Friday, January 14, 2011

1-14-11 Chase bank rumor

1.  Chase said they would exchange at a rate of $3.00

My husband and I work in xxx, for xxxxxxxxxxx. Nearly everyone in our office have bought Dinars and are constantly seeking information. One of my coworkers has a sister-in-law and niece who live just outside of Orlando, FL, who also own Dinars but follow another site. Naturally the two families compare Intel.Yesterday his niece called Chase in her town. She asked the assistant manager if she would be able to cash her Dinars when they revalued. He asked her how much she owned and she told him 250,000 Dinars. He put her on hold and when he came back he told her that her Dinars would be worth over $750,000 USD. She asked if she could come in to cash out and he told her that they knew the rate but must wait for the announcement to begin cashing in customers. This sounded very positive to all of us in our office. Hope it does to you too. NOT MY FAMILY RUMOR FROM RUDY'S SITE


  1. How about we get that Chase bank location and phone number so we can verify?

  2. Why do we need to verify everything? So that bank gets thousands of calls? Why don't we just accept the stories at face value and Believe It or NOT? Just sayin'.... :-)
