Friday, January 14, 2011

1-14-11 Someone's view on where we stand

1. All GCC(?) countries have been notified that the RV HAS taken place
2. $3.22 is bottom rate, $5.27 is the target rate, and $6.36 is the CBI rate ($6.18 for us)
3. ME banks exchanging at lowest rate.  This will allow their people to sell back to the CBI and gain huge profit overall.
4. Forex rate is $5.27
5. US Treasury will likely steal amounts above $ patient!!!!  Wait for the higher rate or go to Dinartrade or Dinarbanker.

<<< ****] This is a composite of information to let everyone know where we are today. All of the GEC countries have been notified that the RIV has taken place. They have been given the rates as $3.22-Bottom rate, $5.27 as the target rate and 6.36 as the CBI rate [minus the charges of 18 cents per dinar which leaves us at $6.18]. The ME Islamic Banks are exchanging or cashing in at the lowest rate for their own profit in other words they are giving $3.22 to $3.54 for Iraqi Dinars which gives their own people a huge profit and allows them to hold the Dinar to sell back to the CBI for $5.27-6.18. The Forex rate is $5.27 which is the target rate and once published on the Forex is irrevocable. In My OPINION we may see the lower rates on Tuesday as the US Treasury will surely try to steal the amount above the $3.22. So everyone be careful and patient, cash in small amounts for the lower rate , wait a couple of days and the rate should rise to the $5.25 rate and Ali says he is going to use the CBI buy rate as our rate of $6.18. Everything is coming together abeit slow as Hell. But our Journey is over folks just remain seated until we reach the gate.

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