Monday, February 14, 2011

2-14-11 The Iraqi government to freeze tariffs indefinitely

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this article

1. The Ministry of Finance said they need to postpone the new tariff law
2. He said they are examining the possibility of suspending taxes on imports and noted that the House is the only one who can decide whether to postpone or not
3. He said a committee was formed to consider the possibility of applying the tariff law in an agreed upon timely manner, or to consider the possibility of postponing its application for a specific period
4. They will make a recommendation to the Cabinet within a week
5. The committee believes it should be postponed for a given period
6. There is discussion about delaying the law or reducing the percentage
7. They acknowledged the need for such legislation
8. An economic expert and deputy director of the CBI said the problem is that society is not aware of the requirements of an industrialized country, and they do not "buy" the requirements
9. He said they cannot raise the industrial sector with higher prices for production in the country and declining prices for imported goods
10. He also pointed out that the government will have to postpone the tariff law because of the failure of economic awareness in Iraq
11. He said the community will not tolerate increases
12. He said there is nothing wrong with postponing the law
13. He concluded that if Iraq wants industrial development, it must be at the expense of the consumer. They will not be able to develop happy consumers and industries at the same time

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