Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3-2-11 Iraq’s major blocks still argue over shaping country’s politics

Click on the title of this posting to get the details of this posting on TCN

1. The List confirmed its intention to form a National Council for the strategic policies, but the state of law coalition refused the List's proposal to vote on forming the council in parliament
2. On the 29t of December, Allawi announced the law of the National Council of policies was completed and would be submitted to parliament for voting at its next meeting after resolving differences with the National Coalition, and he indicated the Council will begin it work in February while confirming that he would have the same legal powers as Maliki
3. The List revealed a document signed by Barzani and Maliiki
4. The document states Maliki's position on the decision of de-Bathification in the election of the presidency of the parliament session, which was to abolish the decision
5. The leaders on the List stressed the need to implement the decisions before the formation of the new government, which must not take more than one month according to the Constitution

#5 is interesting. Why is it that they constantly are allowed to circumvent their Constitution?! Sure does make it difficult to determine when something is going to get done when you can't count on them following the Constitutional deadlines!

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