1. Another confirmation that the Jordan bank information is actually happening, or happened
2. Gold and oil down a bit
3. Frank26 feeling positive
Good morning! The news is that it is Friday and that there is no CBI auction on Fridays. Yes, I know most of you remember ... some still contact me ... lol!
I say this because the little that I will post this morning will predominantly be rumor.

Oil is down a bit but still over the $90 mark we watch ... watch for a end of week slide (although last week we saw a recovery)
Gold is off a bit as well after a fall-off starting about 2pm yesterday ... instead of a lengthy explanation here it is:

Frank26 seems peaceful again ... I'm glad ... this is his from last night:
I say this because the little that I will post this morning will predominantly be rumor.

Oil is down a bit but still over the $90 mark we watch ... watch for a end of week slide (although last week we saw a recovery)
Gold is off a bit as well after a fall-off starting about 2pm yesterday ... instead of a lengthy explanation here it is:

Frank26 seems peaceful again ... I'm glad ... this is his from last night:
Yesterday’s post at the end told you what our Team is doing with ME banks. I will very briefly tell you that of the four locations that we study…….we strongly believe that in the next few days we will see activities with the IQD at these banks. Read my post from yesterday if you want to understand why we are tracking ME banks. Also briefly ......DELTA wishes to tell you that Iraqi TV announced that the first official reading of the 2011 budget occurred this afternoon with the GOI. TV said that the foreign minister was drilled with questions today at the GOI concerning KU. TV hinted that the 2011 budget would be ready by February 1st.
He also sited this as the article of the day yesterday if you didn't see it: First Deputy Speaker of Parliament meets World Bank delegation http://translate.goo...late.google.com
This is a good article and puts Bidens visit into perspective in relation to al-Sadr's inciting of violence: http://www.breitbart...&show_article=1
I was going to touch on the obscene price of IQD and that banks are selling it cheaper if you are willing to wait 7-10 days ... although GID and DT are both back-logged and posted on their sites 5-7 day delays ... dealer's choice ... however, I don't have much time this morning and that (run-on) sentence summarizes and informs at the same time.
Instead I will spend some time on the Kuwaiti and Jordanian rumors ... I don't have time to write all about the Kuwaiti $.35/$2.84 reports but you can read it best at: http://peoplesdinar....h__1#entry88474
Whether you believe all of that or not ... just hold that thought for a minute.
Then there is the Jordanian site listing $3.22 ... yeah, I know, I asked you to hold on ... $3.10 for immediate cash out $3.45 if you deposit and wait, what? 30 days?
Well now ... I had all of that on my "back burner" not thinking about it much when one of my best friends calls last night. This guy has IQD (my urging) but knows very little about it ... he's part of what I call the A.W.R.Y. (Are We Rich Yet) crowd ... and you should know that he's the kind of guy that would rather take a beating than lie to me ... are we clear? ... he's the best guy I know! He calls me and tells me that he was in a SunTrust Bank in Cape Coral, Florida where one of the loan officers knows that he has IQD. The loan officer tells him that they (Sun Trust)had been on a conference call regarding the Jordanian buying of IQD at $3.22 which they said had started at one o'clock (their time I have to presume) there were some restrictions. As I remember it was that they had to have a Jordanian account, they had to have at least 10M, and something else that escapes me presently.
True? ... I have no idea ... I know that my buddy didn't lie to me ... third hand information? ... did he get lied to? ... I doesn't make sense that they would have lied to him and it seems to have too many details. Again, I have no idea ... but what amazes me folks, is that we are talking here in back-water Florida that small bank loan officers are discussing a foreign country's cashing in of another foreign country's currency. Just so you know ... that doesn't happen ... ever! There's apparently a recording that I intend to listen to.
I've had a friend from church (BofA loan officer) laugh at me for a couple of years ... he bought just a bit a short while back ... lol ... afraid I might be right and he might miss out!
Okay ... this is where I re-read and it looks like every other post where folks have tried to share and got blasted for it. I know that there will be those who will say that this has been de-bunked ... okay ... just play nice!
We've already established that while I buy for a group of folks and have at least once (sometimes up to 4X) every week for something like 15 months now (and did this week as well) ... that I am not a pumper! ... I merely help folks get a better price than they could get ordering by themselves.
Okay, so you arent' buying any of that ... that's fair ... but what if we tie this together with zero cash days (and the need to re-acquire the big notes) and my suggestion of another mechanism ... I know ... just sayin' ...
Caffeine deficient ... you have been warned ... lol
Gotta' Run ... again, be nice
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