Friday, January 14, 2011

1-14-11 Chat from 1-13 regarding slow rollout of RV

1. Points out that no guru ever proposed this scenario, and does so correctly
2. Slow rollout pulling in large denoms country by country
3. Once rollout is complete, they let market take over
4. Possibility that this may not go onto Forex until they are ready
5. Unsure if US laws would allow what is happening in the ME now (supposedly) to happen here without it going on Forex

This was an interesting discussion. Good points were raised...all speculation, of course. Nevertheless, what if? Along those lines, what if it is as they say in this discussion? What if they are rolling this out country by country and pulling in the large denoms for lower than the value we think it may come out at ($3.22 or $5.27)? How smart is that? You get a controlled rollout before it ever hits Forex. CBI gets to pull in the large denoms and then when the rollout is done, the eventual rate pops up. Hmmmm...they pulled in all those denoms at a much lower rate, but now the money is worth more. Smart smart smart man that Shabi is!
XXXXX chat 1/13/2011 @ 11:42 PM CST

[XXXXX] What’s the good word?
[dmitch] you tell us!!!
[XXXXX] well, I’m not sure, but if you take all the info out today and yesterday, it appears that we need to open our minds to a different kind of RV, than we have imagined for +2 yrs
[XXXXX] wisely, it appears they are not going to do this like a store opening on black Friday
[XXXXX] wisely
[Txsun] I think you are right XXXXX
[XXXXX] if they want, all they have to do is open this to all the banks that were selling dinar to the traders and the sales are over
[dmitch] Hassani: Maliki will present the candidate to take over as national security adviser (Faleh Agayad) to parliament for a vote
[dmitch] viewtopic.php?f=14&t=20544
[XXXXX] no bank will sell any trader dinar for 1100 per million once that happens
[chloe] XXXXX did you see the article I sent about trying to cancel their debt?
[XXXXX] no ma’am, not yet
[XXXXX] is it consistent with what I am saying?
[chloe] ok I sent it to u
[chloe] yes I believe it is
[XXXXX] it is VERY possible and DOABLE
[XXXXX] for them to get the sales of dinar stopped and then start opening the RV to country after country, in an organized fashion and force you and me to fall into line with exactly the order they want us to cash in
[chloe] ok that also fits the audio I sent you too. Great minds lol
[XXXXX] agreed
[XXXXX] it is incredibly smart
[KingWm] makes good sense
[XXXXX] and NOT ONE SINGLE GURU has ever proposed this scenario
[chloe] true
[XXXXX] my hat is off to them if they do it this way
[KingWm] it reminds me of rumors of Kuwait having RV’d for 3 weeks before it went public
[chloe] it will gain momentum
[XXXXX] you will not be able to circumvent their system and you will get a great return
[Sally126] can you give us a scenario of the events that would fall into?
[XXXXX] and they will be in control the whole way
[Txsun] XXXXX it was suggested today that the only country authorized to sell dinar outside Iraq is the U.S.
[XXXXX] I saw that…or heard that, not sure if that was true or not, but one they start, it doesn’t matter anyway
[chloe] yes, Shabs is a very bright guy
[Txsun] Therefore most of the dinar in other countries came from dealers in the US
[XXXXX] Sally I can only guess
[Sally126] good enough for me
[chloe] Ali has an office in England
[XXXXX] but think of it like them handing out lotto #'s to buy tickets
[peepaw] XXXXX sounds like a very good scenario....and sound
[XXXXX] when your # (in this case, your country) comes up then it’s your turn to get in line
[Txsun] Chloe I cannot argue that…I thought all coalition countries would be included.
[chloe] I just want it to work in a manner that is feasible - this sounds very planned
[XXXXX] and they can even dictate WHO WILL BE ABLE TO CASH IN (which banks or traders they will honor them through) in each country as it progresses, just like they are doing in Jordan and Kuwait right now
[chloe] Well the market maker I am sure is involved with that as is Ali, BOA and Chase, I’m sure
[XXXXX] I think there will be more than one market maker
[chloe] demand
[XXXXX] your citizenship will dictate which country you cash in and when
[chloe] now that sounds arranged and in keeping with the control the governments will want to have
[XXXXX] and you will not be able to cash in some early, buy more and then cash those in too, b/c they will have the dealers curbed by then
[XXXXX] my hat is off to them if this is what they are doing
[chloe] keep the big boys under control hedge funds
[XXXXX] b/c they are lots smarter than us – no hedging this way – Chloe….it will be a controlled rollout pulling in all the large denoms country-by-country
