Thursday, February 3, 2011

2-3-11 RV Rumor - update from yesterday's posting

Click on the title of this posting to get the posting from yesterday

1. Update is that he was told we should be able to cash in on Friday

[*****] was presented to me yesterday , from my brother who is retired from the military (20/25yrs), stated that , the R V had gone thru two nights ago! His intel had come from his banker , whom he has had a personal , and a professional relationship with for 10 / 15 yrs! This is an upper management...he also had invested 100,000 usd into the dinar ....I wont give bankers , or , bank name i believe it may have been illegal for him to make this investment , after the fact! Furthermore , I received mor intel yesterday evening stating that we should be able to cash-in , as soon as tomorrow (friday)...I dont have a "link" , or anything in writing , but , I trust the intel to be true...more so, I believe the source!!!


  1. This is a classic post possessing most of the elements used by crackpots: "Intel"; third hand source; source is military; poor spelling; no verifiable references; writer really and truly trusts this source. When RV does not happen on Friday, one will look in vain for an explanation or retraction on Saturday. Just sayin'...

  2. exactly this guys post are always the same he never has a real name i have gotten to the point where i ignore them
