Monday, February 21, 2011

2-21-11 Maliki plans escape via Kuwait in event of public revolution

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1. Maliki's visit to Kuwait was to arrange with Kuwaiti officials his family's escape from Iraq in case of the break-out of public revolution in the country, said a Gulf diplomatic source in Kuwait
2. While in Kuwait, Maliki sent an immediate message to Obama through the US Ambassador in Kuwait asking for an urgent meeting with Obama
3. Obama apologized and declined the request and blamed Maliki for not contacting him through the US embassy in Iraq
4. Obama told him the official channel is the US Embassy in Baghdad and not Kuwait
5. The source said Maliki didn't send his message through the US Ambassador in Baghdad for fear that his political opponents would know about it
6. Obama's response to Maliki indicates that the US administration is no longer siding with Maliki for his failure in meeting the conditions upon which the current government was formed
7. When Maliki received Obama's answer, he said in an angry tone,"Is this our reward?"
8. The Kuwaitis promised Maliki full support

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