[XXXXX] no hedging this way chloe
[chloe] exactly XXXXX – congrats on your analysis
[XXXXX] and once that is all complete, they will let the market take over in a level playing field worldwide…amazingly ingenious!
[chloe] now on the audio checkmate did say that the USA should be in front of the line for many reasons
[XXXXX] but all this is just my guess as to what we are seeing start to happen
[chloe] I feel certain that the Federal Reserve is very involved
[XXXXX] you and I are from THE country that liberated Iraq from a brutal dictator
[chloe] right
[harleyrider] I hope you’re wrong.
[XXXXX] but the Middle East is the source of most if not all of our dinar, so they have to take care of that first
[chloe] why – Harley?
[harleyrider] I've got my reasons.
[XXXXX] first you shut-off the spicket and then start draining the lake
[chloe] ok I respect that
[XXXXX] well, we are going to make huge money and that is a blessing, and blessings don’t come at OUR discretion, they come when they come, and for every one of them, I am grateful, but you are certainly entitled to your view Sir
[chloe] at some point however, there will a lot more freedom for cashing in etc.
[harleyrider] I just don't see how they can do what you’re talking about once they release to the USA because of FOREX
[chloe] probably after it is underway
[chloe] good point Harley
[XXXXX] they just don't make it "FOREX-able" until the big bills are in
[XXXXX] one way exchange only
[harleyrider] Once those banks start exchanging, FOREX will have it.
[lifeisgood2] I guess you are saying we will not see it listed on FOREX tonight if we cash in tomorrow
[XXXXX] I don't have all the details worked out and I am not a FOREX trader, but I think they can soft release this to make it work without anyone being able to hedge them
[fritzidinar] ? - how can this be happening at this time with no change in the CBI rate?
[XXXXX] like I said, this is all JUST A GUESS
[peepaw] no reason to be on FOREX if there is no float and the rate fixed....
[KingWm] if it is true that they are cashing in in those countries, then it is conceivable to me that they could do the same here before going to FOREX...just not sure that I buy it yet
[chloe] well Fritzi the CBI is from time to time doesn't update
[harleyrider] I think this is occurring in ME first and then released to the rest of the world.
[kelsguy1113] COME ON TOMORROW BE THE DAY!!!!!!
[chloe] well this is all new and a one-time event
[sprout43] LOL kels
[harleyrider] I hope IMF releases tomorrow.
[XXXXX] I do too Harley
[sprout43] and leave it to Iraq to do it like no other country
[KingWm] not trying to disagree with you XXXXX...just thinking out loud
[XXXXX] at any rate, take my idea or leave it, but they have thought way outside the box on this one
[chloe] I just want to say what a pleasure it is to seeing educated discussion and sharing of ideas. Thanks very much
[KingWm] XXXXX, I would a have to agree with that and that is certainly an interesting theory
[chloe] see
[lifeisgood2] yes! Thank you guys and gals for the great discussion
[Running Waters] This is outside the box, but I like it
[harleyrider] XXXXX, I just don't see how they could get that done.
[KingWm] if they are cashing-in in Jordan, that is international trade, and it is not on FOREX yet
[XXXXX] it may all be pre-agreed to, but it apparently this has been done before
[XXXXX] according to the PD conf call today
[KingWm] reminds me of Kuwait
[KingWm] rumor was it didn't "go public" for several weeks after "it happened"
[XXXXX] I think there can be PRIVATE international trade and PUBLIC international trade maybe?
[chloe] too much smoke for no fire
[KingWm] if that rumor had any truth to it, what would they have done for that 3-week period?
[harleyrider] They have released to ME countries due to agreement and I'm sure agreed by IMF.
[KingWm] sanctions were supposedly removed, right? Maybe they were given specific permission to do these things
[XXXXX] no one has had access to all that back room horse trading
[KingWm] nope
[harleyrider] I agree.
[XXXXX] we thought we have all the poop, but we did not
[KingWm] I guarantee there is a well planned conspiracy behind all of this
[chloe] Kuwait pm in Iraq and the royal family's bank begins trading. things that make you go hmmmmmm
[XXXXX] as long as they conspire to give me a lot of money for my dinar, I’m good with it!!!
[XXXXX] lol
[KingWm] well, we have learned a lot since leaving the nest
[KingWm] chloe yes
[chloe] =)
[lifeisgood2] lol
[harleyrider] I promise you that Forex will make sure they are not left out.
[chloe] agree harley
[XXXXX] harley, FOREX will trade this for many years to come

