Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1-25-11 Nighthk11 chat

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this chat on J4D

1. Events coming to light should make it clear that Maliki needs to go
2. Maliki allowed Iranian private security (quds force) on Iraqi territory with weapons
3. Only a coup or a vote of no confidence will remove Maliki
4. GOI members are speaking out in numbers now and some are advocating direct action to put him in check
5. Night believes the Federal Court will dissolve or be replaced
6. General consensus is is that they will not progress forward towards stated goals with him there
7. Some of the conversations here in the US is that they want him gone
8. It is clear he is trying to circumvent democracy and carry out the wishes of the Iranian government
9. Everything Maliki has done and is trying to do helps Iran
10. A weak Iraq is in Iran's best interest. In this way, they get around sanctions by using the wealth of Iraq
11. From Night's conversation, the State Department will use the GOI to deal with Maliki. This will be done to give the appearance of this being an "Iraqi decision"
12. If they do not resolve the final positions of government this coming week because of Maliki, they will vote to dismiss his government
13. Night also believes that in the next few months we will see many members of parliament dismissed
14. Maliki will be taking a regional tour on Sunday. The decision may be made while he is out of country
15. Many governments have re-established while the head was "on tour"
16. The Iraqi people Night has spoken with don't like Maliki and want him gone
17. Maliki has the court in his pocket, wants to control the Iraqi money supply, and has control of the military and police. Who would oppose him?
18. The Strategic Council would have oversight over Maliki and that is why he is stalling on that Council to be headed by Allawi
19. There will be no armed takeover. General Austin already delivered that message to Maliki from Obama and Biden
20. Night is looking for news this week that this has been resolved
21. Easy way out = Maliki goes on vacation, and they fire him and replace him with someone else
22. Why would Maliki leave when Parliament is re-convening Sunday?

Note: Today's news stated that the CBI will be returned to the control of the House. Perhaps this is the news Night is looking for?

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