Monday, January 24, 2011

1-24-11 Nighthk11 chat 2

Click on the title of this posting to get to the details of this chat on 1 Dinar (membership required)

1. Allowing Maliki to proceed will place in peril all economic advances that were made
2. Night was informed the the IMF, WB, and UN will intervene, but he doesn't know when they will do so
3. With Maliki in charge of the CBI, it leaves the RV at his discretion, which is not acceptable
4. THe question was raised as to whether Maliki can be replaced. YES
5. The GOI is on the verge of collapse because of his actions
6. Allawi, his nephew, and others are saying they want the Federal Court members replaced
7. Maliki's powerbase is just about gone
8. No matter what is in the press, there will be action that will result in the formation of the government
9. Night was informed that US Justice officials are heading to Iraq
10. Night believes the Iranian's are behind this
11. If this situation is allowed, the demands by countries to the UN for payment will be satisfied
12. This action may be the catalyst to get the final fire lit under the GOI
13. Night believes this is the last straw
14. Parliament can overturn the Federal Court's decision with an amendment, and they will--along with replacing all in the Federal Court
15. It doesn't matter if Maliki stays or goes, the RV must happen

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