[chloe] how does DFI figure into this? if any
[harleyrider] The big money people will not let this occur.
[XXXXX] but in my scenario they will not touch it until after the initial phase of bringing in the large bills and the initial RV
[XXXXX] I am sure they have plenty themselves
[lifeisgood2] lol
[harleyrider] I promise you that FOREX will make sure they are not left out.
[chloe] agree harley
[XXXXX] harley, FOREX will trade this for many years to come
[chloe] how does DFI figure into this – if any?
[harleyrider] The big money people will not let this occur.
[XXXXX] but in my scenario they will not touch it ‘til after the initial phase of bringing in the large bills and the initial RV
[XXXXX] I am sure they have plenty themselves, but we will see and I think it will be obvious very soon, but I DO NOT THINK THEY ARE GOING TO TELL US THEIR PLAN – we will have to watch it unfold
[chloe] x:)
[harleyrider] I don't think our laws would allow your theory to occur in USA.
[XXXXX] ok
[chloe] I hope there is a book on this
[harleyrider] agree
[XXXXX] its Iraq’s money, not ours
[XXXXX] I don't think they give a rats hiney about what we think, or our laws
[capthowdy] XXXXX I agree, I have actually been talking to weR about this scenario for a few days just never brought it up…bashed too many times before still a little gun shy lol
[XXXXX] they can bash me all they want
[fritzidinar] Capthowdy…yup
[harleyrider] Our laws will apply if RV'd in USA
[capthowdy] lol XXXXX agreed
[XXXXX] well Harley it is not our RV, it’s theirs, we don’t RV their money – they do
[harleyrider] We'll see.
[chloe] I think we will see very soon too
[XXXXX] yes sir
[Cookie] good evening DV
[harleyrider] I hope tomorrow.
[chloe] me too
[fritzidinar] Cookie hey and welcome
[Cookie] may I ask a question XXXXX, if you don't mind?
[XXXXX] sure
[Cookie] when Kuwait RI wasn't it done there for a few weeks before it was released to other countries?
[XXXXX] I just presented it as food for thought anyway – I don’t know
[Cookie] I think I heard that somewhere
[XXXXX] I do know it showed up on the FOREX and Thompson-Reuters on a Wednesday morning at the 11:00 a.m. EST Treasury update
[Cookie] it might be that Iraq is copying the way Kuwait did theirs
[harleyrider] XXXXX, you are definitely a deep thinker. You should be on a think tank for solving corporate problems. You would be very good at that.
[XXXXX] lol
[chloe] I have heard that Treasury likes to update after banking hours
[XXXXX] if they will pay me, I will go - LOL
[XXXXX] Treasury updates twice a day – 11:00 a.m. EST and midnight – thanks Harley
[XXXXX] 11am est and midnight
[milndollarbabe] well its midnight!
[chloe] XOXO XXXXX
[XXXXX] when we all start talking we brainstorm
[Cookie] well I came in on the end of your chat, but it sounded very interesting XXXXX. I will read it all once it is posted thank you
[XXXXX] thanks
[Sally126] It makes perfect sense controlled RV! Good one XXXXX!
[XXXXX] speak without fear – that’s what it says

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