Saturday, January 22, 2011

1-22-11 Athena rumor

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on DD

1. Had a 2 hour private conference call yesterday with very high level sources
2. When Terry K said it was done and cited the rate, he was right
3. Will not show until after CBI updates on Sunday
4. All news of people cashing in at banks in other countries is true
5. Each individual bank made decisions to profit. They knew the rate
6. Monday is cash in, but one source said maybe Tuesday
7. One source said TK has been right, but the RV was stopped 6 different times
8. Terry has great sources. He was never wrong
9. Rate is high as evidenced by some banks cashing in at over $3
10. Thing 1 and 2 stuck their necks way out
11. Seeing it on Forex was huge as the IQD is not exotic anymore


  1. when has terry k EVER been right???

  2. Hi VB, according to PD and this lady's source, he's been right in the past, but the RV was stopped. We'll never really know right?!
