of Independent Agencies

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. Maliki met with all of the independent bodies
2. Maliki said the Constitution is clear and explicit and adopts a process of separation of powers, but there lacks a separation and this is causing conflict
3. Maliki said the independent bodies are independent of the laws which they operate from
4. He seeks to find a legal system coordinated and integrated, and build an institution not founded upon corruption, bribery, and illegal methods
5. Maliki does not want to influence the independent bodies as long as they are based on the law, and he wants the House legislation to support them in preserving the interest of the State
6. Maliki stressed that this meeting was to clarify the picture in front of everyone
7. He assured everyone that the independent bodies will work without changing the laws and that its independence will be protected and respected

See related article

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