Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chat item from PD -- IMF ability to RV

ragwin] JUST RECEIVED. GOES ALONG WITH OTHER INTEL..............This morning I have learned that it is in the interest of Iraq for the progress of their country in terms of trade that the IMF will be revaluing the Iraqi dinar on Jan. 14th. We know this person and she updates us almost daily from the State Department. Then we have our own source within the State Department and we called him and asked if he was at the meeting this morning and he said YES, and YES it is true that the IMF will do the RV on Iraq. So there you have it from two sources. Major and I mean major phone call very high Intel source!! RV has happened!! Starting off in other countries at $3.22 Dinar was RV at 3.22 in Kuwait and Jordan yesterday before midnight Mideast time and being allowed to cash in before the rest of the world. A period of 24 hrs is being allowed for their pre-RV cash in. RV public worldwide is imminent. Please there is a rate and live of $5.27 this will climb to that after certain countries cash in....

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