Saturday, February 26, 2011

2-26-11 Skype chat - Okie Oil Man on MTT


1. Okie has been on the phone with Iraq for the last 2 hours
2. Base rate is $3.22
3. GOI is seated and budget is now official as of 2am
4. Next week is our week
5. Over 3,000 contractors paid
6. 30% of the budget was released today; they are spending money now
7. Okie is saying on the call that the UST is there to help them RV since they do not know how to do it
8. Since the budget is "official", they can now spend the budget at the RV rate


2:33 PM  Okie is saying this live on MTT [****] He has been on the phone with Iraq for 2 hours [****] Base rate 3.22 he says [****] The Gov is seated and Budget is passed and NOW official as of 2 am [****] He said Gov is seated and next week is our week and He prays it is true - because it is coming strate from Iraq with a translator for the last several hours [****] okie has been on phone with iraq - budget was only officially settled this morning at 2 am their time - base rate is approx $3.22 - parliament meeting this afternoon - smoke screens have been there - government is seated - budget is passed and made official at 2 am this morning - now paying in dinar to employees - loading smart cards tuesday - [****] [****] The official GOV has now been formed! Over 3000 contractors paid - Budget in effect NOW officially! It is an absolute that we will have an RV with in the next few days OKIE says! [****] Today they launched 30% of the Budget today - they are spending MONEY NOW!! [****] Okie says he is just the messenger - He has NO agenda but to deliver the NEWEST information given to all of us! [****] blueice114 does okie think we are good for next week [*****]  - Yes [****] Timeline tonight - Wed. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is not a slam at Oakie who I think is just repeating the best he can get. However, it doesn't make any sense for the GOI to py contractors with the old rate if it is going to RB any time soon, unless they paid then based on the RV rate. Otherwise the contractors will just hold their 1170 dinars until it RV at $3.22 and get 3,220 times their money. Where is the G-Man wrong on this?
