Thursday, January 27, 2011

1-27-11 Nighthk11 chat from last night

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this chat on DD

1. The Strategic Council was designed to bring a balance to the GOI and place a check and balance on Maliki
2. Night believes they will do something severe to Maliki's position and powers. Parliament is already calling for dismissal of the SFC (Supreme Federal Court)
3. Night believes Maliki's position is in peril
4. It was reported that Maliki is taking a regional trip, but he does not see a return date at this time
5. Night is thinking they might get the government formed and RV while Maliki is out so Maliki cannot take credit for the RV
6. Night says Parliament can vote without Maliki present
7. Belief is that the CBI situation must be resolved before RV
8. Parliament's meeting scheduled on Saturday to discuss the "mess" tells Night this issue is critical and that Parliament must act quickly to place Maliki and his court in check
9. There are things that the UN has discovered, which have not come to light, that could be considered treason
10. UNHRC are waiting for Maliki to leave office before bringing formal charges against Maliki
11. Government is not complete until seats are filled and a declaration by Parliament is made
12. With the loss of his powerbase, Maliki's recent actions represent a desperate man trying to consolidate and hold on to power. But, Iraqi's will not stand for thi
13. Powerful Iraqi politicians are angry
14. If Maliki survives this, he won't be able to breathe without Parliament watching him more closely
15. The Stretic Council, if in place, would have found this out and headed it off before it ever happened
16. Iraqi's are speaking out Maliki and his government
17. By mid-week next week, we should know what direction they will take
18. Allawi is out of the country again. Since Allawi is out often, Night believes this is one of the reasons why the US supported Maliki. Nothing can be done if you do not stay involved
19. Big "if"...If the government fills the seats with Biden's recommended candidates, Shabibi can pull the RV trigger while Maliki is away. This action might delay creditors from attempting to seize assets while Parliament addresses the CBI issue
20. Maliki's actions have placed in peril the plans of the CBI and stabilization of the money supply
21. More and more, the US wants Iraq to address their own problems
22. Night said that he was told Sadr was called back by Iran because their plans are not working. They did not expect an upsurge of the people against Maliki and the GOI. There is also an open arrest warrant against Sadr for murder

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