Thursday, February 17, 2011

2-17-11 Frank26 & Delta Info: KTF Missions 2/16/11

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DD

1. Last month the PM from Kuwait came to visit Maliki
2. Shouldn't it have been the other way around given what Iraq did to Kuwait?
3. Our investment started with Kuwait and it will end in Kuwait
4. Moments after the Amir met with Maliki, he rushed back home to pull out 20+% of his country's 2011 budget and spread the wealth financially to Kuwait, and he also told them he would pick up their food tab until next year
5. How could have have made such a decision so impulsively when it wasn't in the budget?
6. Such a move would damage their MOF and MOP's budget, unless last month after their meeting te Amir told Maliki I am going home to please my people because you are going to raise the value of your currency of which I have been given much of
7. If this was the case, then there be issues in their budget
8. Frank thinks Maliki did not go to Kuwait to finish the RI
9. He says they found the rate in contracts and believe the rate will be lower than Kuwait's rate when the RI is announced
10. A committee will be formed to do whatever Maliki and the Emir discussed in privte
11. There are many interesting dates to study, and Frank will share

1. TV said that the UST and their deputies were busy meeting people
2. They met with the financial advisor committee that worked with Maliki and Shabibi on the reform of their currency's monetary policy
3. They reformed their monetary policy and created a map that they called Al Kharetah
4. Delta thinks it is significant that the UST is there going from meeting to meeting
5. TV said the GOI met yesterday and rejected the president's proposal for the 4th VP
6. TV mentioned the demonstrations in Wasit
7. They said so far demonstrations have been peaceful, but made it clear that there is great frustration
8. Delta says it is getting ugly no
9. The ME uprising is bleeding into Iraq now
10. Maliki made it clear to the representatives of each city that he wanted them to talk to the citizens
11. The demonstrations started peacefully and they calle out for the politicians to come out of the buildings to talk to them in the streets
12. As the hours went by, nobody came out and the yelling got louder
13. They finally resorted to burning a government building down
14. They did this because the mayor just bought a 70 mil dinar car
15. They yelled,"you do this while we are starving to death!!!"
16. TV said the budget has a good possibility of completing today
17. They also said that when Maliki returns from Kuwait, he is expected to turn in the remaining 3 ministries
18. They said as soon as the budget is done three hundred thousand jobs will be ready on 3/1 for Iraqi citizens
19. Frank calls attention to 2/24 and what the Emir is doing on that day

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