Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2-9-11 Latest info from Iraqi sub-contractor


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1. Person who works in Iraq with Iraqi sub-contractors asked these questions:
1. do you have a ration card?
2. is the GOI seated?
3. have you heard anything about the new iraqi dinar?
4. what have you heard about the new value of the dinar?
2. They answered as follow:
1. They do not have a ration card. They bring a piece of paper every month and are given 10 items
2. 4 seats left
3. Yes there will be a new dinar and coins. The dinar will not have the zeros. 25,000 will be 25 and so on
4. They hear on the news that countries have signed a paper stating the dinar will be recognized throughout the world and will be exchangeable. The only country that hasn't signed is Kuwait. Kuwait will not sign "paper 7" (Chapter 7) until they are paid back the money that was stolen from them by Saddam. Once they sign, the dinar will go way up and the US dollar will go down. The dinar should be the same as the Kuwaiti dollar and possibly higher

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