Friday, March 4, 2011

3-4-11 Muqtada al-Sadr frustrates Allawi plot to topple al-Maliki?

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. Well informed sources, documents, and unequivocal evidence of the existence of an elaborate scheme lead by Allawi, supported by the US and Britain, Saudi, and in coordination with many media leaders and member of the army and other security agencies have been developing a plan in London during the various meetings attended by many of the parties
2. The plan was designed to complete the anger of the masses and rally the people so that they would be angry and resentful of the lack of services during the demonstrations on the 25th of February
3. The article describes how the demonstrations would be coordinated in such a way that some of them would provoke clashes with security forces
4. It was agreed with the groups that the center of the demonstrators would withdraw from Tahrir to the top of the bridge of the Republic and then penetrate the bridge
5. Another would then control the masses in a peaceful way to buy time until the afternoon of that day
6. The first evening of large groups of conspirators would kindle fire in all public places and markets to create terror and penetrate the green zone
7. The were to burn the Council of Ministers and the occupation of embassies, destroy and burn the Baghdad Provincial Council and seize the radio stations
8. They were then to announce the fall of the Maliki government and the formation of an emergency government and attribute the invitation of Allawi to form the Government of National Salvation to the US
9. They expected that Maliki and several officials would be killed by military and security leaders loyal to Allawi
10. Maliki was aware of this plot
11. The article talks about Allawi's previous failed attempts at executing the plan
12. Maliki's efforts to pay the security authorities to contain the protests by dispersing them thwarted some of the schemes
13. But what foiled the plot in full is the success of Maliki's agreement with Sadr to take a position
14. Maliki sent a private jet to Iran and offered him schemes, evidence, documents, and copies of the maps that were distributed to groups
15. When Sadr returned, he told his followers not to adopt the demonstration and postpone it after 6 months and only by popular referendum in the fight against corruption and public service
16. The article states the first episode was thwarted but it may not end because there are so many plans for settling accounts with Maliki
17. They talk about seizing power from Maliki through military coup

Maliki's broadened powers seen as a threat

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